
Gorgeous senior kitty! Good luck, visiting the dentist is never easy 🦷
Barrett had to have wet food 24 hours after his dental. Now every morning he taps my face until I give him a spoonful. I was going to donate that food to the animal shelter.

Barrett is stealing from rescue cats, I tell him.
Good luck and I hope it isn’t too bad - do you think he’s been in a fight ?
Oh Barrett what have you been up too? Good luck at the vets.
Barrett caught a mouse in the house last night! Didn't think he had it in him. I heard a crash and then he brought it to my room to finish it off. He then wanted to eat it but I stopped him.

Honestly, I don't want him to give me any kisses for at least a week. He usually rubs his cheeks on my face, but yuck. It's going to be hard to stop him.

Time to set some traps, they sometimes can in right before winter.
Barrett caught a mouse in the house last night!
What a clever boy alerting you to mice! If you use a humane mouse trap (they do work I put peanut butter in mine) remember to take them at least 2 miles away from your house so they don't find their way back.
