Teenage Guinea Pig
What clever boys, just the cutest thing to watch! It's amazing that they have invented a game for themselves
I’m still laughingSo I've been trialling some toys to find some that aren't too stimulating for Silver, and safe to be left in with them without them getting legs caught, or biting anything off they shouldn't. Anyway, the biggest, unexpected, hit with them has been the large grassy carrot. They don't chew it, they move it around and use it as a jump
I've been looking at agility equipment for rats to see if anything can be altered to be safe for their use. But if not I might just get them a few more carrots
(Excuse the obnoxious music, it was late at night and it made me laugh!)
Blind and deaf? Don't care
Hope it’s nothing but it’s always best to err on the side of cautionTheyre surprisingly smart, it took them no time at all to learn I was going to pick them up when I tap bear them, how to eat their veggies, where there water bottles are etc.
I've made an appointment for Pumpkin to have a check over, little scared the life out of me earlier. I have been pretty sure for a while know she is deaf, she rarely wakes up when I come into the room and doesn't react to sound while out of the cage but earlier she was completely unresponsive, even to throwing pellets near her, until I picked her up. She's lost a little bit of weight but other than that, she seems her regular self. Better safe than sorry though, her appointment is on Tuesday, but if she seems off I can always call and try to get a cancellation or an appointment with a different vet. Hopefully it's nothing.
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So proud of these boys, they're so independent! Even if they have made my bedroom stink of testosterone while I've got to try to sleep don't know what they've been upto all day but phew.. lots of boar smell lol
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Teenagers...their brain has moved out and the gonads have taken over! Belly is still trying to hold the fort and to keep the gonads running.
You must be so exhausted. My heart goes out to you. She is so lucky to be with you. I hope you can get some rest. Keep reaching out here. We're all here to support you. HugsEver get the feeling you just want to go lay face down somewhere for a week or so?
I didnt sleep last night worrying about Thistles bloodwork being done today. I was at least hoping it wouldn't matter if we got good news but really I have more questions than anything.
She was put under GA to get more blood, but they didn't get a drop. They tried both back legs, both sides of her neck and her vena cava, they also cut her back nails. While under, she regurgitated a large amount of food which obviously shouldn't happen..her chest is deformed which is preventing them accessing the artery for blood and could be putting pressure on her oesophagus and causing the drooling. Her sternum has always felt very prominent bit so do they all in pigs with no muscle mass, clearly hers is not from that though.
But we still don't know what's going on with her. My options are:
Keep doing what I'm doing, although I am beginning to reach my limit in regards to lack of sleep, missing meals, having absolutely no free time that isn't devoted to her needs..but of course if that's what she needs, that's what she will get.
We can also start from scratch, xray to check out the deformity, ultrasound her bladder, take a urine sample and a blood prick to check for glucose.
Once I've had a few days to catch up on sleep and digest the news, I will be going ahead with testing.
We do have 2 other options which are trial treating for Cushings but if she doesn't have it, we risk making her worse and her getting Addisons.
She will tell me when she wants to go, or she will take herself off in her own time so neither of those options feel right, I want to exhaust other options before potentially doing something that could make her worse.
So thats where we are with her While I was there I got some Gabapentin for Misty to try and I'll let him know how she gets on with that.
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Ever get the feeling you just want to go lay face down somewhere for a week or so?
I didnt sleep last night worrying about Thistles bloodwork being done today. I was at least hoping it wouldn't matter if we got good news but really I have more questions than anything.
She was put under GA to get more blood, but they didn't get a drop. They tried both back legs, both sides of her neck and her vena cava, they also cut her back nails. While under, she regurgitated a large amount of food which obviously shouldn't happen..her chest is deformed which is preventing them accessing the artery for blood and could be putting pressure on her oesophagus and causing the drooling. Her sternum has always felt very prominent bit so do they all in pigs with no muscle mass, clearly hers is not from that though.
But we still don't know what's going on with her. My options are:
Keep doing what I'm doing, although I am beginning to reach my limit in regards to lack of sleep, missing meals, having absolutely no free time that isn't devoted to her needs..but of course if that's what she needs, that's what she will get.
We can also start from scratch, xray to check out the deformity, ultrasound her bladder, take a urine sample and a blood prick to check for glucose.
Once I've had a few days to catch up on sleep and digest the news, I will be going ahead with testing.
We do have 2 other options which are trial treating for Cushings but if she doesn't have it, we risk making her worse and her getting Addisons.
She will tell me when she wants to go, or she will take herself off in her own time so neither of those options feel right, I want to exhaust other options before potentially doing something that could make her worse.
So thats where we are with her While I was there I got some Gabapentin for Misty to try and I'll let him know how she gets on with that.
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