Eriathwens piggies

I'm glad he can't work my phone, I wouldn't blame him if he called the RSPCA to take him back 🤣
I'm hoping eventually he will either get used to it, or he will realise its making him feel 10xs better. Its a shame we can't tell them it's for their own good.
He may be contacting both GPU and GPFANS about all these injections
He may be contacting both GPU and GPFANS about all these injections

I think I might be safe, he has discovered he can clean his penis by himself again and let's just say he's been doing more than cleaning it! 🤢🤣 so he seems quite happy again, he has also gained about 50g!

Panda is booked in on Monday for her implant so fingers crossed all this ridiculous hormonal business settles back down soon.

Mabels hospital cage has also been moved inside the herds enclosure so she can more easily get to know her new friends which she has been enjoying immensely. I wish I had taken a video but as I added the pigs back one by one she got increasingly excited by how many there were 🤣 she already seems quite fond of Amber, Fern and Delilah, I'm not going to be able to tell all the brown bums apart when they're buried in the hay 😅

I have an appointment later with Mabel as she still isn't eating properly, I am still syringe feeding her, shes doing well otherwise but I cant move her into a group until she is self sufficient.

I'll have to bring Silver along as he has somehow managed to shove hay and hair under his gumline and it looks like it's possibly becoming infected, given the hair is black I've a feeling he's grabbed the cats tail at some point and got his nose bashed on the cage bars for his trouble, he has gained weight though!

Hope that the visit to the vet goes well for both piggies.xx
Everything is good with Silver, he had the rest of the bits removed and everything was OK, no smell anymore.

Mabel less so, she has lost some weight, I had noticed her left front leg was painful so it's possible she has osteodystrophy or something similar. If she keeps losing weight we will xray, but she's back on painkillers to see if that helps.
Her appetite and poos are slowly improving still but there's obviously something going on, we just don't know what.
I'm thinking of xraying anyway, she has some similarities to Thistle and I wonder if she maybe has an enlarged heart like she did? Or a tumour somewhere..? I have a feeling we're going to be just palliatively keeping her comfortable at this point but she would have already passed by now if still in her old home so really, whatever good quality time we can give her is an improvement in that. Just sucks that there nothing concrete to fix.
I am pleased to hear Silver is feeling better. We had similar with Red twice when he had hay stuck round his teeth and under the gum.
So sorry to hear about Mabel, I have my fingers crossed for her. She's in the best place to have the best life possible for the longest time possible. How lucky these piggies were to find you.
Thanks both, fingers crossed. I'm thinking the herd may be a bit too boisterous for her, I may try her in with Gus and Ebony instead when she's a little more ready for friends, they're closer to her age and mobility levels at this point.
Sorry the news about Mabel isn’t as good as you would have hoped, but she’s in the right place to enjoy many more happy todays.

Glad that cute and handsome Silver is ok now.
Dropped Panda off to have her suprelorin implant put in, hadn't even got home before they called to say she was ready to collect again 🤣 she was so well behaved they managed to do it using only local aneasthetic.
While I was there I also collected more cisipride for Mabel and Gus' cartrophen injection which I've just given him, he was very well behaved too bless him.

Iris didn't appreciate getting a nose boop earlier 😅 she had a good try at taking off my fingernail lol


I was gone all day yesterday, I was taking part in the women's cross country running league and wasn't expecting to be away for so long, luckily Mabel did fantastic by herself, she ate a good amount of hay and dual care pellets, she did lose a little weight but she's building that up again today. I feel a little guilty for having such a good time away from home but it's very rare I get some time to myself for other hobbies, friends etc.
You deserved some time off. Mabel can make up any slight weight loss, you will come back to piggie caring refreshed after a few hours off.
Although if I'd done cross country my body would be paying for it!

I was definitely paying for it yesterday 😅 I was in bed by 11pm after a few ibuprofen! Normally it's rare I'm asleep by 1am.
Iris didn't appreciate getting a nose boop earlier 😅 she had a good try at taking off my fingernail lol

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I was gone all day yesterday, I was taking part in the women's cross country running league and wasn't expecting to be away for so long, luckily Mabel did fantastic by herself, she ate a good amount of hay and dual care pellets, she did lose a little weight but she's building that up again today. I feel a little guilty for having such a good time away from home but it's very rare I get some time to myself for other hobbies, friends etc.
Don’t they just make us feel guilty for taking time away from them? But it’s great that you got out and did something for yourself. Not sure about the tug of war going on with your fingernail, though!
They certainly do 😅 luckily no harm done and everyone is back to normal, or as normal as my pigs get anyway!

Tilly has an appointment next week, I forgot to update that 🙃 firstly to check her eyes as they're both starting to cloud over, ive been pretty certain for a while now she's completely blind so it's mainly to ensure that the structure of the eyes are still healthy and not causing her any pain or discomfort, secondly she's been having some pretty decent fluctuations in weight, almost 100g where she swells up but isn't bloating and acts perfectly normal, her abdomen is slack, soft and not painful, but overnight she goes back to looking like a deflated balloon as she usually does which is kind of weird.
I've no idea if it's related or even an issue but the little white patches she's been developing on her skin have also now turned to little white hairs in her coat! I'll probably bring that up while I'm there if there's time as well, even if it's nothing to worry about it's probably worth just checking. At first I wondered if I had just never noticed them, but she's definitely never had white hairs on her face before!

Looking after yourself is as important as looking after the piggies.
I hope you had a great day - even if exhausting

Thankyou, you're right..its a lesson I've learned very slowly 😅 but I'm getting there, I hadnt laughed so much in ages, there's still 3 more races in the league, 1 a month until Feb so I have those to look forward to as well!

In more piggy related news, Oliver has finally stopped charging at and chasing away Panda! She has been accepted as female again and is being left alone. She is understandably still a little wary of him, after all..she doesn't know why he started chasing her away in the first place! But the implant seems to be working already, which is fantastic because as far as I knew it was meant to take at least a month.
Here they are sharing some oea flakes nose to nose just now :)

Well if this picture doesn't sum up their different personalities 😅

They've an appointment tomorrow for their teeth, I've tried 3 times to do Silvers and the little sticks his tongue in the way at the last minute every time! So I give up 🤣 I'll probably double check his gabapentin dose while we're there as he has gained weight now.

Theyre doing well bless them, we have this routine where Forrest will scream at me last thing at night until I give them a handful of oats 😅 so they've bulked out quite a bit, as it's usually 1am and I don't want the neighbours woken up lol!