I think your doctor is right and piggies are susceptible to so many illnesses the poor souls, I think that's another reason we seem to constantly worry and think they are sick. Yes the anxiety is definitely worse when it concerns our piggies, again because they can get so many illnesses and as you say, it's because they hide it so well and sometimes when we realise it is too late.
Yer, there always is the possibilty that your piggies may have lived longer but please don't torture yourself thinking about the maybes and what ifs, I do it myself and it makes you feel much worse. In all honesty, whether a vet is cheaper or not, they are still trained, still know what they are doing and are a qualified vet. So whether you chose a cheaper vet or not, you still gave your dog the care it needed. Please don't blame yourself, at least you tried, many people don't even do that, it's sad but true.
Yes it was the same for me, my partner also was acting like I was crazy because of my OCD. It really hit him hard losing our piggies to be honest because he did love them but instead of being a decent person and supporting me when I needed it, he chose to take off and drink so I left him, he can be very selfish. Sounds like your boyfriend was too. Sometimes I think we are better off without men.
I know, it's awful, I miss them everyday too. I got mine cremated and every night I stroke their urns and tell them "Mammy loves you and misses you." I talk to them everyday aswell, some people might think I'm crazy but I don't care lol. I think when we first wake up we tend to forget for that first minute or so and then it hits us like a ton of bricks again. Mornings and bedtime are always the worst.
Honestly do not feel guilty. The truth is the last two weeks Dexter was alive I really struggled. By this time I had left my partner and he was always the one to syringe feed and give medicines, he made it look so easy.
Anyways, I was like you, I struggled and really dreaded having to do it because I knew if I couldn't then it would be my fault if he died. In the end, putting him to sleep crossed my mind everyday because the anxiety of knowing it was upto me to keep him alive was too much. I also wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping and felt so ill.
After he went downhill and got more and more in pain I had to let him go. I was devastated and heartbroken but in a way felt some relief. I felt relief because he was no longer suffering but also because now I would no longer suffer by worrying, not eating and not sleeping. So if you are a bad person (which you are not) then I am too. We can only do our best and we both really did
. Now like you I am just heartbroken and sad.