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Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

Managed to get a photo. It was the best I could do. Still not sure if the white bit is a healing wound or part of his tooth. It doesn’t smell and doesn’t look red. So think it’s ok for now.

It looks like his broken tooth, hopefully it should start to grow up and keep growing healthy now x
Yes. A bit of a waiting game to see if it grows back or if the abscess has killed the root completely. In which case it won’t regrow.
The saga continues .....

Peppers damaged tooth is still growing! It was supposed to fall out and not grow back!

It’s not wobbly this time so I’m keeping my eye on it for now. But it’s obviously not healthy.


The top ones look a bit wonky too 😕
I agree the top ones should wear straight once the bottom ones both wear against them 🤞As you know my Bill had awful incisors after a broken insicor but it never stopped him eating so hopefully Pepper will be the same x
I agree the top ones should wear straight once the bottom ones both wear against them 🤞As you know my Bill had awful incisors after a broken insicor but it never stopped him eating so hopefully Pepper will be the same x

I hope so. Did Bill need daily painkillers for his teeth issues? Pepper is eating but he hasn’t put on the 300g he lost. So I’m wondering if this is his new normal weight or if his teeth are sore and he’s not eating as much as he would like.
I hope so. Did Bill need daily painkillers for his teeth issues? Pepper is eating but he hasn’t put on the 300g he lost. So I’m wondering if this is his new normal weight or if his teeth are sore and he’s not eating as much as he would like.
He never lost any weight really. Simon would check for pain and infection when he tidied them up but he said there was never any pain. Bill’s incisor broke below the gumline originally, he was prescribed pain killer then, it was wobbly and he was due to have an op to remove the broken part the following day but it actually fell out on the way home from the vets. It grew back but then seemed to unbalance one incisor after another and each worn quite thin and would brake. His original broken tooth then became a “fat“ tooth which was fatter than the rest. He never had an abscesses or infection or really any problems eating, he only had regular burrs to tidy up.
He was a huge fan of grass and hay and always managed to eat plenty of both

If Peppers weight is stable then I wouldn’t worry about him not putting his weight back on quickly, he may do over time? Or that may be his “new weight” as long as it’s pretty stable and he is eating well then I wouldn’t worry too much x
Update on Pepper. This is what his teeth look like today.


He’s put on a little weight this week so I’m not worried too much. Does anyone know if I should be getting the vet to straighten his teeth now. I’m not sure how ”bad” to let them get before doing something about it. Thanks.
Update on Pepper. This is what his teeth look like today.

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He’s put on a little weight this week so I’m not worried too much. Does anyone know if I should be getting the vet to straighten his teeth now. I’m not sure how ”bad” to let them get before doing something about it. Thanks.
I think you you are planning on going to the Maddock’s then it would be best to get an appointment booked in for the next couple of weeks. Whilst they are looking a little long and uneven they aren’t the worst. If he is eating ok and holding his weight then don’t worry too much, but I would book as they are always booked up for non-urgent cases
Pepper has broken his other bottom incisor. He’s eating ok though. I noticed he wasn’t eating his peas properly. Hopefully it will grow back quickly. The other bottom incisor has been damaged from the abscess.