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Any top tips for op aftercare?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 16, 2007
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Its possible my little Ruby has to have an op on Fri and will have to be opened up in order to flush out her bladder. Needless to say ... I'm very worried about the whole situation. :(

I was just wondering if anybody had any 'top tips' for keeping the wound clean especially as she'll have to lie down on the wound, and will be in with Dil. Do wounds have any protection over them (such as gauze) or are they usually left for the skin to breathe? Its inevitable she'll lie on hay that has wee on it! How would you stop her from licking or biting at the stitches - would she have to wear a 'lampshade' collar? 98)

Also - what are the risks of prolapsing (her intestines coming through the wound). Ive heard some instances on here of it happening (although - I think it was Maryh on 'in pain when pooing' thread, reassured me this wouldnt happen). Thought I would just check again! ;)

Sorry if there's already a similar thread - couldnt find one. This is also a first time for me as these are my first pigs.

Thanks. Any thoughts would be very much appreciated - as I'm really worried. :( Love my little Rube so much!
http://www.guinealynx.com/postop.html is a superb page.

I would absolutely make sure you are given a supply of appropriate painkillers to take home as pain can put piggies off food. Make sure you have a good supply of Critical Care in case you need to handfeed.

With regards to bedding I wouldn't advise keeping them on hay while her wound is healing. You need something very clean you can change easily and also ensure that there's no bleeding such as towels or fleece (pale coloured). Most pigs don't wear collars post-surgery as it causes more irritation in them trying to get it off. A good vet would ensure that the stitches are dissolvable and under the skin so there's little risk of them opening up the wound. Prolapses are rare.

Fingers and paws crossed for Ruby here.
Use vetbed if you have any as this will keep piggy warm and dry.

Fluids are important for the first 24 hours,give little and often by syringe.,and this does I am afraid mean through the first night.

It is best to leave the wound and not try to cover it.

Sometimes the suture line will get a bit dry,which will make it itchy with the danger of the piggy scratching it.If the sutures do start to look a bit dry or tight,rub some Calendula cream into them.You could also use Kamilosan cream .

If the piggy is not eating you will need to syringe feed.

A vitimin C supplement or one drop of Abidec per day will help the healing process.

After renal surgery you need to monitor the urinary input/output to make sure he is peeing enough.There may be blood in the urine initialy,but this should clear in a few hours.

If the blood is heavy and continues for longer than 3 hours contact your vet,also if the piggy does not pee within 2 hours let the vet know.

The 2 most important things are

Do not get worried because the majority of pigs are eating and drinking normally within a short time.I have even known pigs to eat within 40 minutes of coming round.

Paws crossed for both of you.
all i can say is good luck. it probably wont be the wound you will be worried about. just keep your fingers cross she eats afterwards.
Awww... thanks everybody for your comments so far. Gosh... didint realise there was such a lot to consider. It all make sense though. ;)

Is it ok for them to be together? Havent really got any alternative to be honest as Ive only got the one indoor cage - and a travel carrier. And in terms of bedding... would JUST newspaper be ok? Obviously she'll need hay though for her diet so this might become part of the bedding unless I try to get most of it out.

What do vets usually provide you with after the op - will I have to get most of the things (like the creams and the vit C tabs) myself? Would like to start preparing now if I do. Got plenty of syringes.

Will it be ok for her to go outside in her run? If not - how long until it would be? Are guineas good healers? When could I expect everthing to have healed and everything be back to normal? When would all post treatment stop?

Sorry... so many questions! Just need to get my head around everything.... any help would be great O0

Thanks so much for your good luck messages... means a lot. Hopefully this might help others too, who are worried about their piggies having op's. ;)
Aw poor little ruby, hope everything goes well for her and at least u know it will sort her peeing problem out and she won't be in pain in the long run! Try not to worry 2 much just love her and she'll be ok :) good luck ruby!
Emma x
Hi PiggyLoon don't feel bad about asking lots of questions you are doing exactly the right thing getting prepared.

I have always kept my ill pigs with their cagemates, unless of course they have something awfully contagious, even to the extent that Curly accompanied Tetley to the vets on operating day. Curls stayed in the recovery cage until Tetley had been operated on. He was very good and never bothered Tetley, piggies seem to sense when something is wrong with their friends, but Tetley certainly seemed to take comfort from having his friend nearby.

Have you got any old towels you could use for bedding? I got some puppy pads from my vet which are bigger than those you can buy from places like PAH, lined the cage with these and placed towels and vetbed on top. You will need to change the towels several times a day to keep Ruby dry. Vetbed is expensive but is a godsend when piggies are not well. Make sure you give them a good shake and then and put them through the washing machine, no fabric softener though!

As far as hay is concerned I wouldn't put it in the base of the cage as it can be sharp. Try stuffing a wc roll or one of those twirly food holder things that hang from the side of the cage with hay (sorry, can't remember what they are called!). Also beware hayracks, Tetley was so keen to get to the hay post op he climbed into the rack - not a good idea :P

We were sent home post op with antibiotics, was given Baytril, but asked for Septrin as this is generally considered better for bladder problems and I also asked for Metacam drops for pain relief. Be careful with the Metacam as long term use can be harmful to piggies, however, I did find it useful during the first couple of days - be sure to check whether Ruby has been given any pain relief by your vet before you leave the surgery - don't want to overdose her. They should also give you a 1ml syringe to administer the antibiotics if they are prescribed. It might be worth asking for a couple of 5ml syringes too just in case you end up having to give food by syringe, Science Recovery or Oxbow Critical Care sachets (powdered food you mix with water) and some probiotic which you give about an hour after you have given the antibiotics (Bio Lapis or similar). I also keep in a couple of jars of organic babyfood which I mix with the Science Recovery as my lot have never been too keen on it.

As for cream and vitamic C you will have to get these, but they are easy to find at your local chemist.

In my experience healing has been good, usually after about 10 days the wound has healed over nicely and the hair has begun to regrow. We seem to have been on antibiotics for anything up to 6 weeks post op, but it varies from pig to pig. Not sure about putting your piggy out on the grass. I would probably give it a few days and see how she goes, you could always cut some grass for her so that she doesn't miss out. To help keep up her fluids offer her watery veg and fruit i.e. cucumber and melon and I also make sure that I don't dry off all other fresh foods so that they get some extra water that way.

Will be thinking of you, hope all goes well.
jnenbnb said:
Aw poor little ruby, hope everything goes well for her and at least u know it will sort her peeing problem out and she won't be in pain in the long run! Try not to worry 2 much just love her and she'll be ok :) good luck ruby!
Emma x

Thanx - I hope it'll sort out her wee problem once and for all, fingers crossed that she's not prone to it. O0 Thankfully she's still young and fit so hopefully she can come through this little episode. I just hope its not a reoccurring thing... not fair on her.

Great site - thanks daftscotslass! Really helpful :)

The vet said she's off the following week on hol ::) - so if there are any probs, I'll have to go to someone different... which I hate cos I like to stick to the same person so she knows what Rube's like.

Thanks for your caviesgalore! Thanks for the tips about the hay - cos she's still gonna need to eat it but cant use it for bedding. Know what you mean about those twirly things - cant remember what they're called either! ;D Any advice on picking her up? I will need to move her - to change the bedding. And what can I do to give Dil my other piggy the exercise and variety during the day (not being couped up in the same old indoor cage)... without pining for Rube. She starts squeaking as soon as I put Rube back in her cage and Dil is still out on the floor usually! She's going to need to move about or she'll have problems of her own - i.e. bloat!
Ok - quick update - just got back from the vets and Rube's op is now on the 22nd Aug. My vet is on hol next week, so she said it would be better for me and her that I could see her for aftercare purposes (if you understand what I mean!). Whereas if Rube had it on Friday I would have to see a different vet for check up's.
Gives me a bit of time to get everything up together. O0
I'm so scared for her - and for myself that I hope I can do everything right! :(

How do you cope if you're out all day working and there's no-one to keep an eye on your pig after an op?
Would she be in recovery at the vets for a half/whole day or more?
Should I take Dil with her or is it good for them to spend some time apart so they get used to it?

Thanks everybody for your help.
Helen x

(sorry on my last message it meant to say - 'thanks for your help Caviesglaore.' For some reason - I cant edit messages, I know theres a time limit, but it wont do it even straight away after Ive sent it. 98) Just says 'error on page' (with an exclamation bar) along the grey bit at the bottom of the page. )
Most vets keep the piggies for 3 hours or more to make sure there aare no post op problems.If you are working I am sure the vet would be willing to keep the piggy longer,even overnight if necesary.Having said that,piggies recover quicker in their own surroundings.Could you not arrange some time off from work?.

Take her companion with her and leave them both at the vets,sows get very stressed if they are on their own.

I am sure she will be fine.

Hi Caviesgalore,

Do you not find 5ml syringes too big for piggy mouths?, I use 1ml or 2 ml for feeding.Have found that even 3ml is a bit big.

Thanks Mary - I hope she'll be ok... :-\

In terms of syringes - they seem to take to any size really in my experience. No as big as their water bottle spout I guess!
Had not thought of that because I do not use bottles,but I see what you mean,the bottle nozzles are quite big.

As long as we get the nourishment into them,it does not matter anyway.I have even used the end of a teaspoon handle to feed some pigs.

Hi Mary most of my piggies will take food from the 5ml syringes, fluids and meds I always use 1ml. Using 1ml and recovery food I always find the syringe gets blocked - lost count of the number of times the blasted thing has exploded all over me! ;D I have had the odd piggy that doesn't like the bigger ones then I usually try 2ml.
Good luck with Rube tomorrow PL - and thanks for your comments on my Ruby's thread, who spooky is that! Will be thinking about you, keep us posted how things go.
Thanks caviesgalore! Keep everything crossed for her!

I love her SOOOOO much it hurts :(

Like I said - I'm so very sorry about Tetley - he was a gorgeous boy.
Good luck with your (likewise) little madam Ruby! ;) ;D She's a stunner too!
Aw i was thinking about your ruby's op today piggyloon, will have my fingers crossed for her tomorrow, good luck to you both, let us know how she gets on :smitten:
Emma x
awww... just dropped her off at the vets - with Dil for company! I'm at home now and a bit hyper!

Always get a bit worried when they go together - because the vet always confuses the two of them cos they look 'similar' - To me they look completely different! Rube has pink eyes and pink skin, Dil had dark eyes and black skin - but they are similar shades of ginger I have to admit (but still different)... Dont worry its just adrenaline! ;D ;D ;D *telling myself to Calm down*!

*sigh* oh well they're there now. The vet said the op might be late morning. Rube's eyes were huge - bless her!

Thanks Emma - going to keep myself busy now - making a casserole in the slow cooker - then going to get their indoor cage all ready for their return. Got some stain for their outdoor run so might paint it as it's dry outside and they wont be going in it for a while!

Feels like I'm talking really quickly! ;D ;D ;D Deep breaths!

Helen x
Good luck with Ruby's op, crossing our paws for her :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Sorry i've no advice on bladder probs but i see you've had some brilliant advice and wonderful encouragement from everyone here, they're spot on eh O0
Thinking of you and Ruby PL - got everything crossed for a successful outcome, give your little girls a kiss from me.
thanks Glynis, Julie and Caviesgalore. All of you on here are so kind!

Just got the call from the nurse to say its all done and she's come around nicely from the anaesthetic! I cant tell you how relieved I am! :D :D :D Got to pick her and Dil up at 5.10pm all being well - hopefully she wont have to stay overnight. To have this op cost £180 - but I dont care! Just want her to have pain free weeing! Dont worry... I'm going to give her the biggest smackerooony on the head ever! :-* ;D

Done all my jobs - kept me occupied for a while! ;D

Just hope everything from here onwards runs smoothly. I'm worried these calcium crystals will just come back again :( Think its genetic - rather than diet related.... so there is nothing I can do really. :-\

Thankyou all so much for thinking of her - it really has worked! O0
Will post again later to let you know how she is settling. Might have some more questions by then!

Helen x
I just saw this thread and am so pleased Ruby came through the op ok. Bet you cant wait to get them home.
Everything crossed for your little girl xx
So glad to hear that Ruby came through her op ok Helen. Tetley's surgery cost £190 so yours sounds about right, but as you said, money doesn't come into it, we just want our little piggies to be well.

She will be much better off, and happier, at home with you and Dil snuggled up with her. Check what, if any, pain meds your vet has given throughout the day so you know when she can have any more, should she need them.

Take care and fingers crossed for a smooth recovery.

Thanks Sandra! (sorry didnt know your name before *embarrassed*) O0

Can anybody give me any advice on picking her up? - because I'll have to get her out in order to change the bedding. And also stopping her from licking/agrivating the wound?
Caviesgalore said:
So glad to hear that Ruby came through her op ok Helen. Tetley's surgery cost £190 so yours sounds about right, but as you said, money doesn't come into it, we just want our little piggies to be well.

She will be much better off, and happier, at home with you and Dil snuggled up with her. Check what, if any, pain meds your vet has given throughout the day so you know when she can have any more, should she need them.

Take care and fingers crossed for a smooth recovery.


Agree with Sandra :) I'm so pleased it went well for her, what a relief for you!

Now relax and have a HUGE glass of wine and put your feet up! ;D

Huge glass of wine sounds good to me ;D ;D

Out of interest, how did they put her wound "back together" again? The two piggies I have had bladder surgery on left their wounds alone and they healed very nicely. Try slipping your hand underneath/between her front legs and cradle her bottom in your other hand to take most of the weight - hope that makes sense.

Now off for that wine!

;D ;D ;D wine sounds good to me too!

We're back home and she's nice and settled. They're both pretty pooped! Dil more than Rube funnily enough ::) ;D

The vet said they stitched her from the inside? There are no stitches showing - then she mentioned something about putting glue on it! I think thats what she said! 98) :o

I'm a tincy bit worried - the vet told me to expect blood in her wee - but the thing is she hasnt wee'd at all since she's come home. Havent seen her drink as yet but she's had a big slice of cucumber and a bit of carrot/cabbage.

Rube seems to be fine with me but is teeth chattering to Dil when she gets too near. Dil is a bit too nosey anyway! Rube isnt exactly a cuddly pig - she likes her own space!

The cost was actually £130 when I went to pay for it - which I thought wasnt too bad really.

Phew - what a day! :o ::)
Aw glad to hear it went well, hope she makes a full recovery now :) let us know how she's getting on x :smitten:
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