oh okay i’ve took it out i only put that much as brownie is some times very fussy with foodYes that set up is absolutely fine.
Brownie is just excited to see another piggy: he will settle down in time.
I would just add though that it looks like they both have far too many pellets. They should have just one tablespoon per day. They should not have access to pellets all day.
I would also say that we don’t recommend the use do food bowls. Eating from a bowl is a rather mindless activity. It is much better to scatter their veg and pellets into a loose pile of hay on the cage floor so they can forage for them. Foraging is a natural ability and keeps their minds occupied. Mental stimulation and foraging is very important for them.
Using bowls may also mean (once they are bonded) that the dominant piggy can hog and drop the other from getting any.
oh okay thankyou so muchIt really doesn’t matter if they don’t eat pellets. Hay is the only food they need to have constant access to.
Pellets are not essential in the diet (mine only get five pellets each on a Wednesday and five pellets on a Sunday. They get none at all on any other day).
Don’t worry about them - they will settle next to each other.
Dominance is about character and not to do with being siblings (or not).
okay thankyou yes i keep reading itI advise that you read through the bonding threads several times and keep it handy. Everything you know will go out of your head during the actual bonding as it can be very stressful.
Oh okay thankyou very much xThe teeth chattering is fine for now.
Teeth chattering is a mild dominance behaviour. They will do it when you are actually bonding them as well. Teeth chattering only becomes a problem when it switches from mild to moderate as it then has the potential to become aggressive.
Yes do the actual bonding at the weekend provided Milo has settled and seems ok.
okay thankyou , is it normal for brownie to keep running around in his cage and bitting the bars he’s never done this beforeDon't worry too much. Some pigs drink very little.
You really can't tell about dominance until they are together. As a caring owner, it's understandable that you are watching and worrying. While they are neighbours nothing bad can happen so try to relax.
Oh okay thankyouHe's over excited. It will settle eventually.
They both stopped at 2:20am this morning with there loud noisesWe all understand, we're aware you just want to do your best for them x
No apologies needed.Oh okay thankyou
sorry guys i worry a lot x
yes brownie is always doing it xYes it’s absolutely fine for brownie to have floor time is he is used to doing it