Boar bonding

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Is this something you can do again, like as in a few play dates to get used to each other? Or do you need C in the cage tonight? Maybe you could do this a bit a day for a few days? See if it helped?
Well I can move them back to their own cages each but won't that ruin whats happened today?

I don't want to disrupt the process.
They really do seem okay with one another other than Corey's humping...
I feel a bit bad to be the only one advising as I've only done this once so am not an expert.

In my case I was very nervous about it, but felt fairly confident Rodney was not going to snap as he was his usual placid self..
Try them in their cage you've prepared? They've had quite a while now...

You're right yes it'll put them back to square one..
Thanks. Yeah most people seem to be offline but I guess its a learning progress.

They are both just relaxing...

I guess I'll clean out Romano's cage after I finish my dinner and maybe try a bonding bath with them.
Not sure about bonding baths.... Take your time yes every minute they are together they are getting used to each other x
Coreys fell to sleep for about 3 minutes there! :D

He's awake again now and exploring

This is them right now. ^_^
They are still just napping together. I'm pretty happy.

They seem to be okay with one another when Corey isn't trying to hump. I hope this is good.
So the boys seem really happy together other than Corey's occasional humping.

There's rarely any teeth chattering apart from when Corey won't stop with the humping and Ro tosses him off. (teeth chattering from romano that is)

Otherwise they've been sharing food together, exploring, sleeping near one another and now they are both having a drink from bottles beside one another.

Corey even ran over to Romano and hid near him when mum startled him.
Sorry got called away for a bit - wow they're in the cage now? They look like they're doing well! Sharing is good! And napping together is great! Looks like a successful meeting, let's hope it continues! Well done xx
Nope they're still in teh bonding vccage but its 4 foot by 2 foot so its pretty big.

I'm going to keep them in this cage overnight as I ran out of time in the day to clean the cage out.

We'll see how it goes tomorrow but it seems pretty good over all. Theres not as much humping. Thers still some rumbling but they seem okay so far...

Coreys popcorned a few times.
They keep sleeping together. It's so sweet. Even Ludwig and Gilbert didn't do that for ages. x)
All sounds really positive, they look very lovely together! x) i am so pleased x>>
Thank you! Me too! :D

I'm so happy as I worked hard on getting Corey tame to get him in with Ro. :)
Its fab hopefully they will keep this up. Really pleased for you been thinking about it all day!
Okay this picture is too hilarious not to share.

One of the boys, or both have palced the toys face first into the food bowl.

The boys just spent about 10 minutes running around popcorning and playing and now they are sitting next to one another relaxing again.

I'm so happy. They seem to enjoy sitting with one another and sleeping next to each other.
Awwwww lovely! Sounds like they are doing really well, I am so happy for you what a lovely feeling ;) x
Awwwww lovely! Sounds like they are doing really well, I am so happy for you what a lovely feeling ;) x

So the boys are getting on very well and I'm just cleaning all of their old toys free of scent now ready to put them both in their new cage upstairs. I'm wo happy Romano finally has a friend!
I was wondering how the night went, that is FAB news! I am so pleased, you'll have to post some pix of them in their cage! ;)
I certainly will.

They are still having a bit of humping, this time Romano with Corey shouting submissively so I think they might be figuring out their roles which I'm happy about. Gunna continue to keep an eye on them. :)

Thank you both!
Submissions squeaking is ok.

Mine are in their play pen first time tonight, been avoiding it in case the change of scenery caused a dominance issue but they're having a ball.

Popcorning about ;) love it!
Thats fantastic! We are both having good luck it seems! I'm so glad! :D

I had a laugh at my boys last night. the two of them were sitting at one of the hay areas and they were trying to eat it but kicking one another lightly when trying to get the same piece.

Boys. XD
Haha bless them ;) they sound as tho they are doing very well & on their way to being firm friends! Excellent x
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