Eriathwens piggies

Thankyou, I'm still chopping the wrong amount of veggies 😔 I miss seeing her trying to scale the grids to get food, and standing up on her back legs like a little dinosaur just to say hello. She's left such a big hole.

Luckily everyone else seems to be pretty stable for the most part.
Misty was a beauty, so sorry :hug:
Lovely pictures of your piggies. Hope you're feeling better soon. x
Thanks, I've been a little better today, although I've now tweaked my back again 🤣 I'm a bit of a mess at the moment lol luckily I'm still managing to keep up with the piggies needs, although I'm not looking forward to trying to inject Gus if my back hasn't improved by Monday!
Today is the day! Day 28 of Delilahs treatment and she's looking fantastic. She needs one final bath when my back is better to remove the greasiness caused by the ointment unless she can groom it off herself. But other than that, she just needs to finish growing in her hair :)

(Also, Pumpkin was being very cute on the scales this morning 😅)

So I just had to rush down the vets with Amber, she was trying to pee, crying but not producing anything, yet her bladder was full and easily felt. Luckily she isnt blocked which was biggest concern as my vet was able to express some urine although she seemed to have peed while in the car. She has cystitis, stress based, so Panda is definitely getting that implant, between that and losing Misty, poor Amber has had quite a stressful few weeks.

Yes I'm very grateful I was able to jump straight in the car really, the appointment was only 35/40 minutes after I first saw signs if her being in distress, with my usual vet no less! I was expecting to have to see one of the ones I dont know.
They really are a great practice.
Hope Amber has a good night and leaves a nice wet patch for you 🥰
I also hope you can get a reasonable sleep
Hi Eriathwen
I am making this list of the oldest known guinea pigs and I saw an old message of yours that said you had a boar that lived to the age of 11. I was going to add him onto the list so was just curious to know his birth and death year (doesn’t have to be exactly right, an estimated guess would be fine!)
Hi Eriathwen
I am making this list of the oldest known guinea pigs and I saw an old message of yours that said you had a boar that lived to the age of 11. I was going to add him onto the list so was just curious to know his birth and death year (doesn’t have to be exactly right, an estimated guess would be fine!)

Heya, he passed a year or so after I finished college so that must have been 2011 I think, and I got him when he was about 6-8 months old in late 2000/early 2001 if I remember right
Poor Gus looks really dejected! Me thinks he needs lots of Mummy cuddles and coriander.

He definitely wanted cuddles bless him, he nearly disappeared inside my jacket after the first 2 injections 😅
I think next week I'll get a nice big pile of grass for him to munch on while I do it.
Poor Gus got 3 injections today, 1 saline by my vet just to refresh what he'd shown me last week, 1 saline practice injection from me, and then I did his cartrophen injection. Safe to say I'd better find him something nice for his dinner if I want forgiveness 🤣🤣

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Oh poor little man, he’ll be packing his bags next and running for the hills 😆
Oh poor little man, he’ll be packing his bags next and running for the hills 😆

I'm glad he can't work my phone, I wouldn't blame him if he called the RSPCA to take him back 🤣
I'm hoping eventually he will either get used to it, or he will realise its making him feel 10xs better. Its a shame we can't tell them it's for their own good.