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Bann's mysterious lump (and a URI)

It's on the floor, but at least one of the room thermometers is there too. I've been using Snugglesafes - Mourne gets one and ignores it, when I tried to get Bann's last night he refused to leave the bed lol. I've got it in the base of a cuddle cup because he likes it like that, but he doesn't quite understand it doesn't magically warm itself back up.

When the boiler wasn't working yesterday I dumped a massive amount of orchard hay into the cages. Neither of them seems inclined to eat it, but for insulation purposes I'm good with them not eating it. I think it's helped a little.

I know when Comet got a URI Blitzen never had an issue, and Mourne's been fine since anyway. It's just Bann. 😕 part of me hopes it's just him getting older, but I've that niggling thought at the back of my mind there's more to it. I'm trying to ignore that thought, he was checked over fully when I was last in, if there was something obvious to be found we'd've known.
So not the temperature pure and simple then...Maybe it is age related, as skinnies have a faster metabolism and usually shorter average lifespan. My OH (now an OAP!) used to not feel the cold, now he even wears a jumper in the kitchen which is always warm due to the Aga 😯 And I've noticed how much cooler it seems since the weather became autumnal 2 weeks ago - the temperature on the thermostat is still around 20 as it has been all summer, but I feel colder indoors than I did...

I'm presuming you're monitoring his weight and he's eating enough when you're not watching. Hope he perks up soon 🤞🙏
Hope that Bann is feeling better soon. The poor boy has had a rough few weeks. 😞

Well I can confirm there's nothing wrong with his circulation and he's the epitome of a hand sized hot water bottle, and I can confirm there's nothing wrong with his ability to hold a grudge (don't ask). I also went to ask Mourne to stop rumbling at him earlier only to realise it was Bann who was rumbling (sorry Mourne).

But. He was rumbling from head to rump, which was weird. Like I could see his head almost vibrating too and I'd swear that didn't always happen...but I guess that it's been a while, I could be wrong.

I'm torn, because if something is wrong I don't want to miss it, but at the same time, everything about him is telling me going to the vet probably won't help and I don't want to keep dragging him in there if it turns out to be old age. His breathing sounds normal and looks normal in his chest, his appetite is still good, I unintentionally rearranged his cage earlier and he has curious enough to check it out which is when he rumbled at Mourne. Poor wee man, I wish I knew for certain where to go with this.
Absolutely, first sign of something serious and I'm there. I just loathe to keep taking him in when it feels like I'd be taking him in for my benefit and not his.

He so much as breathes too hard and I'm on the phone to the vet first thing though.