The day I had been dreading arrived this week. Benji saw Simon on Tuesday this week and apart from burring his incisors, there was nothing more he could do with the rest of his mouth. The teeth had grown to a point where Simon could no longer get a file into his mouth. Benji was still able to take syringe food, but by last night he was only able to take the food very slowly. He went to the vets at lunchtime and Simon anaesthetised him to see if he could gain any better access to his mouth, with him asleep. Simon has been unable to get to the back of Benji's mouth for many months, due to damage to his jaw, caused by a very aggressive abscess. However, Simon worked a miracle today. He managed to extract a very large and wide tooth at the very back of Benji's mouth. The tooth had been damaged by the abscess and was very infected. Further teeth were also removed and the rest of the teeth were burred. Benji came round very well, but was in a lot of pain. Simon gave him vetergesic to help get the pain under control. When I arrived to collect him, Simon explained that the surgery had been very challenging but we had reached a point where he had no longer been able to manage Benji's teeth. After removing the infected teeth and burring all the remaining teeth, Benji had better jaw movement than he has had for many months. Simon said this could push Benji over the edge, but it could also transform his life. Since arriving home, Benji has taken syringe food better than he has been able to for months and is very bright and lively. I know it is still early days, but I am really hoping that Benji may have a great life ahead of him and whilst he will always need regular dental work, the death sentence that he has been hanging over him for so long, may have lifted.
Benji is an amazing little piggy, who has overcome such a lot already and thanks to our wonderful vet, Simon Maddock, he could now live a much better life.