07721 026401 to text/phone your message to Vedra. A rodentologist can advise you and recommend vets etc but not invade the body cavity but they know all this Vets are not allowed (legally) to recommend products not licensed for guineas without trying one that is, then one that is suitable for other animals and similar to whats needed. But I would talk to Vedra over the phone about it, there's probably nothing a rodentologist can 'do' that she can't advise.
I found flushing Henry's bladder with 40ml daily of baby fruit juice (diluted) helps get the sludge out and achieves the correct PH balance to help more stones forming (I'm told!).
I found flushing Henry's bladder with 40ml daily of baby fruit juice (diluted) helps get the sludge out and achieves the correct PH balance to help more stones forming (I'm told!).