Popcorns & Wheeks
Teenage Guinea Pig
Hi all, I'm back again for some advice, just don't seem to be having any luck this year where my piggies are concerned!
So...about two hours ago I noticed my 2 year old neutered boar Dexter making a strange sound, the only way I can describe it is as a sort of cough but more abrupt and harsh sounding. He was making this noise every few minutes for around 15 minutes. At first I thought it may have been hiccups but as I have witnessed hiccups many times, this was definitely different. Had sort of a growl to it.
Then a little while after I heard a whining, painful noise and got up to see Dexter trying to pass either urine or a poop. I got him out, put him on his back as best I could to check for impaction however, couldn't see anything obstructing his bottom.
I did notice he looked a little swollen around where his testicles once were however, could not take a photo as I am on my own and he simply would not stay still.
In August, 6 weeks post (neuter) op he developed two abscesses, one small, one large on either side and had to undergo surgery again, poor soul! 4 weeks later he looked swollen again so rushed him to vets, to be told it was normal and that sometimes is just the way they heal post op. The vet told me the swollen area was soft and for it to be another abscess it would be harder.
When checking tonight the area is still soft but looks a little more swollen, not a great lot though. Does anyone have any idea what this could be. I am going to observe him tonight and take him to vets in the morning if symptoms persist. Thanks!
So...about two hours ago I noticed my 2 year old neutered boar Dexter making a strange sound, the only way I can describe it is as a sort of cough but more abrupt and harsh sounding. He was making this noise every few minutes for around 15 minutes. At first I thought it may have been hiccups but as I have witnessed hiccups many times, this was definitely different. Had sort of a growl to it.
Then a little while after I heard a whining, painful noise and got up to see Dexter trying to pass either urine or a poop. I got him out, put him on his back as best I could to check for impaction however, couldn't see anything obstructing his bottom.
I did notice he looked a little swollen around where his testicles once were however, could not take a photo as I am on my own and he simply would not stay still.
In August, 6 weeks post (neuter) op he developed two abscesses, one small, one large on either side and had to undergo surgery again, poor soul! 4 weeks later he looked swollen again so rushed him to vets, to be told it was normal and that sometimes is just the way they heal post op. The vet told me the swollen area was soft and for it to be another abscess it would be harder.
When checking tonight the area is still soft but looks a little more swollen, not a great lot though. Does anyone have any idea what this could be. I am going to observe him tonight and take him to vets in the morning if symptoms persist. Thanks!