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Hey hun - first, have a hug! :hug:

I have been through exactly the same thing as you and, like others have said, it is often the bullies that make out that they are the ones being victimised, which is totally ridiculous. She has absolutely nothing to back up her accusations and trust me, a few years down the line you will look back and realise that you are the fantastic strong person that we all know you are. Keep your head held high, get tutors involved if needs be (and it sounds like needs are) and don't let the b**** get the better of you - you are worth more than that! x
Sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes!

And what AbiS said its completely true, life is made of chapters, and even if you think this one is getting too long, don't worry, it will finish, and you'll became stronger.

And maybe you should think about telling your teachers about it? They might and SHOULD do something about it.
I've only caught up with this thread now. I know how it feels. Late last year, someone in my family passed and it was the first time someone so close to passed away and so it put me in a negative place. It began to show at school, I became really withdrawn and my two 'best friends' began avoiding me. It just started being really hard to talk. Then I started being accused anonymously (online) for being a *****, for backstabbing them and so forth. They (my 'best friends') began ditching me whenever they could and said not the nicest things about me, right in front of me, using 'code names' which was really obvious, I just pretended I couldn't hear them. It made really anxious.

I think it's really important to talk to people about how you feel. I didn't and I had fully fledge anxiety attacks in school/public. Talk to people, let out how you feel and in the end, things will start looking up.

And remember


Hugs :hug: You'll always have all our support! x
It's better that she accused you of cyber bullying than verbal, because YOU'VE got all the evidence to prove that you weren't! Just save/ screen shot any correspondence with her - you've no worries. Tell your tutor so they're aware and can help you with coping strategies, and don't worry at all about saying 'mush brain'! It's better not to react at all, but that's always easier to say than do!
It's better that she accused you of cyber bullying than verbal, because YOU'VE got all the evidence to prove that you weren't! Just save/ screen shot any correspondence with her - you've no worries. Tell your tutor so they're aware and can help you with coping strategies, and don't worry at all about saying 'mush brain'! It's better not to react at all, but that's always easier to say than do!
Stay strong. Love and hugs from me and my piggies. :hug: I have only been on this forum for a day and already feel like part of a big family! You have loads of great friends here!
Hope you are okay <3 we all love youu xD Big piggie hugs <3 Stay strong, if you need someone to talk to I'm always here :) <3 we all are. <3
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