Dropped The Bunnies Off For Their Spay This Morning!

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Okay, back from the vets!

Finally feeling a bit more positive! They gave Acorn some fluids and some stuff for her guts and they also have her today's medication for us to save us a struggle!

Got her home and cut up some fresh veg! Which she has finally started eating! Just a few nibbles at first and then she ate a few pieces! So hopefully I can get her to eat quite a bit today!

So thankful for all of your kind words!
Been another bad day today(well yesterday, I'm writing this at 12:10am) Still no eating and was back at the vets this morning. This bunny just does not want too eat! :( we are trying everything.

I think I am going to be leaving her at the vets for the day today. She is there at 10:50am. I think I'm going to leave her there for the day so they can syringe feed her a lot easier without the struggling from me. She does for some reason eat better at the vets. During the appointment today we managed to syringe feed her really easily, she would happily eat it herself from the syringe. But now she is home, she wants nothing. So I'm hoping leaving her there will help.
I'm sorry you're having problems with Acorn :( I am planning to have Jude spayed this spring as she lives outside and bringing her in to a warm house during the winter wouldn't be good for her especially after a surgery. She'll be about a year and two months when I get her spayed and I'll be able to keep an eye on her inside the house until she has recuperated. I wish you the best of luck and crossing my fingers that my own rabbit's surgery goes well.
I'm sorry you're having problems with Acorn :( I am planning to have Jude spayed this spring as she lives outside and bringing her in to a warm house during the winter wouldn't be good for her especially after a surgery. She'll be about a year and two months when I get her spayed and I'll be able to keep an eye on her inside the house until she has recuperated. I wish you the best of luck and crossing my fingers that my own rabbit's surgery goes well.
I really wasn't expecting her to be this difficult! I'm really hoping she picks up very soon. Like tomorrow. My vets have been so amazing with her, which I am so grateful for because it defintely makes it so much easier with their help!

Aww, Jude!
I wish you luck with her surgery in the spring! I hope she has a speedy recovery with no problems for you!
Acorn is about a year now, just under. So they are pretty close in age! But Jude looks about 3times bigger than Acorn haha!
I really wasn't expecting her to be this difficult! I'm really hoping she picks up very soon. Like tomorrow. My vets have been so amazing with her, which I am so grateful for because it defintely makes it so much easier with their help!

Aww, Jude!
I wish you luck with her surgery in the spring! I hope she has a speedy recovery with no problems for you!
Acorn is about a year now, just under. So they are pretty close in age! But Jude looks about 3times bigger than Acorn haha!
Haha! It's nice to know that someone else is spaying at an older age too! I guess it's good to spay from 6 months to two years so we're both within the time suggestions! I've finally found a proper rabbit savvy vet that's a bit of a drive away so I'm hoping it's worth it! It's so awesome when you find a great vet! We've been going to the same vet for 28 years for my dogs but small animal vets are just harder to find :( Acorn will get better!
That really does sound like a good idea. I bet she takes food from them. When Faisel was poorly he stayed at the vets and they commented on how well behaved he was taking the syringe. I was shocked as he kicks me when I try!
That really does sound like a good idea. I bet she takes food from them. When Faisel was poorly he stayed at the vets and they commented on how well behaved he was taking the syringe. I was shocked as he kicks me when I try!

When we took her yesterday she took the syringe really easily and would even lick it off herself! But once she is home she will just battle against you! They behave so well for others!
When we took her yesterday she took the syringe really easily and would even lick it off herself! But once she is home she will just battle against you! They behave so well for others!
That is just typical! At least she is taking food from the vets though. They play us up!
That is just typical! At least she is taking food from the vets though. They play us up!

I'm hoping she will get used to it during the day today, so when I try to continue it tonight, it will make it a bit easier for me!

She's such a small little thing, but so so strong!
Hope Acorn starts eating again soon! I'm glad Toffee has started eating again. Fussy bun lol! x
It's good to hear that Toffee has started eating. I hope (I'm sure) all will be well with Acorn, sending healing vibes! x
I have asked on the rabbit forum but I just wanna ask on her incase anyone has any thoughts on this:

Ive just been doing some thinking and I'm wondering if she is having some sort of dental problem and I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks the same

So here goes: we got to the vets to pick her up and the vet said that when she was syringe feeding her she was spitting it up and strands of hay were coming out (I thought this was a bit strange, because I thought why would she be holding hay in her mouth?). So when I got her home I popped her back in her recovery cage and left her to calm down from the days events. I went back up and noticed she had hay hanging from her mouth. So I pulled it out gently I then saw her pick some more up and she was chewing away but the hay wasn't moving, it was just in her mouth. This made what the vet said, make sense.

So ive been wondering, maybe she WANTS to eat, but physically can't because of some kind of dental problem. Does this seem to make sense to anyone? Does it sound like dental?

Ive never dealed with a dental problem before, so I'm sure sure if these are normal signs of a dental problem, it's just a thought ive been having tonight!
I have no experience in this but it really sounds like she wants to eat but cannot. Have the vets looked at her teeth? With Faisel he used to try and pick up food but could not. He has no front teeth.
I have no experience in this but it really sounds like she wants to eat but cannot. Have the vets looked at her teeth? With Faisel he used to try and pick up food but could not. He has no front teeth.
The vets haven't looked at them, as far as I know anyway. But I am going to ask them to have a look at them tomorrow. She seems to be wanting to eat the hay but can't, which is what is making me wonder about some kind of dental problem!
That makes a lot of sense. Strange she could eat before the operation isn't it? I wonder if her teeth grew from not eating hay.
That makes a lot of sense. Strange she could eat before the operation isn't it? I wonder if her teeth grew from not eating hay.
That's what I was wondering too. They kept her eating all the way up to the operation and said she ate loads before it, which they were really happy with! Now she wants nothing. It's beginning to become very worrying!
I'm sorry your going through this. Hopefully the vet will get to the bottom of this or she will eat again.
Horrible news. My little girl has just passed away.

I woke up about half past 3 this morning to a bit of noise and though 'oh that's great, she's moving around'. So I put the torch on, on my phone and looked over and saw here there looking at me. I got up and turned my main light on and well.. I couldn't believe it. She was walking around violently shaking with each step dragging one of her back legs with her head dropped to the floor. I ran over to my mums room and got her to call the emergency vet while I rushed to prepare her carrier for the trip. Acorn then flopped over, choking. We didn't know what to do. Unfortuntely she passed away a few seconds later. I am in absolute shock. I don't know what I'm going to do without her happy little face greeting me and her kisses. My poor little girl :(

My mum has just rang the emergency vets back to let them know and they said they will let our vet know for us. But I'm going to be there as soon as their doors open. They have been so amazing and I don't want them to hear the news by reading it on a screen or by a phone call from them. I want to tell them myself and thank them for doing everything they can.

RIP my little beauty. I cannot believe you were taken from me like this. You're sister will be waiting for you over the bridge<3
OH NO! I'm so sorry! She was a beautiful rabbit- looks just like a little cottontail! I wonder if perhaps she had a stroke? You took great care of her and tried to do everything you could. Again, I'm sorry for the loss of your adorable little bunny.
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