Boar bonding

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I've just put them in about 5 minutes ago. So far its going well it seems. Coreys trying to snatch the piece of cucumber from Romanos side of the cage. They both shared some pok choi through the bars and Romanos mostly keeping his back to Corey eating.

Coreys now walking around making little curious noises and Romanos still eating.

I've recording them sharing the pak choi on camera.

Romano mostly seems to be ignoring him whilst food is in the cage but we'll see how it goes when the food is gone.

So far theres been one rumble each but otherwise no chattering or anything else.

Coreys chewing on the bars and Romano's right next to the bars now eating the piece of cucumber Corey was trying to reach.
A tiny bit of rumbling, not much. They mostly are just eating. They even shared some hay together that i managed to record on my camera. :)

How long should I keep them seperated by the bar? And when should I pull it up?
They seem to mostly be ignoring one another or occasionally chewing the bars from Romano's side.

Not sure if I should lift up the divider and see how they act or if I should start cleaning Romano's old CC cage out to get it ready for them to maybe be put in?
Well Romano was just laying down all chilled out beside the divider and Corey was about 1 foot away from the divider just happily sitting there.

Still not sure when I should lift the divider up.

They've been together for about an hour now.
Heres a picture of Romano relaxing.


He had been lying down but mum stepped past and he sat up.

Here they are sharing the Pak choi.

I'm going to lift the divider up as its been an hour and a half now and they seem to be okay so lets hope they get on with it lifted...

-takes deep breath-
Yes lift it see how they go and keep a towel handy to throw over them if there is any naughtiness. Rumblestrutting is considered a good thing, so don't worry about that.

If one is humping the other this is also fine, you want a submissive in the relationship for it to work...
Coreys eating the dried grass I put in. Romano's sniffing the hump teddy.

Romano is rumbling a bit following Corey but thats it so far. No aggression from either.

I really hope it works out!
Ohh Corey just tried to hump ro.

Then Ro followed and they are going round in circles. XD;

Seems Corey is trying to top whilst Romano is just rumbling.
Sounds good so far! If there's a bit of chasing this is fine. Long as R doesnt get cross with the humping. They are working out who is boss that's all xx
Ro's teeth chattering now because Coreys trying to be the humper...

just gunna keep an eye on them...
Sounds good so far! If there's a bit of chasing this is fine. Long as R doesnt get cross with the humping. They are working out who is boss that's all xx

He gave a bit of angry teeth chattering at the humping but Corey climbed off and has gone to eat.

They seem fine otherwise.

Let's just hope Ro either submits or Corey does... But I have a feeling both want to top...
Romano definitely doesn't want to bottom every time Corey tries to top but he never tries to top back, he just rumbles.

he's never humped just rumbled. Thats why he confuses me on if hes top or bottom.
My Rodney doesn't like getting humped he squeaks & butts Billy off. He's never cross tho, and Billy takes the hint...

Is R angry? Is there any chattering?
There's been some chattering from Romano but as soon as Corey gets off he's fine.

They both seem happy to explore, its only when Corey clibms on Ro he's not happy but they aren't being aggressive otherwise.

No fighting or yawning or anything like that... yet.
Romano and Corey are fine until Corey tries to hump then Romano chatters if Corey does it too much and tries to kick him off.

Otherwise they are just doing this...


So I don't know. Ro never seems to want to top but at the same time he doesn't ever want to be humped. This was the confusion I had with Arthur and Romano...
What happened with Arthur?

Rodney doesn't like being humped he boots Billy off or runs away & squinnies - but he doesn't chatter. Give them longer, the chattering is him warning he isn't happy. I would give them a bit longer in the pen...
The humping would calm down its more at the moment while he's trying to establish himself.

They are gorgeous by the way!
Thank you.

Well Arthur was the submissive, Romano only rumbled but never humped -because he never seems to- but Arthur hit his puberty years and wanted to dominate Arthur. Ro tried to avoid Arthur but Arthur became aggressive and Romano ended up with about 5 pairs of bites up his back and Arthur got a single bite on his face in the end.
Hard to kno isn't it... I didn't get any chattering with mine so I'm not sure. A bit of chattering is meant to be ok...
He only chatters when Corey humps otherwise they just seem to lay down and eat or explore.

I really don't know... Darn boys. Why do they have to be so confusing.

I really want to keep Corey as I've managed to make him really tame and hes a good behaved boy otherwise. So I hope they do work out...

If they don't... well I have a lady who told me to phone her if I need and I have a reccomended vet for neutering from a rescue but I'd rather not go that route unless I have to.
If one is chattering a little otherwise ok that's alright, if they were both angrily chattering it'd be a worry. I think it's quite positive. It can take weeks to fully establish rank apparently & you only have one humper. They sound like mine without the slight chatter. Just be wary R could snap if he's really annoyed.
Thanks. I'll just keep an eye on them. The problem is this temporary cage is in the living room so I need to move them upstairs into Ro's cage.... thats my worry about distressing them.

I really hope it works...
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