update on my della.. written as a new post so if anyone wants to read all information is in one section…
hi everyone! apologies for the lengthy post, i have tried to give as much information as possible as i am looking for some advice/experience, i just hope I’ve not missed anything!
so my girl della has been on ABs now since friday 21st april for a suspected UTI. her symptoms (which started on the 19th april) where crying while urinating, urinating more often, bits pulsing / straining, wet / messy bum and leaking (like on my hand when i picked her up).
originally she was prescribed co - trimoxazole, 0.2ml twice daily, along side metacam (0.3ml twice daily) for 7 days and gabapentin (0.09ml twice daily) for a couple of days, or until she appeared out of pain.
we stopped the gabapentin on the sunday (so 3 days of it) the morning dose being the last one as her cries had stopped and things seemed to be getting better. for the next couple of days things where good, crying had stopped, so had the leaking and we where feeling positive. come the 25th though (day 5 of co-trimoxazole) we noticed red marks on the girls fleece where della had obviously been wiping herself, later that evening red was sprayed over the floor (she likes to spray her sister when she’s been pushed too much lol!) and the cries had returned with red wee
we started back up the gabapentin and booked in a phone call from our guinea vet for the 27th. the next few days there where some times della would go to the toilet with no crying or any what seemed any pain, then others where she would cry and strain herself.
27th we spoke to the vet (day 7 of week course) and we agreed to continue in the course for a further week incase it was just a stubborn UTI that needed longer treatment. the fact a few days in it started to make a difference i was hopeful it was just a UTI, but a little confused / concerned as to why it seemed to stop helping after them days.
we where also considering the possibility of a IC flare up (not diagnosed) as the girls seemed to be coming into season and we have noticed that every time they do, della would seem to have a couple of days of squeaky wees that we treat with metacam and then she would be fine.
27th april - 6th may was a mixture of wees with and without crying, poos with and without crying and leaking / slight mucky bum. i tracked each time i saw / heard della go, there doesn’t seem to be any pattern or anything i can identify as to what may have made it worse sometimes and better others, it’s completely random!
6th may we had another vets appointment, della was then prescribed baytril 0.3ml x2 a day for 2 weeks, incase there was stubborn bacteria not being killed of by the co-trimoxazole, metacam for 2 weeks even if crying had stopped (due to it being an anti inflammatory) and gabapentin until della seemed no longer in pain. our vet warned us that if the baytril didn’t make a difference within a week, we would be best to book della in for xrays once again to just insure it wasn’t stones / sludge that was causing the problem.
6th - 10th may, the baytril definitely seemed to have made a difference, there was definitely less crying overall but again a mix of crying while weeing and then some wees no crying (sometimes this would be within minutes of eachother, sometimes multiple good wees in a row or the other way round, then the opposite) some days leaky, other days not.
we spoke to the vet again on the 11th (friday) who said because we had seem some improvement with della being on the baytril, we can carry on with the 2 week course, if over the weekend things worsened we are taking her back on tuesday to discuss getting her in for xrays. if there is more improvement, we are pushing the appointment back by a week to see how she is after the full 2 week course.
since speaking to the vet, della has had a mix of squeaky / no squeaky wees and yesterday i have noticed a bit of straining once again.
so far this morning i’ve not heard any crying but this doesn’t mean there won’t be unfortunately.
we are so worried for our baby and really hope its just an extremely stubborn UTI, i just want to be prepared if it is something more serious…
i wonder if anyone has similar experiences and if you could share with me what it was in the end causing the problem?
does this sound like it could just be a UTI or is it most probably something more?
do utis / IC / bladder stones all have the same symptoms or is there normally a way to establish one from another, maybe another symptom that is common with one but not the other two?
if della did have IC, could this be the reason why it seems to worsen and then suddenly get better?
we know with dellas past that obviously she is predisposed to bladder problems and are aware this may be the ‘norm’ for her throughout her life, i just want to check that its not cruel / something to worry about or anything to have a pig on ABs / pain meds for lots of time in their life? she can live a happy life and won’t be resentful towards me? i can’t imagine the idea of doing anything else.. i can’t even bring myself to type it but i just want to make sure this is fair, other than her bladder problems she is such a funny, cheeky little monkey that does seem to love life (and lots of yummy food!) i just want her to have the best quality life we can possibly give her
we are at a complete loss as to what to think, of course i will keep you all updated on our little monkey, we are just hoping and praying she’ll improve over the weekend and it is just a nasty UTI, but only time will tell.