Junior Guinea Pig
The actual effectiveness of probiotics is still under discussion... At least I can guarantee you that properly made poo soup DOES work.
All the best for poor little J Rod and his big friend's underlying health issue.
That is great news - please keep in mind that a full piggy bladder weighs about 10g and full tummy about 30g. The weight swings around 30-40g over the course of 24 hours depending on when you are weighing. I hope that that puts the weight gain into perspective.
As long as he is willing to take the syringe, you cannot overfeed him. Keep in mind that guinea pigs have a very fast metabolism.
Is it normal for him to have some soft poop but then also be producing some normal poops? He’s been taking his probiotics and I’ve been trying to get fresh poops from his cagemate but the baby just WILL NOT POOP OUTSIDE OF THE CAGE,I have to try to find them around the cage but there’s no way for me to really know if they are fresh or not when I get off work,the vet said it’s signs that the antibiotic is working since there is harder poops but there’s been some soft ones yesterday and looking today there’s a soft stool in the side of the cage
edit:oh yeah he’s wanting to get water a lot as well,like I’m talking I’m giving him 20ml of CC and he wants 10ml of water to go with it,he’ll fight to get to the water syringe but the food he doesn’t really care about