@eileen thank you, it was. Her friend Ziggy was our oldie, she died a month ago of heart failure caused by a mass growing in her chest

It wasn't fair to keep Suki alone & because she has ongoing teeth problems we didn't want to get her a friend because her prognosis is uncertain, we were worried about having to make a sad decision & then her new friend being on their own again. I've spent the last 5 years with various piggies at the vets every month at least & it has been extremely sad. We have only had Suki a year from a rescue, she's had a bad start in life so we wanted the best we could for her, to give her a chance. Debbie very kindly offered her a permanent place at TEAs as she might need fortnightly dentals for the foreseeable future & we were beginning to find the trip was getting more stressful for Suki so sadly we decided it was in her best interests to live there instead. I have shed a lot of tears & we miss her terribly though x