Adult Guinea Pig
Has anyone hear suffered with it? This is kinda linked to my panic attack thread.
I do too, not as badly as Laura I don't think, but most days I don't get out of my bed little known my house. xx
fear of vomitting. You have the same kind as me xxThere was a time I couldn't get out of my bed...first time was seven years ago, I stayed in bed for two weeks, that was the turning point for me to pick myself up and try to get a grip on it. Last time was last July, it was a huge battle just to get dressed and some days I found it impossible to leave my room. Turning point from that came because I my dad was in Afghanistan and the situation with leaving my mum to cope with the twins (my brother and sister) on her own was actually depressing me just as much, it took me a few weeks to recognise that. It was weeks before I felt comfortable being outside my room but I got there.
There were days I was too afraid to step outside the back door - literally. If I was asked to put the wheelie bins out the front of the house at the end of the drive, I'd work myself up into panic just at the thought of it. Now, ok I am still having major issues but what I CAN do is:
- Be comfortable anywhere in the house;
- Answer the door and the phone (something I could not do last year);
- Put the bins out;
- Go for a bike ride;
- Walk part of the way to school with the twins (it is half a mile/five mins walk, just around the corner), some days I get halfway, some days I get three quarters of the way, and I have once made it to the school gate;
- Go to the postbox (next to the school) to post letters.
My agoraphobia is a result of emetophobia (fear of nausea/vomiting) and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). I suffer the GAD when I go out - I have suffered GAD for 14 years (since I was 7 years old) although it was not recognised until seven years ago. My biggest symptoms of the anxiety are a lump and tightening in the throat, churning stomach, hot flushes, clammy hands, dizziness and trembling. Well, it's not rocket science to figure out why I'm agoraphobic...when I feel all those symptoms as an automatic response every time I go out, or get ready to go out, I feel so sick, and having the emetophobia leads to panic attacks. Can you see how it all ties in?
I should also point out that the old definition of agoraphobia being a fear of open spaces, is not accurate. Agoraphobia is part of a panic disorder, it is the fear of being in a situation you feel trapped in or stuck in a situation you cannot escape easily. For me, the fear is so great, the avoidance behaviour comes into it. If I feel I am very liable to flip from feeling able to tolerate the feelings to feeling panicked and totally overwhelmed, I will very rarely push myself to go out.
There is a lot more to my condition(s) than what I have described and which I generally don't go into, I am dealing with it personally and with the support of a friend and a counsellor, but with regards to the agoraphobia, this is the bulk of it.
Aye, she told me not to be alone if I have it. I seriously only need it for Wolverhampton or LONG car journeys, espcially when it's to do with the M6 or traffic jams. I'm very vunrable right now and I feel everything is taking advantage, like I'm afraid of things I never used to be, lorries going past me on the road make me uneasy...Diazepam is a sedative, I think. Good on you, don't let it beat you x
Do you mean the part of my ex boyfriend, violence and such. I'm actually pretty much in agreement, at first for a long time I thought I'd dealt with it along with a childhood experience I've had, I grew up in foster care also. Anyhow, I don't cope with stress well, rejection, other girls, I hate mobile phones all because of my first boyfriend.I'm not surprised you are struggling again Beautifulmess. Please forgive me if you feel I am speaking out of turn or stepping in too far...but for me, reading your post, I can see why it's coming back again. Same reason as for me. I didn't deal with the underlying and more widespread emotional issue. From what you've said, there are issues you've not really worked through. It is not for me to say what you need to do, or what the issues are, only you know and only you can come round to that thought in your own time, I don't expect you to agree with me that there is more to this than meets the eye. But from reading your post, that is the impression I got, and I apologise if you feel I'm wrong on that.
For me, I could not handle my emotions, I did not work through issues I had with certain parts of my life, and that is what I have spent the last two months doing, and I am continuing to do so. Remember when I posted saying I needed a break? Well, this is why, I was focusing on helping everyone else and ignoring me. Ignoring the knowledge that deep down, I had a lot to deal with. I wanted to ignore it but it did drag me down and, when the time was right for me, I accepted that I had to do something.
All therapies and counselling and CBT I have had, prior to the last few months, were focused on the phobia. Nothing else, the focus was to deal with the phobia. And it didn't work, because I have never known how to handle emotions, so to be thrown in at the deep end and expected to cope with the absolutely overwhelming feelings I get when I feel anxious, phobic and panicked...well, I was doomed for failure really as far as I was concerned. If I couldn't handle tears and upset, or even happiness, without finding some excuse to bottle it, how could I deal with the terror and panic, especially terror and panic as strong as what I feel.
Huge well done for getting to the doctors, don't underestimate how well you did. I really need to go to my doctor for my physical health problems, but I know I have to be referred to a rheumatologist at hospital and go through tests and MRIs again. Given I cannot even get to the lovely small doctors surgery, all hope of getting to a hospital is kind of non existant right now!
Re the medication. I was given diazepam at my worst. I honestly don't know how much it helped me. My memories of my worst days seven years ago are not overly clear...I remember some moments as if they happened yesterday, the ones I have spoken about I remember well, but I spent most of the first six months or so merely "existing".
I had to take diazepam whenever I felt panicked, or as I was "recovering" from the agoraphobia I too had to take it before I went out, with the option to take another 2mg tablet if panic did set in. I remember using them regularly, I also remember I carried them around for around three years after I had "recovered" (i.e. was able to go out with minimal/tolerable anxiety), eve though I no longer used them it was a huge step to get rid of them, because they were my safety net.
I actually have some diazepam here now, my doctor prescribed it for me six months ago. Why won't I take it to see if it helps...a part of it is fear of taking medications. I never had any problems with diazepam so that is no real excuse with regards to this, although it is a major issue if I have to take any other medication. But it just does not feel right for me to resort to it, and if I don't feel ready, I won't force myself to do it.
Hard for others to understand, especially my poor mother who just wants me to get out the house and not suffer with this, but this is what I mean about doing what is right for me.
Like Laura I believe hiding emotions is behind a lot of things ( I feel like crying just writing this).
Since we moved to where I live now I have had to drive and I can do it in emergencies (so many piggy and hamster trips to the vet recently) yet I have spent most of today trying to make myself go to the nearest town - about 3 miles - but haven't succeeded.
Yes, I've said both times why I dislike counselling and want actually therapy, she's a new doctor, my family doctor retired and the way the NHS is in my town, you can't see another doctor even if your doctors off. :S I can't see my doctor for another week because shes off next week. i'm going to try the counselling and then push for therapy or yes mention that I also want therapy for past events as well as counselling for the here and now.I think it's great you acknowledge that you may have things you have perhaps not dealt with. When you feel up to it, you will know and you will be able to work through it.
If your doctor is not referring you for what you feel is the right kind of therapy, don't be afraid to speak up. Say to the doctor what you believe might help you, what you feel does not help you. If your current doctor won't listen, seek a second opinion, or speak to the counsellors she refers you to.