Chat Thread.

Hahahaha already had this conversion over on the naughty corner!

Still handling nuts are you Tim?!
I'll be handling you soon you cheeky so and so ;)
*wallop* :))
So you're in Spain? Where about? I haven't been for about 3 years and would love to go back, last time I went we I drove from Birmingham to Barcelona via Belgium,Italy, Switzerland and France :dri: :)

Lol, this thread goes fast!
I'm from Asturias, in the north. Its not as well known as the big cities (Barcelona, Madrid, etc) but its really beautiful, full of forests and vegetation. I love it. And its quieter, which I appreciate, because I don't really like crowded places!
Woah, I'm sure you had a great time, that travel just sounds amazing (minus the time spent in the car hahahah).
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Quick question, how big a c&c cage can I make with 20grids, my math is shocking!
Ahh too many numbers, now trying to work out how much correx for a 7x3. Would 1.2m x 2.4m be enough
With the 1.2x2.4 correx, you can do a 3x6 set up and still have enough to do some edging so you don't get hay and poop everywhere :)
With the 1.2x2.4 correx, you can do a 3x6 set up and still have enough to do some edging so you don't get hay and poop everywhere :)
Can't thank you enough, found a website selling that size for £4! And the 20grids are only £22. Very excited now :clap:
I'm not sure what others do but I tend to cut the correx so that the grids fit inside the correx wall. This way they are less likely to nibble at the correx. Ours seem to love it! :(
Mine is on the inside, but I have paper binders along the edge to stop chewing :)
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My maths is surprisingly good after a couple of large whiskeys! *hic*
Harry & Lloyd are in a c&c cage but I bought it from so didn't have to work anything out but it cost me about £80. This 6x3 with correx has cost £36 including delivery, I like my ferplast cage but it's not practicle for spot cleaning. Need to go fleece shopping now :)