All bandaged up!

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The link works - I can go and see the pic (lovely!)

You need the bottom link though - the one that says IMG code, the bottom of the 4 links below the pic - try that!

I've done it ! Weeheeyyy. Taken me 2 hours but I got there! :)

I didn't remove the first img letters from the first link so the picture wouldn't show.

Many Thanks to Sophie


What lovely pigs, will you be rehoming them once they're big enough? They've got gorgeous faces -how many boys / girls?

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

I'm was quite proud of myself as I managed to sex them all correctly at just 3 days old. There are 3 sows and 2 boars. 0:)

Yes they will all be available for re-homing after they can be treated for lice as mum and daughter are carriers. A few blasts of GG lice n easy should clear it.

Mum and daughter will also be re-homed once fit and well. Mum is so nosey it's amusing. She's the first to hear the shed door open in the mornings and talks to me all the way trough feeding the others. She just sits at the bars and pokes her nose in.
Sorry was trying to post and our power went out >:( >:( >:( :P :P

OMG what total cutie alert :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
i'm flying over now............ oh i wish :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

You've done so well O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 They all sound so absolutely gorgeous :smitten: :smitten:
aww the Mum sounds a real sweetie :-* :-* :-* :-*
Dad we have called Rocky because of all the wounds and bandages.
Son is called Stan - The previous owner named him and it's stuck.

No names yet for mum, daughter or babies. I can't tell the babies apart yet. The colour in every one is identical. 98)

Just caught up with this thread. So pleased you have them and they are now safe. Poor Daddy piggy bless him hope he heals soon.

Those babies are just gorgeous. What a beautiful little family they are. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
like i said in my post, but no one noticed as a suggestion do you think poppa could be harming himself cause he has lice and he is scrathing himself to get relief? this just a suggestion that came to mind. mum and babies are wonderful, do you have picture of dad and stan? hoping you find good homes for them :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: let us know if it is the lice causing dad to hurt himself. hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
Hi Chloe

Thanks for the advice. We had thought of lice but he doesn't have any on his back. They are mostly around his hind legs and rear. A soon as I can treat him with a bath I will. Hopefully the bath will make him happier and less stressed.I don't have any pics of Rocky and Stan together yet but when I do I'l post one here for you.

Many thanks to all
regarding Rockys wounds, my guinea pig was ginger and white and had very sensitive skin. if a didn't religously trim her nails every week, wounds just like that would appear along her back. Just a thought, but have you checked his nails?

you're an absolute saint for taking them all on.
Hi Dorothy

Thanks for your message. I have trimmed his claws but they weren't excessively long. I'l keep them as short as possible in an attempt to reduce his scratching.

Thank you for your kind words.

Claire they are all goregous!
see what you mean about them all looking identical! :o :o :o
just number them! i cant tell kacper and melchior apart was going to paint one pink and one blue! not a good idea thou! ;D ;D ;D
Ron x
They are all beautiful piggies :smitten: I hope dad's wounds heal up soon and he doesn't keep self harming :(
Daddy pig is still in a bad way. In fact the wound is getting bigger. He's ripped it apart 3 times today. He does it with his teeth then squeals and squeals at the pain. The vet has explained that there is nothing more they can do.

We've tried bandages and the Aloe vera way but he's just ripping himself to pieces.
He's been ivermeced and been treated with lice n easy.
I've tried good ol fashion sudocream.

A week on and he's still on Baytril and Bio-lapis.

The only other thing I can think of is to get him stitched and bandaged. I have no idea how much this will cost and even if the vet will agree but i'm going to be on the phone at 8.30 in the morning begging with the vets to do something......

If only there was such thing as a guinea pig collar to stop him from scratching and biting.

He's currently sat with his son, in an indoor cage in the kitchen, wrapped from head to foot in a human bandage. There's nothing more I can do for tonight, I can't just sit here and hear him scream his way through the night.
i think your doing the best you can
you doing such a great job for him
keep up the hard work hun
Anz x
Oh poor boy!

I don't think they can stitch bite wounds - if it's the same as dog bites - because there's not a clean edge to stitch and because of the risk of infection. I don't know what else you can do... could you put something soothing like Aloe Vera gel on it? I don't know if this is ok for guineas, just thinking of when my Dad had shingles!

I wish they could stitch it for you, hope they can :( I would do the same as you're doing now, bandage him all up, anything to stop him getting at himself. Maybe as the wound is healing it's irritating him in some way, so he itches it and it opens up again :(
The worst wound is a clean cut, just like a slice. Although my concern is that as it's been there weeks before I rescued him it's now wide where he's opened it time and time again. I'm just hoping they will agree to do some kind of repair work on him.

He's just gone and pulled tonight's bandage off in a temper, so that lasted all of 40 minutes.

I've tried the Aloe gel for a couple of days. It dries it up nicely then he just just rips it open again.

am so sorry daddy pig is being a bad patient :'( :'( :'( really hoping the vet can do something for him. hoping he and stan are still getting on well together. i know in oz we have these they are made in canada, maybe one of these would help him or something similar? hoping you find something. sending you all hugs and prayers and good vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* they are $3.00 USA$ and $4.00 US$ to post here is another picture on how it is put on.
maybe a jumper or bandage? these need piggy supervision, just thought it might help to give you an idea or two. good luck! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

i know with dogs you can put iodine on bites as they hate the taste, maybe find something daddypig hates. :smitten:
You could try using a sock as a jumper. I think GPQ used something similar on her skinny pigs once.

Other than that is a really good coating a petroleum jelly or vaseline, anything to stop him biting the area. You will have to keep putting it on but its the only thing I can think of.
Thank you.

I have bought a piggy coat tha Choloe suggested. Not the same design though. Maybe the sight of it will be enough to put him off biting! :)

I took him to the vets again this morning and they have said all I can do is put Fucidin cream around the edges of the wound and aloe vera gel on the wound to keep infection away.
He has to stay on Baytril and bio-lapis for another week.

The only other alternative is to have him put under anesthetic and cut into the wound so they can create an edge to stitch. However if they do this and he pulls the stitches out then he lessens the chance of survival, especially if I don't catch it straight away.

Poor piggy.

hoping daddy pig gets better soon :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: glad i was able to help, lets hope daddy pig leaves his little jumper on O0 you are doing a wonderful job O0 how is stan and the girls? sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* if daddy pig don't behave jessie and zoe are coming to 666) 666) 666) him into shape :laugh: seriously hoping he gets better sending prayers. :smitten:
lindsay7 said:
Bless him. Hows he getting on with his new jacket? :smitten:

I have to wait for it to be delivered fro abroad so I just have to keep applying the cream meanwhile. I'l post a picture as soon as he gets it. You never know, he might even start a fashion trend! ;D

Stan has bonded nicely with dad. Although sometimes he sleeps at the other end of the cage. There's been no fighting at all so they've got each other for moral support. Stan's off his critical care and has cheered up a lot but he still has lots of weight to put on.

The girls are all doing fine thank you. Mum is the first to say hello in the mornings and her wounds are healing nicely.

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