not eating

  1. Cavy Kung-Fu

    I Finally Have My Boy.

    My little boy has finally come home with me, infuriatingly my ride was late so I missed my vets appointment for him :hb: I weighed him before I put him in his new home, here's his details: - 5 months old. - Neutered approx 7 weeks ago. - Weighing 556 grams, lighter than he was before neuter...
  2. AdamFrench

    Bereaved Piggy Losing Weight

    Hi, We lost one of your sows on Tuesday and the remaining one hasn't responded very well. She was already in for a scan which highlighted a thickened uterus wall the day after we lost Teri. She never saw Teris body as she was PTS at the vets. She was ok for the first couple of days and now...
  3. Danielle Smith

    Getting A Pig To Eat For Itself After A Month Of Syringe Feeding

    My saga with Tubs is detailed here. We've been syringe feeding him for a month now. In the last couple weeks, he takes a few bits of hay by himself, eats veggies and snacks he likes (coriander, lettuce, peaflakes; he'll often have a go at other veg like pepper too if you leave it in there for...
  4. Danielle Smith

    Help?! Tubs Lethargic And Not Eating (been To Vet, Nothing Obviously Wrong)

    Tubs was neutered at the end of November, and while his initial recovery was slow and rocky, he started putting on weight and acting like his old self by the third week of December. However, we took him (along with our other pig Flubs) with us visiting family over the Christmas period and...
  5. Bekialice

    Piggo Barely Eating

    Hiya, I have 4 guinea pigs and one of the eldest recently caught an infection and spent a night at the vets. she's five and a half. She came back to me on boxing day and she's currently taking antibiotics twice a day, painkillers twice a day and an anti inflam once a day. I've seperated her...
  6. A

    2 Out Of 4 Pigs Died In The Last Two!

    Back in the beginning of November I got 4 guinea pigs. One was from someone off of Craigslist, his name was Sammy. I got 3 others from a rescue, their names were Bram, Candy Corn, and Mr. Clean. All males. Within the first week and a half, Sammy died. We later learned that Sammy wasn't 2 years...
  7. sophadopha97

    Guinea Not Eating Properly

    Hi, My 2/3 year old guinea Pablo has recently lost a lot of weight and grown rather skinny - from 1300g at his peak 2 months ago to 1000g last week. I took him to the vets for a regular check up as I'd noticed he'd lost weight but was still eating. The vet suggested it would probably be a...
  8. C

    Guinea Pig Wheezing, Won't Eat Or Come Out Of Hiding.

    I have two Guinea pigs, both males and three years old. Alvin occasionally makes this wheezing noise, usually late at night when everyone is trying to sleep. Sometimes he stops when I put food in his dish. For the past few days, he hasn't been very active and he won't come out of his hiding hut...
  9. VeRoBa_96

    Uri And Pneumonia Advice

    Hello everyone! I'm new to this so please excuse my ignorance. I adopted a guinea pig four months ago, he has been perfectly healthy. He got re-homed due to the fact he doesn't get on with others. I re-visited the centre to pick up some supplies and noticed a poor guinea pig who had been there...
  10. PiggyRuss

    Coping With Piggy Loss

    Hi everyone, Hope you are all well. I have just signed up to this forum so I can speak with other piggy lovers and share experiences and get advice. My wife and I have kept two lovely Guinea Pigs, Cairo and Caesar, since we moved in together nearly 8 years ago. They have always lived in the...
  11. Molly Isabella

    Guinea Pig Won't Eat Hard Foods?

    Hi everyone! Okay, so my piggie Kenco has not been right for a while. She seemed to be losing weight and not eating hard foods. By that I mean the foods like carrot, cucumber, pepper. Anything with a bite to it, really. She devours her greens, loves them. So, of course I took her to the exotic...
  12. Turtz

    Not Eating Or Drinking After Car Journey

    Today my guinea pig was in a car for between an hour and a half to two hours. He was extremely restless the entire time, trying to find positions to sleep in and then instantly changing his mind. I thought perhaps heat was causing it and that once he got home he'd be calmer. However when he got...
  13. G

    My Guinea Pig Is Not Eating

    Hi, my Guinea pig is not eating, but four days ago he was fine eating all his veges and hay. Now he only takes the critical care. His weight is 901g. He look healthy he jump around and run when I put him in my room. I took him to the vet, she checked him his teeth they were fine no sharp...
  14. Monty the Grey

    Not Malocclusion But Refusing To Eat, Dropping Food, Drooling And Diarrhea

    Hi, my girlfriend and I are rather desperate with our 2.5-year-old Monty, who's been feeling unwell for the past 2-3 months. Right now he's only eating very little (having lost almost 100g in the past week), we have to force-feed him instant hay (RodiCare) and hand-feed him vegetables and fruit...
  15. gus+walter

    Pts - Is It The Right Thing To Do?

    I have previously posted threads about my poor boy Gus. He's had a really tough time of it lately. First it was his poos; they were very small and tapered though he was eating normally at the time. He now has zantac syrup twice a day to keep them in check, and it has worked for the most part. He...
  16. Livy

    Noticed Mushy Poop This Morning...

    My guinea pig Benny has had some ongoing health issues. To make a long story short, he had multiple seizures, received antibiotics, a couple of shots to help his sugars and vitamin C levels and reduce any swelling in case it was the beginning of an ear infection, and on our 2nd vet visit with...
  17. P

    Rescue - Baby Pig Issues: Eating Problems

    I recently brought home a rescue pig. He was bought from a pet store, and the girl could no longer take care of him. He's either under or right at the 2 months age mark. He's had some health issues, which I hope are coming to an end. But I am concerned that he may be too small to eat the...
  18. Afton<3

    Help! Lethargic Guinea Pig

    Hi Everyone, Sorry for the sound of desperation but this morning when I was getting ready for work i noticed one of my piggys (Pumpkin) was not quite right. usually as soon as my alarm goes off my two piggies (who are housed separately) are up squeaking and running around their cage for their...
  19. JoannaMarie

    Two Poorly Pigs... Please Help!

    So my Ted had a bladder operation a week ago last Friday, he really suffered and we all thought he was on his way out at one stage. He started to improve last Wednesday but he is still not himself, hardly eating anything. I am hand feeding every morning and evening but isn't improving much. Any...
  20. M

    Piggie Not Eating And Is Limp

    My female Guinea pig, Lucky, is around 4 years old, give or take. We bought her at Petco and have gotten a defect Guinea pig from there before we'd gotten Lucky and Rees (my other pig), so maybe I should've learned my lesson. Yesterday morning I put a pile of carrots and celery and hay in...