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Badger has another 2 lumps!

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The vet seems to know what he is talking about and it is good that he has given you the options so clearly.

It's always difficult to know what to do in these cases and ultimately we can only do what we believe to be best for our little pals.

I hope all goes well for Badger, take care.
Good luck to Badger. 2 of mine have lumps, went to vet yesterday, but will do a separate post. Got everything crossed for you.
Little Badger has been a very brave man today! He has had both lumps removed but the large lump was a very nasty one! :( The vet phoned us as soon as he finished the operation to say he had never seen anything so bad. The surrounding tissue was all damaged and black and as it affected such a huge area he was unable to take an amount of healthy tissue to ensure he can got everything. He also removed a small lump and said he felt it had the potential to have grown in a similar way to the large one! Both lumps are being sent away for analysis

However on a positive note the lump has not damaged his leg and when I phoned at 5 o'clock he had come round from the anaesthetic well! The vet said he had been given pain killers but was doing fine so far. I have been told to phone in the morning and hopefully he can come home tomorrow afternoon. :)

Its been such a long day today. Ellie and I took him to the vets at mid-day and we tried to keep busy all afternoon! I just want him back here. Its not the same without him! :'(

Whatever this turns out to be I just know Badger will live life to the full! He is so full of character and nothing seems to stop him. He is the most friendly little man and we all love him so much!
Glad to hear Badger has come through the operation OK. Fingers crossed for him. I expect he's having a really good sleep now! They are so brave.
Have just phoned to see how Badger is? Vet hasn't checked him over properly yet but they say he has eaten loads during the night and is doing lots of poos so its looking good so far! :)

We are just taking a day at a time at the moment. Getting him home is the first hurdle! Its not the same here without him!
I am so pleased he came through it ok he is indeed a very brave piggy give him an extra hug from me
So pleased to hear that he got through the operation okay, I hope he is soon home and he improves. What a brave little guy he is :)
It's good that he has such good people caring for him, in that respect he is a very lucky little boy.

Excellent news!

How long will it be before you get the results of the analysis on the lumps?
About a week but just taking each day as it comes! For now he is looking good. They all loved him at the vets! Said he is so full of character. As soon as we put him into his cage he was climbing up the bars! He had a big cuddle with Ellie and is now happily munching his food.

He is such a special man! :D
My mum is working today so I am just getting ready to go over to my mum's and be with him today. :) I have just packed my hair dryer, shampoo and condition, college work just for one day! lol - He is such a special boy that I don't want to spend any time away from him if possible!
squeakypigs said:
My mum is working today so I am just getting ready to go over to my mum's and be with him today. :) I have just packed my hair dryer, shampoo and condition, college work just for one day! lol - He is such a special boy that I don't want to spend any time away from him if possible!

:) This reminds me of how it used to be when my mum was poorly and my hubby used to drop me off there on his way to work. I'd go laiden down with hairdryer (of course), toiletries, make up, my 2 dogs, their breakfast....I am sure there was more, I always seemed to have a huge bag ::)

Enjoy your day with little Badger.

Been here since 12 and Badger seemed happy to see me. I took a video of him in his cage having a walk around and he was really showing off lol... I had the top off his cage off so you could see him clearly and at the end of the vid, he climbed up the side of the cage and I quickly stopped filming to get him down before he hurt himself! I also have spotted him trying to pull at his stitches from where the little lump was taken from... naughty boy! lol...
so glad hes ok , only just picked up this tread, big hugs to him & tell him if he doesnt leave his stiches alone he will have to have a lamp shade collar on like the dogs/cats do ! bless :)
Here is a video I took of him yesterday...

I had to stop the video when I did because Badger decided he would quite like to escape! LOL

I've just caught up on this. What a brave little man - & that scar looks really long :( I know what its like when things keep growing back (Margalos ovarian cysts), Have you had anyone tell you to have him PTS? So many people I know (who are non-piggie) have said have my lumpy girl PTS & get another one the same. Der would you do that with a child? Keep fighting for him & he'll do the same back. hx
you should rename this Badgers Bald Bits looking at that pic,lol
bless his fluffy pants
Badger has been to the vets for a check up. The vet was impressed at how well he is doing and how well he looks. He said most guinea pigs still would be recovering from the operation and would be sleeping a lot but Badger doesn't do things like other guinea pigs. The day after his op he was climbing up the bars demanding food!

As we got back in the house from being to the vets, Badger made his noise (a purring noise he when he likes something) so he knows that this is home just from opening the front door!

He said the results of his lumps should be back in the middle of the week so fingers crossed that they come back nothing too serious!
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