Benji - Forum Sponsor Piggy - Teas.

Aww me and my boyfriend look out for any posts about Benji he's a beauty and so full of life and sparkle ❤ what you do for him is amazing and he is so great full x
Wow, I thought Willow and Bracken could jump high but Benji goes higher. You would never believe he has been so ill he's so full of beans.
Benji continues to do very well, despite having so many issues. He hates having the marbocyl injections but they are necessary to keep all the abscesses at bay, which Zithromax alone doesn't seem to doing. The combination of both does seem to be helping though.

He has such a zest for life and doesn't seem to let any of his issues get him down. Every day with him is a bonus and although he will never get better, as long as he has the Benji sparkle, then we will fight for him every inch of the way xx
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The day I had been dreading arrived this week. Benji saw Simon on Tuesday this week and apart from burring his incisors, there was nothing more he could do with the rest of his mouth. The teeth had grown to a point where Simon could no longer get a file into his mouth. Benji was still able to take syringe food, but by last night he was only able to take the food very slowly. He went to the vets at lunchtime and Simon anaesthetised him to see if he could gain any better access to his mouth, with him asleep. Simon has been unable to get to the back of Benji's mouth for many months, due to damage to his jaw, caused by a very aggressive abscess. However, Simon worked a miracle today. He managed to extract a very large and wide tooth at the very back of Benji's mouth. The tooth had been damaged by the abscess and was very infected. Further teeth were also removed and the rest of the teeth were burred. Benji came round very well, but was in a lot of pain. Simon gave him vetergesic to help get the pain under control. When I arrived to collect him, Simon explained that the surgery had been very challenging but we had reached a point where he had no longer been able to manage Benji's teeth. After removing the infected teeth and burring all the remaining teeth, Benji had better jaw movement than he has had for many months. Simon said this could push Benji over the edge, but it could also transform his life. Since arriving home, Benji has taken syringe food better than he has been able to for months and is very bright and lively. I know it is still early days, but I am really hoping that Benji may have a great life ahead of him and whilst he will always need regular dental work, the death sentence that he has been hanging over him for so long, may have lifted.

Benji is an amazing little piggy, who has overcome such a lot already and thanks to our wonderful vet, Simon Maddock, he could now live a much better life.
The day I had been dreading arrived this week. Benji saw Simon on Tuesday this week and apart from burring his incisors, there was nothing more he could do with the rest of his mouth. The teeth had grown to a point where Simon could no longer get a file into his mouth. Benji was still able to take syringe food, but by last night he was only able to take the food very slowly. He went to the vets at lunchtime and Simon anaesthetised him to see if he could gain any better access to his mouth, with him asleep. Simon has been unable to get to the back of Benji's mouth for many months, due to damage to his jaw, caused by a very aggressive abscess. However, Simon worked a miracle today. He managed to extract a very large and wide tooth at the very back of Benji's mouth. The tooth had been damaged by the abscess and was very infected. Further teeth were also removed and the rest of the teeth were burred. Benji came round very well, but was in a lot of pain. Simon gave him vetergesic to help get the pain under control. When I arrived to collect him, Simon explained that the surgery had been very challenging but we had reached a point where he had no longer been able to manage Benji's teeth. After removing the infected teeth and burring all the remaining teeth, Benji had better jaw movement than he has had for many months. Simon said this could push Benji over the edge, but it could also transform his life. Since arriving home, Benji has taken syringe food better than he has been able to for months and is very bright and lively. I know it is still early days, but I am really hoping that Benji may have a great life ahead of him and whilst he will always need regular dental work, the death sentence that he has been hanging over him for so long, may have lifted.

Benji is an amazing little piggy, who has overcome such a lot already and thanks to our wonderful vet, Simon Maddock, he could now live a much better life.
Crikey, in total awe of Simon and his skill. Keeping all fingers crossed for Benji, you do amazing work Debbie. x x
Benji update - he's clearly still very sore but he's managing to eat a little grass! Benji hasn't been able to eat anything other than softened nuggets, porridge oats and grated carrot for about 9 months. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Simon is truly amazing!
Benji and his Uncle Simon

Thanks to Simon's exceptional skill and knowledge, Benji is able to enjoy good life quality, despite having serious dental disease. In fact Benji takes dental disease to a whole new level. He's been plagued by abscesses that have damaged his jaw significantly, but he's a happy little guy who lives his life to the full.

Benji is just one of our many 'extra special' piggies, who see Simon regularly and last month we had a large number of piggies needing treatment, resulting in a very large bill. £1276.41 for the month of May.

It's so important that we keep funds coming in and we really need your help with fundraising ideas. A few of you are planning coffee mornings, cake sales etc, and we are hoping to run an online auction in the not too distant future.

Every penny raised goes towards helping piggies like Benji
Glad that Benji is still hanging in there! He is certainly a little fighter!
Benji is a total superstar, I love him!

I'm so happy that we have Simon, I'd dread to think what would happen if he wasn't around.

TEAS is worth every spare penny you have
Please keep Benji in your thoughts. He's struggling to eat well tonight and will need his teeth burring under GA tomorrow. Whilst Simon can normally carry out conscious dental work, Benji's mouth opens so little, making it impossible for Simon to get a file into his mouth, while Benji is awake. It is only four weeks since Benji's last dental under GA and it is always risky, as Benji is such a low weight, but it needs to be done. Despite having difficulty eating, Benji is still very bright and lively this evening. It's going to be a very anxious day tomorrow.
Benji is going to the vets at 1 pm. I am spending this morning syringe feeding him little by little. He is struggling to manoeuvre the food around his mouth, so although he is hungry he can't take the food quickly. I want to make sure he has plenty of food on board before I take him.
Sorry for the lack of updates but we have been incredibly busy at TEAS. I am absolutely devastated to report the following update that was posted by Emma @MintyAndGarry (TEAS) on our TEAS FB page on Saturday. As is mentioned in the statement, Emma and Andrew are away for the whole of August, so I am dealing with all the day to day stuff alone, at what is my busiest time of year for my petsitting business too. Therefore please accept my apologies for only posting this very sad update now. I am still coming to terms with the loss of such a special little piggy.

Love Debbie xx

It is with incredibly heavy hearts that we have to report the sad passing of Benji. Things had simply got too much for his little body and it is suspected that he was going into septic shock. The kindest thing to do was to let him go.
Benji won't be lonely on his journey over Rainbow Bridge, as Toby joined him this morning. He had developed spinal pain and a heart issue. Despite the best efforts, he too was helped on his way.
As you can imagine, this has knocked us all for six. Debbie is dealing with all of this, as we are away at the moment. We ask for some time, while we come to terms with our losses. We will post more in depth at a later time.
I am so very sorry that you had to send off two of your boys at the same time.

Benji has certainly defied any stereotype about a guinea pig with severe dental and abscess problems not being able to enjoy life and not wanting to live further! He was truly a piggy hero!
I'm so sorry Debbie and everyone at TEAS. Benji was indeed a piggy hero, as Wiebke as said. I'm so sorry to hear about poor Toby too.