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Stay positive, and try to not care much about what that people say about you. Big hugs. I hope you'll have a better day tomorrow :tu:
here have a few of my favorites, hope things start looking up for you,
sorry i don't know your background but if someone is bullying you by making your life miserable, they are usually friendless cowards, you can rise above their patheticness, they are probably jealous of what you have or what you stand for.
we're all thinking of you & how much happiness you bring to this forum ( the advent calendar was just pure class ) bet whoever is getting you down couldn't bring happiness to so many.

Take care & wheeks from the girls to you. xx

cp smile-it-will-either-warm-their-heart-or--them-off-either-way-you-win.webp
cp smile-and-let-everyone-know-that-today.webp
cp smile-it-makes-people-wonder-what-you-are-thinking.webp
Hi Rachel, yours is a horrible situation to be in, I've been there myself. You could go down the route of reporting this :cen: person to your line manager, you should not have to work in conditions like that and if you put it in writing they have to do something about it. Or you could go in with your head held high thinking :cen: it! I'm not going to let that bitch win. Whatever you decide I will be thinking about you. Sending big hugs your way.
hahahahahahah oh god, i've been laughing for about 5 minuets jeeze, god I shouldnt even be laughing you actually hurt yourself! I'm sorry!
Lol! Don't feel bad! I laugh hysterically every time I think of it :) I think these things happen to me as comic relief!
Unfortunately today was not any better. Genuinely feeling :rant::cen:
I have been feeling really ill, I suffered from terrible anxiety before this too
Unfortunately today was not any better. Genuinely feeling :rant::cen:
I have been feeling really ill, I suffered from terrible anxiety before this too

Would it help you to talk about your day a bit more ? I realise you may not want to give too much detail out on an open forum - you can pm me and I'm sure there are other forum members who won't mind being pm'd
Would it help you to talk about your day a bit more ? I realise you may not want to give too much detail out on an open forum - you can pm me and I'm sure there are other forum members who won't mind being pm'd
I am going to have a bath now. I will post once I have the time. Thank you,x
Ah, right. Had a lovely soak. Feeling very refreshed!

Very long.......

So, I am constantly being bullied, I barely have any friends, I suffer from anxiety due to going there too.

On Tuesday, my best friend (only friend) refused to spend lunch with me, on the way home she explained why she doesn't want to be with me at lunch anymore, "feels like we need to move on, you are stopping be having new friends, and controlling me all the time" anyway, she said at the end we can still be friends and civil travelling and all that, next day, she is at the other end of the bus stop not saying a word (what a ***** not keeping to what she said the day before) I have not been doing anything of the such to her, she was punched in the face by the bullies though a month ago, I personally think she has gone crackers. She has been telling everyone that I have been bullying her for two years! Controlling her etc etc. now I am suffering more bullying, I am looked at even more like dirt by one is asking for MY side of the story, which is really upsetting they are just believing what she says.

I spoke to her today, why she is spreading such horrible lies, she said "what lies?" Definitely gone nuts!
And said "you have been bullying me for the past two years" so I replied with "why would you stay with someone you believe is like that then?" She replies with "I felt sorry for you"

I found that extremely insulting, she is very vague with what she means by "bullying" if she was being "bullied" for the pasty two bloody years, then why six months ago was she begging for forgiveness when I was upset with her once.

I have defended her through thick and thin, eight years clearly meant nothing. I though she was my true friend, but it is clearly not that way. There is no going back now, she is evil to be causing much problems for me.
I am feeling **** enough as it is! without this added.
I can sympathise with your situation. Last year I was forced out of my shared house by someone who had been my friend for years... she had emotion problems that became worse and worse, until she was fully convinced it was my fault and told people so.

At some point I suppose its tipping the balance to suddenly make a fresh start. It was traumatic but I was able to change things for myself by living alone and joining new clubs to do things I enjoy. I'm also getting more involved in animal care by volunteering at a couple of places. Gives you a feeling of purpose beyond yourself which is nice.

Not sure if any if this helps, but maybe changing something in your life could help. Do something to help people or animals, or just join clubs and get out there to meet people. It all helps!
Thank you piggly.

Sadly I cannot escape from the environment the evil girl is in with me..
Thank you piggly.

Sadly I cannot escape from the environment the evil girl is in with me..
You've been saying about home schooling and I've provided you with the relevant information you need, so maybe you can escape. There are also a number of activities outside of schools for youths, you just need to look them up. :)
You have all been very supportive.
I will have to do something about it tomorrow. Xx
I hope you all have a nice day, take care.
Yeah, I get down in the mouth too sometimes, and know how difficult it can be to shake.

I find watching this clip of a sea otter dancing helpful, though.
Aw I only just saw this- so sorry you're having such a rotten time. @Piggly 's advice is excellent- try to keep yourself occupied (do some of your crafts or drawings) and find people more like you, not ones who drain your energy and happiness. It must be so tough when you're stuck with these girls but hang in there, the time will come when you can get away from them. Don't try to understand their nonsense either- people like that never make sense and you'll exhaust yourself in the process! You've loads of friends to chat to on here in the meantime, you really make this forum a brilliant place with your advice (helped me LOADS), gorgeous and funny pics of your lovely girls and your ingenious ideas Mrs Advent Calendar! X
I can sympathise with your situation. Last year I was forced out of my shared house by someone who had been my friend for years... she had emotion problems that became worse and worse, until she was fully convinced it was my fault and told people so.

At some point I suppose its tipping the balance to suddenly make a fresh start. It was traumatic but I was able to change things for myself by living alone and joining new clubs to do things I enjoy. I'm also getting more involved in animal care by volunteering at a couple of places. Gives you a feeling of purpose beyond yourself which is nice.

Not sure if any if this helps, but maybe changing something in your life could help. Do something to help people or animals, or just join clubs and get out there to meet people. It all helps!
So glad things improved for you x
She has accused me of cyber bullying her, and telling her to kill herself?
What the heck should I do. She will get me in so much trouble even though I haven't said it.

I swear each day gets worse. I cannot take much more of this. I'm going to drive myself to death, I am so anxious and nervous all the time.
Oh sweetheart - I have only just caught up with this thread and my heart is breaking for you. You need to be the bigger person here. You are also now at a point where you cant deal with this on your own and as much as we are all here to help and support you there comes a time when you need the relevant people to help out i.e. parents and tutors. Do they know what is going on? Not only is it important that you tell them what has happened but you need to let them know that these lies are being spread about you before they get out of hand and so it can be investigated.

One thing I can say (and I hope this doesn't sound patronising) but life changes so much - it is all about chapters - you leave school and a new chapter starts. You start work or more studying - new chapter. You change jobs - new chapter. So don't think this is it for the rest of your life - it is a finite period - you will leave school/college (sorry honey cant remember how old you are) and the next chapter starts with new characters and themes. As you grow older you will be more discerning in the friends you pick because you know what qualities to look out for and what to avoid.

IT GETS BETTER! I promise you that it does - so many of us have been through bad times and have the emotional or even physical scars to prove it but you keep going - the alternative is not an option!

We all love you and we are all your cyber friends so if you can manage that without even meeting us just think what you are capable of when you find yourself the right group of people. Just keep thinking of that next chapter - it will be exciting!
Oh sweetheart - I have only just caught up with this thread and my heart is breaking for you. You need to be the bigger person here. You are also now at a point where you cant deal with this on your own and as much as we are all here to help and support you there comes a time when you need the relevant people to help out i.e. parents and tutors. Do they know what is going on? Not only is it important that you tell them what has happened but you need to let them know that these lies are being spread about you before they get out of hand and so it can be investigated.

One thing I can say (and I hope this doesn't sound patronising) but life changes so much - it is all about chapters - you leave school and a new chapter starts. You start work or more studying - new chapter. You change jobs - new chapter. So don't think this is it for the rest of your life - it is a finite period - you will leave school/college (sorry honey cant remember how old you are) and the next chapter starts with new characters and themes. As you grow older you will be more discerning in the friends you pick because you know what qualities to look out for and what to avoid.

IT GETS BETTER! I promise you that it does - so many of us have been through bad times and have the emotional or even physical scars to prove it but you keep going - the alternative is not an option!

We all love you and we are all your cyber friends so if you can manage that without even meeting us just think what you are capable of when you find yourself the right group of people. Just keep thinking of that next chapter - it will be exciting!
My mum is aware yes. But not teachers and tutors.

I am worried she will report me to the police, I do not want that hassle. I haven't said her to kill herself at all.
But I have been upset with her before and said "at least I'm not a mush brain"
My mum is aware yes. But not teachers and tutors.

I am worried she will report me to the police, I do not want that hassle. I haven't said her to kill herself at all.
But I have been upset with her before and said "at least I'm not a mush brain"
hahahaha! 'Mush brain'! love it! Let her report you to the police - you have done nothing wrong so she will get done for wasting police time. And she wont report you anyway because she knows she is lying!
So sorry to hear you're feeling down. I suffered with bullies really badly when I was younger. Your situation sounds like a nightmare and I'm so sorry you're having to go through it. Just know that you're the bigger person in all of this.

Thinking of you. X
hahahaha! 'Mush brain'! love it! Let her report you to the police - you have done nothing wrong so she will get done for wasting police time. And she wont report you anyway because she knows she is lying!
But does calling her a mush brain and idiot mean I could be punished by the police?
I've just caught up with your thread @Chief Guinea Pig . It's often the case that the perpetrator of bulling then accuses their victim of being the bully so you are not alone in being unjustly accused. Many of us have been where you are and trite as it sounds time does help heal things and situations can change very quickly. I was bullied at school (30 years ago or more) and remember it well, my parents even considered moving me to another school but I did stick it out and it did eventually get better. If you met me now for the first time you'd probably be surprised to hear I'd been through it as I think it helped make me a stronger person. Hold true to yourself. Take one day at a time and believe that one day it will get better. We are all here for you on here, as are your piggies. Cyber hugs.
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