Chat Thread.

I plan on doing as little as poss today, but will make a Stert on some new wooden hides for the piggies later on :)
I cycled a bit further than I should have done, I got a bit lost! :)) Now I'm suffering! :doh: It was very windy, I didn't have a jumper or a coat :oops:
Are you up to much?
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It'll cost you a fiver.
Just kidding :))
How's things? :)

Actually, I'm a bit worried. Yesterday I discovered a bald spot on Teddy's neck. I called the vet asap, and they gave me an appointment for Tuesday (they couldn't earlier, I asked). I emailed him today with a photo, though, just so he can have a look and see if its better to go earlier or something. I'm waiting for the reply.

How about you?
Actually, I'm a bit worried. Yesterday I discovered a bald spot on Teddy's neck. I called the vet asap, and they gave me an appointment for Tuesday (they couldn't earlier, I asked). I emailed him today with a photo, though, just so he can have a look and see if its better to go earlier or something. I'm waiting for the reply.

How about you?
Oh dear, paws crossed for your little one :(
Our boys went outside yesterday for a good run around, but today is a bit miserable. Just popped out of the front door, the bike I have left out for days on purpose so someone would nick it, it's still there! It's in the way and can't be bothered to take it to the tip. It now has a sign on it 'free to a good home, save yer legs and take me home!'
Thanks, hope we can cure him as soon as possible.

It looks like the weather is crazy everywhere. In here, a few days back it was all sunny and hot, and then yesterday it was raining almost all the day... Lol, if that bike was on Spain wouldn't have last a second...
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So you're in Spain? Where about? I haven't been for about 3 years and would love to go back, last time I went we I drove from Birmingham to Barcelona via Belgium,Italy, Switzerland and France :dri: :)
I remember being there holding on to the gazebo for my dear life, felt like Mary Popping!
Popping? ?
My eyes must still be dolally from rubbing them after handling them wasabi nuts!
Hahahaha already had this conversion over on the naughty corner!

Still handling nuts are you Tim?!
I've had so much tea! Just had a doughnut too!
:yikes: it's with the pigeon if Tim does get it!

Its got its anti Tim hat on! Should be omay!