Finding Winnie a new friend - how long have we got?

Good luck whatever you decide, I think it’s quite a good idea, it would give both piggies plenty of time to get to know each other
I always find that a couple is the best match. And the age of your piggy and the new boar should work out fine. Of course there always is a chance that they don't like each other, but I would give it a try. To bond two adult females can be much more difficult than a boar-female match.

The only downside is that the boar will probably try the get to your girl while they are living next to each other. So it could be long weeks of frustrated boar to endure. I usually don't recommend to put a newly neutered boar next to a female for a longer period of time. Personally I would place his cage further apart from your girl's, because there is the possibilty that he will get over-excited. But you will see how it works out.
Thanks all, this is all really helpful info and we can have a think.

The point about space and how close to have them together is also a good one. Also I’ve just thought, as it’s summer, there would normally be times when we decamp the piggies to a cooler room for a several hours on the very hot days, and that room definitely doesn’t have space for two cages. If it’s 6 weeks he needs to be separated post op, that would be all of July and pretty much the first two weeks of august, so about the worst possible timing heatwave wise! We’d potentially have to put them in two different rooms on hot days which presumably mucks up the whole getting to know eachother thing?

In the meantime there is still one single girl left to potentially date this weekend. If that doesn’t work out then I think we’re looking at boys. But maybe one a bit further along his journey, if we have a choice.

If this recently neutered boy is the only option coming up, I’ll speak to the rescue about my worries and see what they say. He sounds really lovely but I wonder if he might be best bonding in a home with more space (and more bonding expertise- I’m not sure I’d know the difference between them liking eachother or not if they’re only interacting through the bars!).

Anyway lots to think about for us.

Thanks again
A boar/sow bonding does have a better chance of working out - all still about compatibility though.
Their ages don’t make any real difference only that bonding a sow with another sow can be harder as they get older as they tend to be more set in their ways, and this is why bonding with a boar can be a better option.

Getting to know through the bars is always a good idea. Being separated in separate rooms due to the heat would be less than ideal from a getting to know you and interaction point of view.

In terms of how they are interacting through the bars - the fact is, you won’t know until you try the actual bonding
Thanks- I think this is part of my worry, that we go somehow struggle through the 6 week period and then it doesn’t work anyway, which would be stressful for them and for us and presumably a bit torturous for the boy to be waiting all that time! I think we have to assume that London heat in the summer will involve moving them as it has every year so far, several days. We tried all the ticks and also bought an air cooler but it didn’t really make a dent in the heat, their main room becomes inhabitable on the worst days and I wouldn’t put them anywhere that doesn’t give them both the space they need.

Maybe a boy who’s ready to mingle already would be our best best, if we can hang on a bit longer to find one!

Thanks again - will update with any progress!
Latest update-Winnie had a date with another girl at a rescue today (1 year old ex mum) but they weren’t a match either.

There may be a couple of single boys for her to meet next week and I’m hoping that one of them will be a match.

Re the very freshly neutered boy, we explained to the rescue that space issues would make it tricky for us us to house them side by side comfortably for the required 6 weeks, so he’s now gone to someone else with more space.

I'm sure there’s someone out there for Winnie and hope we find them soon! She’s not a great traveller at the best of times (doesn’t eat, gets very nervous) and I know the stress of this isn’t at all ideal, but we want her to find the right person and through a rescue. Maybe third time lucky.

On a side note, it’s shocking how busy the rescues are compared to when we first got Betty and Winnie back in 2019. The place we have been dealing with has a huge waiting list of people looking to surrender their animals and my heart goes to the amazing people doing this work, it just must seem endless. ☹️
There will be the right companion for Winnie out there.
Just hang on in there.
You are doing a wonderful job in thinking through the issues and looking for just the right piggy.
Holding you in my thoughts
Thanks so much! That’s the mantra of the lady at the rescue - there’s a pig for every pig…so hopefully we’ll find one soon. Poor Winnie. She’s holding her weight without syringe feeding now which I’m pleased about but still very much not herself. Hopefully soon we will find someone!
I’m sorry the bonding didn’t work out.
Fingers crossed she finds herself a lovely man next week
Fingers crossed she will find her Mr right next week
Sorry to hear that. Did the place in Richmond ever get back to you about if they would flex their criteria re outdoor living? There are a 3 single ladies there now.

I’ll let you know if I see any more piggies on my travels across London/south east!
Thanks all, this is all really helpful info and we can have a think.

The point about space and how close to have them together is also a good one. Also I’ve just thought, as it’s summer, there would normally be times when we decamp the piggies to a cooler room for a several hours on the very hot days, and that room definitely doesn’t have space for two cages. If it’s 6 weeks he needs to be separated post op, that would be all of July and pretty much the first two weeks of august, so about the worst possible timing heatwave wise! We’d potentially have to put them in two different rooms on hot days which presumably mucks up the whole getting to know eachother thing?

In the meantime there is still one single girl left to potentially date this weekend. If that doesn’t work out then I think we’re looking at boys. But maybe one a bit further along his journey, if we have a choice.

If this recently neutered boy is the only option coming up, I’ll speak to the rescue about my worries and see what they say. He sounds really lovely but I wonder if he might be best bonding in a home with more space (and more bonding expertise- I’m not sure I’d know the difference between them liking eachother or not if they’re only interacting through the bars!).

Anyway lots to think about for us.

Thanks again


The problem with boar over-excitement that it happens anyway in the first few days whenever they meet. Just make sure that you cable tie any adjoining grids and peg a towel over the top on the boar's side so he cannot get out; things will settle down.

Personally, I have made good experiences in a few cases of boars having their recovery next to sows; including teenagers. Their body chemistry has more time to adapt to the presence of sow pheromones and to produce calming compounds. Just as long as they cannot get physically into the sow cage.

PS: You can if needed stack cages on top opf each other in a heat wave.
Hi again all.

As we speak winnie is currently on her third Introductory date to find a friend (via a recommended recuse). this time it’s with a younger girl (10 months, Winnie is 3.5) and they met yesterday lunchtime, side by side for a few hours which went well and then a neutral pen in the evening. It sounded like it had been going well and they were sitting together happily and all was very peaceful. The rescue lady is with them at all times and knows her stuff. Then late last night there was apparently a squeak and a dart and Winnie was found with the other girl’s fur in her mouth! No injuries thank goodness. The other big is a very fluffy aby.

They were separated then and in their own spaces for the night (but still side by side i think) and then back together this morning when apparently all is peaceful again and has been since.

Winnie is a small and timid pig with humans but was probably the boss of her old pair (and would pee spray Betty if she got on her nerves for example). I’ve never seen her go for a pig and bite fur though or anything like that.. 😔 Hoping this doesn’t mean it won’t work but it does sound a bit worrying. If this one doesn’t work we will keep looking- have been trying to find a boy as that sounds more likely to work but neutered boys are thin on the ground round here it seems..

anyway will let you know if this current bonding works. This was them early evening yesterday not long after being out together..

Hope it does work out.
Priscilla did take a chunk of fur out of Jemimah when they were bonding, plus some nips and scratches but they settled down and became best friends.
Hope things work out for Winnie too.
Oh it’s reassuring to know it needn’t be the end then! Thanks for sharing.

No more news from the rescue yet so I’m assuming things have stayed peaceful so far today which hopefully bodes well. Very nerve wracking, esp as I know how scared Winnie is in new surroundings. But if it goes well, the rescue plan to keep her there for 2 or 3 nights so that by the time we collect they’ve had a few days together. Fingers crossed they bond.. it’s been 7 weeks since she lost Betty and she’s not the same piggy, she needs a new pal. The last 2 bonding attempts failed within the first hour or so, so at least she’s gone a bit longer today bless her!

Thanks again!
Oh it’s reassuring to know it needn’t be the end then! Thanks for sharing.

No more news from the rescue yet so I’m assuming things have stayed peaceful so far today which hopefully bodes well. Very nerve wracking, esp as I know how scared Winnie is in new surroundings. But if it goes well, the rescue plan to keep her there for 2 or 3 nights so that by the time we collect they’ve had a few days together. Fingers crossed they bond.. it’s been 7 weeks since she lost Betty and she’s not the same piggy, she needs a new pal. The last 2 bonding attempts failed within the first hour or so, so at least she’s gone a bit longer today bless her!

Thanks again!
Fingers all crossed and good luck for a Winnie, hope it’s a match x
Thanks! The same rescue possibly have a boy coming in soon they think, which may be an option if this doesn't work out. So hopefully a couple of options, just want to see Winnie happy again, and even though it’s only one pig we’ll be bringing home, will be nice to free up a space as these rescues are packed full at the moment. I honestly don’t know how they manage, they’re such amazing people. Wish I had space to bring back more of them!
Fingers crossed that no news is good news. And May the bonding continue.
Good news! Rescue feel they're still getting on well - no overnight issues as they shared space all night for the first time, and all quiet so far today. So unless anything changes we'll be bringing them both home tomorrow night, after 3 and a half days bonding at the rescue.
Thanks all. Been deep cleaning and washing everything and I wonder if we should wash/F10 spray or temporarily remove the wicker tunnel - it will smell of Winnie and not sure how well you can wash things like that, any thoughts?! The plastic and fleece stuff is all easy to clean and make as neutral as possible. We’re giving them a good sized space with nothing that doesn’t have 2 exits etc and will make sure the food is scattered and everything is easy to get to.
