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Badger has another 2 lumps!

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Jan 23, 2006
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Remember Badger had two operations back in October - 1 op was to remove 1 lump then two more appeared so he had to have 2 removed in his second operation? - Well he has just had 2 more lumps appear again and we have no idea what we are going to do...

With his second operation (both operations performed by Vedra's vet in London) I didn't tell anybody about this on the forum but 1 of his wounds opened up and bled quite a bit. We rang the emergency vet in our area who said he will be fine and to take him into the vets in the morning (which we did...) When we took him into our vets, my mum got questioned on why we took him to another vet blah blah blah and said that it wasn't too bad and should heal up. It then got infected so we had to take him back for antibiotics and a good month later, it eventually healed.

Here is a pic of one of the lumps he has now...


<Taken off a mobile phone so quality not brilliant!>

We just don't know what to do anymore as each time we are getting them removed more are growing back. He seems very happy in himself and when we first noticed these latest 2 lumps (1 of them is very very small), we decided to just keep an eye on it. However in the past couple of days it looks like it has doubled in size so have no option really but to go and get it checked out.

Does anybody know why he could be keep getting these lumps? He is such a happy guinea pig and has had so many problems :( The huge lump is near his front leg and when he walks it moves with him. We just don't want it getting any bigger and getting in the way of his walking!
Sorry if I have missed this...but did you have the lumps sent away for histology after removal to check what they were actually were?

Amir (Vedra's Vet) said that all 3 lumps were different, all were loose (not attached on to anything!) and easy to remove. He also mentioned that they were all incased in a shell and when he cut into one, nothing looked too concerning. We did say on the 2nd time he had them removed whether they were going to get them analysed and he said he really didn't think there was anything to worry about with them.
Oh no, poor darling! I'm so sorry. That lump looks awful.

Are they abscesses? Or just fatty lumps?

Big kisses to Badger from me xx
(and hugs for you)
The other big lumps he had removed were benign tumours apparantely...
I was wondering if they were lymph related but looking back over the pics, it certainly wouldn't appear so, many if not most are popping up where we generally see cysts :-\
As I mentioned, I have a "lumpy" girl, though thankfully not to the extent of your little Badger.

I know I am stating the obvious, but if you do need to remove another it is probably worth sending it off just in case? Though from what you have said and I have seen, they do sound and look as though they are indeed "just" cyst like lumps and bumps.
It's difficult to know what to do sometimes.

Were they anything to do with his liver? That's where Scarby had the cancer and obviously that lump was on the right hand side - about the size of a satsuma and hard to the touch. When I smoothed back Scarby's fur he was completely asymetrical.
cavykind said:
I was wondering if they were lymph related but looking back over the pics, it certainly wouldn't appear so, many if not most are popping up where we generally see cysts :-\
As I mentioned, I have a "lumpy" girl, though thankfully not to the extent of your little Badger.

I know I am stating the obvious, but if you do need to remove another it is probably worth sending it off just in case? Though from what you have said and I have seen, they do sound and look as though they are indeed "just" cyst like lumps and bumps.
It's difficult to know what to do sometimes.


If this lump is needed to be removed then I will demand they send it off and get it checked out. Like I have said in previous messages about him, he has a tilty noddy head when he walks and we also think he is blind as he bumps into things if they are not usually in that place. He is so so friendly and has had such a tough little life but seems happy and full of life. His brother had the tilty head thing and died when he was less than a year old :( He has coped well with the anaesthetic but I really don't like the idea of him going under it a 3rd time. Who knows, this one could get removed then another one will pop up?

Just spoke to my mum on the phone and she said is weird because when he got the first lump, he had a small one on the side of him which they said they weren't going to remove because it was very small. When the big lump was removed the 2nd lump grew massive and another lump grew on his back/neck. We had both of them removed and as soon as that wound healed up completely, my mum found that big lump on badger (which is half the size it was on that pic) and when she told me about it, I picked him up and found the other lump which is very very small. If this big lump is removed will the little lump grow big and it all start over again?

We just really don't know what to do anymore!
Lucinda said:
Were they anything to do with his liver? That's where Scarby had the cancer and obviously that lump was on the right hand side - about the size of a satsuma and hard to the touch. When I smoothed back Scarby's fur he was completely asymetrical.

We were told that all three lumps were not cancerous and not attached onto anything.
is it costing a lot at the vets? :(
well it sucks that this is happening,I hope you can get it sorted as it seems endless and also upsetting for you :(
I do believe a competent vet can anaesthetise safely, so try not to worry.

Try asking for Isoflurane. Humans have that too, and Scarby woke up brilliantly and cheerfully from it.
Sars1359 said:
is it costing a lot at the vets? :(
well it sucks that this is happening,I hope you can get it sorted as it seems endless and also upsetting for you :(

The operations aren't really expensive. We would pay anything for Badger to be lump-free!

Lucinda said:
I do believe a competent vet can anaesthetise safely, so try not to worry.

Try asking for Isoflurane. Humans have that too, and Scarby woke up brilliantly and cheerfully from it.

We are thinking of taking him to the Rabbit and Cat Clinic in Northampton where Rabbit and Guinea Pig Welfare take their guinea pigs. We have been told that they are very good with guinea pigs there so will see what they think...
poor boy they look like abcesses to me but maybe its hormone related or something, just clutching at straws here as its wierd for 3 lumps and to grow so quick, my biscuit had an abcess removed from his neck and a year later a funny lump with veins in it removed from his butt, so hes had one each end,
fingers crossed you get to the bottom of it, hes such a sweetheart :-* for badger
michellemuffin said:
poor boy they look like abcesses to me but maybe its hormone related or something, just clutching at straws here as its wierd for 3 lumps and to grow so quick, my biscuit had an abcess removed from his neck and a year later a funny lump with veins in it removed from his butt, so hes had one each end,
fingers crossed you get to the bottom of it, hes such a sweetheart :-* for badger

I agree with Michelle, these sound more like absesses than anything else if they are growing so quickly. I'd consider a trip to the vet today, a course of antibiotics probably wouldn't do any harm. Just in case it is an infection. The lump in the photo on Badger does look as though it could be a lymph node as guineas do have them behind their front legs. Again, I'm just guessing and thinking along the lines as if he were mine...
How is he in himself this morning?
Thnking of you and Badger.
He is fine this morning. Still his cheeky-self. The lump doesn't appear to have grown any bigger over night either...

We rang the vets which Rabbit and Guinea Pig Welfare uses and they can only fit us in their vets in the morning. The other vets around here are awful so aslong as the lump doesn't change in the day, hopefully waiting tomorrow morning will be ok. Ideally we would have liked him to be seen today however I would much rather wait and take him to a good vet that knows what he is doing than taking him to a rubbish vet who doesn't have a clue.
Was reading the first page and my first thought was an absess like Michelle and Barbara both said. No idea why it seems to have grown quick, but maybe cos it's on/by his leg may have something to do with it?

Good luck at the vets - hope you all get to the bottom of it
All his other lumps haven't been abcesses. Will just have to wait and see!
I think it depends when you catch them. Icey's fatty lump was just that for a while, then became an absess/cyst.. :)
The shape does remind me of the abscess Scarby had on his neck.

Lots of good luck and love to him and you xx

Lucinda and Caroline
Badger is happily pottering around his cage. He came out earlier for a run around the floor and his lump didn't seem to bother him too much. We are at the vets tomorrow morning at 9.10 so will let u know how we get on. He is such a lovely, friendly little man! I just want him to be alright.
Just got back from the vets now with little Badger. The vet checked out the lump and said that he doesn't think that it is an abcess and that it seems to be growing very aggressively. He pointed out that you can't separate the skin from the lump and that it seems to be attached to his leg too which will make surgery more difficult. He gave us three options...

1) Do nothing but if it grows any bigger, he might not be able to use his leg anymore and will not be able to perform surgery on it

2) Biopsy and X-ray but it still won't cure anything just by doing that but will allow us to see what the problem is.

3) Do a histology on the lump and undergo surgery to remove it. He said he likes to take away the tissues cells surrounding it too however cos you can't separate the skin from the lump and with how deep it seems to be, he might not be able to.

We have gone with option 3 obviously as it will allow us to know what we are battling with and is giving him the best chance he has. The vet said if it is malignant without being able to get the tissue cells it could spread and grow back :( He is going into surgery tomorrow so we have brought him back here to have loads of love and attention today before he goes in. The vet also weighed Badger and said that he is a very good and healthy weight for a boar. Whilst they are removing that massive lump, he is also going to remove the pea-sized lump he has underneath him.
aww hell,good luck with the little chap and let us know what happens
me and the crews will pray for him
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