
Okay thankyou so much I also give them
colovo Nero?
As I seen it’s fine for pigges it’s a bit like spring greens too

Yes it safe for them to eat but it’s similar to kale so isn’t suitable for daily feeding. Once a week is fine though.

Things like kale, parsley, spinach are all once a week only veg due to being higher in calcium

Hi guys how’s everyone’s Sunday going?
horrible and rainy here
Anyway I’m going to do brownies cage 5x2 a little bit bigger then what his is now
And I’m gonna give Milo to a rescue I’ve kept him for longer due to waiting on another and also wanting to give Milo some more love that I can
I’ve spoke to a rescue gonna do a straight swap so they have Milo and I have another…
But I’ve asked about a girl for brownie there already sprayed and stuff
I know Just because brownie didn’t flourish with a boyfriend doesn’t mean won’t again
But I think I’d rather have a girl
I feel awful if I keep repeating like trying to bond brownie with another then it don’t work again
I or anything like that it may work!
but I was just thinking of a little girl from my local rescue , I’ve got some people beside me to help me anyway
Until my cage is all done I’ll be going have a word with the rescue again to see what happens next 🤍
If they have a spayed female then that is definitely an option for him.
A sow/boar bond can be more stable, but the sow needs to accept him.

Keep us posted
Hiya guys sorry it’s a bit late , but brownie I’ve noticed he’s itching a lot recently, he’s on blankets only , and has a hay bit in his C&C cage
I used non bio stuff to wash the blankets with
I’ve bought some anti parasite spot on
From pets at home , to see if it’s mites…
I can’t see them I dunno if that’s becasue there to small, what else could it be just incase if it’s not mites? I’ve just noticed a lot he is itching feel a bit sorry for him , I seen it said fungal infections also
But brownie seems all fine
Like in himself just worried if he’s itching all the time don’t want him to become distressed or anything so just bit worried , what do I do in this situation , this anit parasite stuff last up to 4 weeks apparently so I’ll try that to see how that works but he’s still itching with it on
Thankyou guys
If he is scratching a lot, more than normal, your first port of call needs to be the vet in order to get an accurate diagnosis and vet-strength treatment. OTC spot-on is too weak to cure any mites or other problems. Mange mites live under the skin and are not visible. The others iirc you usually see their eggs on the hairs if you look closely. Here is the thread from the Health forum with all the right info. New piggy health problems: URI - Ringworm - Skin Parasites

Don't use the spot-on if you haven't already, doing so will make it harder for the vet to diagnose the issue.
I agree - there is no point in buying and using pet shop spot ons. They are too low dosed so tend to only suppress rather than cure. You will still end up needing to go to the vet to get a proper treatment and thus it means piggy is having issues for longer and it costs you more than necessary.
Please don’t use it (see if you can return it and get your money back if you haven’t already opened it) and instead just head straight to your vet for diagnosis. Mites are too small to be seen by the human eye.

If you have used it then you will need to tell the vet so they can calculate what to do - ivermectin can be overdosed so you have to be careful.

The correct course of treatment for a diagnosed case of mites is vet strength, dosed for the piggies weight and is given as three separate treatments with two weeks between each treatment.
Leaving four weeks between each treatment just means you’re not catching the life cycle of the mite at the right time and it can allow even more mites to hatch.

Treatments only kill the live mites, not the eggs. So the first treatment kills the live mites so no more eggs are laid. The second treatment two weeks later kills the mites which were eggs at the time of the first treatment and thus weren’t killed by it. The third treatment two weeks later is a fail safe to make sure everything is gone.

An ivermectin containing treatment won’t kill fungal infections
Okay thankyou
Yes I used it 😩😩vet shop told me to for itching
But then I’m wondering could it be hay making him itch I’m not to sure , this can’t kill him though can it? Just to be on safe side 😩
Thankyou guys for your help and I will contact a vet to see what the problem is then just hoping it’s nothing bad 🤞🏽lost my little fudge 💔don’t wanna loose another may time soon 💔
Sorry guys I panic a lot about stuff
Just noticed him itching it’s not all the time it’s like his eats he itching and some times like bites his fur but he has no patches or anything like that
He’s lost no hair
Another question could it be anything to do with having my central heating on in my room? I seen that apparently can dry there skin out and can cause itchiness 🤷🏽‍♀️
You will need to have him seen by a vet to diagnose the cause of his itching.
Dry air typically causes respiratory issues rather than itching skin.
Heya guys,
I’m looking at to get my brownie neutered so that he can have a female I know there is risk when it comes to the operation, I’m just really worried about anything going wrong that’s my concern
He’s healthy , and everything but I dunno how else to get brownie a cage mate, because I’ve looked everywhere and apparently it’s really hard to bond boys… I can’t find a female that’s sprayed for brownie just very scared of the outcome of the neutering
Has anyone on here had there boars done?
my vets are a good vets and have neutered loads of guinea pigs
Heya guys,
I’m looking at to get my brownie neutered so that he can have a female I know there is risk when it comes to the operation, I’m just really worried about anything going wrong that’s my concern
He’s healthy , and everything but I dunno how else to get brownie a cage mate, because I’ve looked everywhere and apparently it’s really hard to bond boys… I can’t find a female that’s sprayed for brownie just very scared of the outcome of the neutering
Has anyone on here had there boars done?
my vets are a good vets and have neutered loads of guinea pigs

It isn’t hard to bond boys - it’s no different to bonding a male with a female (or bonding two females) - it all comes down to compatibility but if you can’t find a single boar then there is a different matter altogether

You are less likely to find an already spayed female - it is usually only done if there is a medical need to do so.

I haven’t had my boars neutered, but I also keep rabbits and they are always spayed and neutered so I am no stranger to that surgery.
Okay thankyou, i don’t really want to put him at that risk but i cant find anywhere that does bonding in Bristol, I'm finding it really hard to find bonding for brownie to have a boar
As I don’t actually want to put him in that situation
Little Wheekers do bonding either speed dating or residential. When they were bonding Bertie for me they had a lot of single boars to try. It's worth contacting them as they don't always advertise their single boars.