As part of this new update, all images are now optimized, and served as webp images:

XF 2.3 - Image optimization, enhanced image resizing, and more!

The only issue here is with some older devices not supporting webp:

WebP is now supported by every single major browser. Anyone using an up to date browser will not experience any issues with viewing images. However, certain Apple devices and browsers prior to September 2020 do not support WebP.

Specifically, if you are using iOS 14 or above, there is no issue at all. Safari 14 and above is great, too but you must be running at least macOS 11 Big Sur for WebP images to display.

In earlier browsers, these users will simply not see WebP images at all. They will appear as broken images.

As time progresses, this is naturally an ever decreasing issue as people update their software and hardware. But it is something you should be aware of and think about before blanket converting all images to WebP.

Looking at the analytics we have, all users appear to be using sufficiently new devices, so there won't be any issues:


I can also go back to optimize all the existing attachments, which will take some time to complete, but I can run a job in the background to work it's way through this.