Evening update
Buttons has pulled through the anaesthetic although she‘s still very sleepy and doesn’t have much energy. Her appetite has taken a bit of a hit probably due to the antibiotic injection she had this morning. I completely forgot to ask the vet today what antibiotic she administered - I will give her a quick ring tomorrow so I can note it down for future reference. Since Benito‘s ordeal after the Convenia injection which ultimately destroyed his whole body it‘s hard work keeping my anxiety at bay. I am fairly sure Buttons didn’t have Convenia but my anxiety doesn’t really care about that.
Thankfully, she doesn’t have to take any more antibiotics so I‘m hoping the lack of appetite will be over soon. She still nibbles a little bit of hay here and there (especially right after her syringe feeds), so she hasn’t fully stopped eating which I count as a success. I‘m going to continue with poop soup and probiotics.
Other than that her wound now looks really good, much better than it did right after surgery. I‘m wondering if there was maybe something off with the way the lower half was stitched because exactly the part that opened up was weeping & on and off lightly bleeding ever since I picked her up. The vet today also thought that there might have been an issue with it and that’s why she had a go at it. At the moment she shows zero interest in her stitches and she doesn’t seem uncomfortable. Fingers crossed the rollercoaster is behind us now and things are looking up! xx