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Any top tips for op aftercare?

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Cheers Emma O0 You thinking of her helped (she told me!) ;D

In fact everybody helped her! I'm so grateful! ;)

Just got to get her through the next few weeks to see if this op has made any difference. And just got to hope and pray there are no hiccups!

Will keep y'all posted O0
Thats great news, hope she wees soon. Little sweetie pie, get well soon :smitten:
Jeez, they're a constant worry aren't they! (Although we wouldn't have it any other way!) I bet you're on constant wee watch!

Hope she recovers properly soon and is back to herself again :)
Think she's doing really well - thanks for asking Emma! O0

She's quite grumpy and looks a bit poorly at times - like if it is hurting her a bit - but she's on metacam to try and control it. Think half of her annoyance though is Dil pestering her and taking all the prime spots! ::) The vet did a great job on her wound. I was amazed how neat it looked. Generally though she's eating and drinking (with proper wee's and poops). Which is a real relief! :D She is amazingly quite perky.

There was a tiny little lump which worried me to begin with... but the vet said it's just where her tummy button would have been and the cut has just made it stick out. Didnt really think they had tummy buttons as such! She didnt have an obvious one before! Anyway the vet said (at Rubes post op appointment on Fri) its nothing to worry about. She's off for another check up next Thurs 30th.

I'll try and get a pic of her tummy on here soon. O0

Helen x
Ah, hope she feels better soon. It's heartbreaking when you see them in pain and there is only so much you can do, it's good that she's eating and drinking! Good luck with the next checkup!
Glad to hear Ruby is doing ok. Give her a cuddle from me and my gang, especially from her name sake here!
Hee hee! Thanks Sandra! I'll try and give her a very gentle cuddle! ;)

How's your little Rube?
Being as naughty as ever! She enjoyed being out in the run in the sunshine today with the gang. We are getting her antibiotics down her ok, but she hates the cranberry juice and pearl barley water with a vengence (can't say I blame her for the latter!).

If it's nice tomorrow I shall probably give her a gentle bath in some GG lavender shampoo, hopefully it will make her feel all relaxed and chilled ;D. She seems reasonable happy in herself and is still eating well - couldn't check on the wee situation too easily today as she was on the grass, so hopefully I will get a better idea when she is indoors tomorrow.

Glad your Rube is doing ok, Tetley got quite cross with Curly when he was unwell, usually because Curls wanted to cuddle up next to him and Tetley just wanted some space!
Caviesgalore said:
Glad your Rube is doing ok, Tetley got quite cross with Curly when he was unwell, usually because Curls wanted to cuddle up next to him and Tetley just wanted some space!

::) sounds familiar! ;D Its such a shame I can put my Rube outside in this nice weather... but think she's quite content to be where she is to be honest.

Hee hee... my 2 are the opposite of chilled when they have a bath! ;D

jnenbnb said:
Aw glad she's doing well piggyloon x
Thanks again Emma! O0

Gosh... Ive really been touched by people thinking of her. This is the first op Ive been through with piggies so to say I was a bit frantic is an understatement! Been really nice that people care. :'( *sniff* Like I said I'm so touched. thankfully shes young and healthy otherwise. She was skipping about as happy as larry the day before she went in - which made me feel worse! But it was fairly routine and not an emergency which is one good thing I suppose. Didnt have the mad panic!

Thanks all again - will try and get some pic's of her on here when I can - so people can see her little bravery scar ;)
Ok... heres a couple of piccies of the patient! She's been a very good girly I have to say - bless her!
I'm amazed how neat it looks. Thought she'd be ripping the stiches out in no time... didnt know they could sew stitches this way. :o :)


Close up of the bravery wound! You can just about see the pea sized lump at the top that I was worried about, but the vet says its just her tummy button area. Thought though the whole general area looked a bit swollen today... dont now if it shows up too well on here (can just about see a bulge on HER left by the nipple.)

(thanks mum for holding her! ;) )

She still squeaks when she wees but I'm hoping its just from the op.
Aw poor rubes! She's gorgeous and it does look really neat! I didnt realise she was this big! I want mine to go this big hehe, i no its irrelevant but what does she weigh? Maybe you could ring the vets about the swelling, it doesn't look major from the pics but if you're worried you should maybe ring for piece of mind? Love Emma x
lol chunks are the best :) i've got a big'un i think, bumble weighs 1lb 2oz and she's only 11 weeks :) x
Not bad thanks! She's still squeeking when she wee's though (with bloody wee) :( And her wound is a bit swollen still. Going to the vets on thurs for her next check up - taking a urine sample with me (to see if she still has these flippin' crystals!). God I hope not. Whatever the outcome I think she'll have to go back on the potassium citrate stuff - which tastes vile. :P

I let her out for some floor time (cos she and Dil must get a bit bored in their indoor cage). Not long until she wants to go back in cos she's had enough. She spends alot of floor time in a cardboard box (but she did before to be honest) - just because i think it hurts her to walk about. She always goes in there for a wee and a poop - clever girlie! :D But there are times when she's really happy and popcorns about bless her - especially if I give her a big handful of timothy hay - I just tell her to be careful and not to stretch too much! ;D Yesterday her and Dil just made me crack up cos they were so excited and just lost all control by popcorning about! Especially Dil. ;D Cant wait until everything is back to normal and they can go back to they're normal routine.

Thanks for asking about her Emma! Hope bumble is ok and doesnt have to have all this done :(
Aw poor little thing :( i know it's nower near the same but even bee goes a biit quiet after i giv her her medicine and she just wants to sleep and she's normally mental haha so it could just be the meds ruby is on, but as my mum sed to me, if we're sick all we want to do is lay in bed and sleep especially after an op, i wouldn't think the worst just yet, it hasn't been long and normally things have to get worse before they get better, I know that the few operations i've seen people have, they've been really sore then got better soon after, it just takes time, hope its the same with piggies! If she's popcorning even a little bit and eating fine i think she's ok, probably just really fed up, i know i would be if i were her! I really hope she's feeling better soon and try not to worry too much yourself :) Love Emma x

PS bumble is looking good thanks, no pink wee, just yellow, still not sure if it should be yellow though? x
Took Rube to the vets today with a urine sample. They checked it while I was there - and the crystals have come back - so the operation didnt work. :'( :'( :'( Theres nothing else they can do....

I could be referred to a specialist in Swindon... buts thats 1hr 3/4 away (120 mile round trip). Dont know if its fair on her - plus its £100 per consultation or something. My vet has been in contact with them anyway for advice so dont know what more they can do. I dont know what to do. :-\ No more operations though definately.

Just going to control her pain from now on and see how it goes. She's still perky in herself at the moment but has her off days.
I could feel my chin wobbling in the vets cos I was upset. :'( She's only a year old.
Aw helen i'm so sorry :( poor ruby. I would speak to the specialist to see what they say, and then you can discuss the options with them. I hope they find something they can do for her, or her pain at least. I really am gutted for you and ruby, wish i could suggest something to help :( keep your chin up, there's still hope and her youth will work on her side. Love Emma x
So sorry to read this Helen *hug* the news you were dreading, poor Ruby, and so young :-\ What a shame. What are the options, can the pain be controlled indefinately, or is there only so much you can give her?
Hi I've been tied up for a few days and haven't been able to get on the forum. I am so sorry to hear about Ruby my love, just the news you didn't want. Hugs from me and mine.x
thanks. Feeling pretty crappy at the moment. The only thing I can feel ok about is that its genetic. Know that doesnt help much but at least its not my fault - in terms of her diet.

I asked about giving metacam long term... that doesnt seem too much of a problem (although Ive heard some bad things about giving it long term). Just really making sure she drinks plent to try and dilute it a bit and not to dry off veg after I rinse it. The vet says she doesnt think I should try Uriflow - which sounded like a miracle cure - just because the vet profession dont know enough about it. She's going to stay on the baytril for a while and also stay on the potassium citrate (she hates that stuff the most :P )

The vet is going to ring me later this week (after she's rung the people in Swindon... again) to see what else we can do... but she's already done that a few times.

Gosh... I feel sick... dont think I could cope with going to swindon. Wouldnt be fair on poor little Rube either. Just going to see what they say to my vet first. I hate living where I do - no rescue centres, no piggie boarding and no ruddy rodentologists or specialists! :tickedoff:

Sorry... :'(
Aw, don't apologise for feeling rubbish Helen, you are doing all you can. How far is Huntingdon from you, probably further than Swindon I bet :-\ Have you texted Vedra to see if she knows of any guinea savvy vets closer to you than Swindon? So sorry you are feeling poo.
Sorry about before! Feeling a bit emotional today! Just get so pissed off sometimes that there nothing in this blimmin county! Ironic really as its such a farming/animally county! Its a lovely county though - just annoys me sometimes cos for certain things its rubbish.

In a way I wish it was her diet that was wrong - cos it could be changed - but its just out of my hands :(

Looked on 'google maps' - Huntington is probably about twice as far as going to swindon - it just too far away unfortunately. But thanks for the suggestion Julie ;) I havent texted Vendra - heard people mention her on this site - but dont know much about her to be honest. I asked my vet if they knew of any rodentoloagists even in Worcestershire or surrounding counties but she said she didnt. Think shes being honest about that cos shes so nice and has got my and Rubes interests at heart. Dont think shes just saying it so I dont take my 'business' elsewhere.

Should've seen Ruby earlier - got a big handful of timothy hay out for them both and she was popcorning like mad - heartbreaking to watch in a way but glad shes still bright.

Hopefully I'll feel better once Ive slept. Feel guilty that this op has put her out of action for at least a couple of weeks from her normal routine and has made her feel sore, when everyday is precious. :(
Vedra will have a list of rodentologists- most vets don't, they didn't train them :)
Aw helen don't feel guilty about the op, you did what any of us would've done because you thought it would make her better, Hope vedra knows some good people :) Love Emma x
Thanks everybody - still feel a bit down today but gonna try and carry on as normal as she's feeling ok. ;) Trying to forget about it for now and just enjoy every moment

just in case - how do I get in touch with her - does she have a website or anything? Is a rodentologist the person I need or someone who specialises in bladder probs?
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