not eating

  1. M

    Guinea pig still won’t eat or drink

    Hi, I’m really desperate for help. I noticed my boar Milo wasn’t himself just less than a week ago. He wasn’t eating much, wasn’t moving around, had a weepy eye and crusts around his eye, was really lethargic and not himself. I took him to the vet and they said it was an infection and he was...
  2. N

    Dental Advice after Dental Surgery

    Hi 👋🏻 My pig had dental surgery two weeks ago tomorrow but since then he hasn’t been eating or drinking. He still seems to be interested in food but just sniffs it. He hasn’t gone to his bottle at all since. I’ve been feeding him critical care in the meantime but it’s exhausting and very hard...
  3. H

    I need help please

    My guinea pig Maxwell seems to be sick and I'm not sure how. This morning I fed him and my two girls Hamtaro and Oxnard and he was squeaking and happy. I just got home and now he's all slow and he isn't eating, he seemed to be paralyzed but I don't know if it's that. He's barely moving and isn't...
  4. A

    Squealing and not eating

    Hi PLEASE HELP, I have been having trouble trying to decipher what is wrong with my guinea pig. He is only 5 years old and has never had a problem before. This morning I woke up and went to feed him and noticed he was squealing a little too much and they didn’t sound like his normal squeals is...
  5. P

    Not eating hay-only eating poop?

    Hi, I've have been so worried these past few days about some behaviors one of my guinea pigs, Pumpkin, has been having. The timeline of events starts last week on either Tuesday or Thursday, when we took her to the vet for nasal discharge. The vet said Pumpkin had a URI and sent us home with...
  6. Guineapigmum

    Dental Help and advice needed please! Guinea pig struggling to chew/eat

    Hello all, I'm very worried about my guinea pig. I have an emergency guinea pig specialist vet appointment tomorrow morning. A couple of days ago I noticed my 3 and a half year old female guinea pig taking longer to eat than usual. She was chewing but she was taking ages to consume...
  7. caybeach

    Quality of life

    Hello, I have a four year old female guinea pig named Keeva who has seen a vet multiple times but due to covid they aren't answering their phones or messages for follow up questions. She was brought to the vet after eating less and having trouble eating. She's been receiving critical care ever...
  8. kaitlynlovesgpigsx

    not eating after dental check

    so toby our 2.5 year old pig was found on saturday covered in drool. he went straight to vet who as having experience with pig teeth we knew he had malocclusion. vet says that yes back teeth were slightly overgrown but biggest issue was one in particular where food had gotten stuck round the...
  9. D

    Guinea pig not eating

    Hey - first time doing a post as I am desperate! I was wondering if anyone had any advice for a piggie that isn’t eating? We took him to the vets as he wasn’t eating and the vet examined him, said that there isn’t anything *obvious* wrong with him; checked his teeth, breathing, stomach for...
  10. S

    Worried, please help. (URI/Syringe feeding)

    My piggy is breathing quite fast, she was making soft vocal noises with the out-breath but that has stopped now. She is not breathing as fast as she was when I noticed it (she is sat on my lap wrapped in her blankie). She has been through quite a lot recently and I'm at my wits end...
  11. S

    Please help me, I’m going round the bend

    My guineapig Biscuit was diagnosed by the vet with an infection, prescribed us Loxicom anti inflammatory (0.4ml every 12 hours) and Baytril antibiotics (0.5ml once a day). We did around 7 days course of this, she stopped eating. Obviously, we took her back to the vets and they have given us...
  12. T

    Possible sick pig

    Hello all, I have 4 female pigs. We noticed our pig Kimchi was bleeding from her vagina on Christmas. The day after she was no longer bleeding but We took her to the vet on Friday and was told she's in heat, I know sows do not bleed while in heat and the vet said it could be possibly a UTI and...
  13. M

    Feeling guilty about my guinea pig's death

    My 3 and a half years old guinea pig, named Koui, just passed away in my arms. For 5 months now she had a problem with her foot, most likely a pododermatitis. But here in Greece, we don't have specialized vets for guinea pigs. Most of them actually no nothing about their health care. I took her...
  14. Sweetpiggums

    Sick pig- advice needed urgent

    Our 3 1/2 year old guinea pig seems to be suffering from a really bad cold. symptoms are: very runny nose, sneezing, has not been eating great the last few days and this morning he had totally stopped eating. After visit to the vet today, where they gave antibiotics, metacam and critical care...
  15. L

    We don’t know what’s wrong...

    We would really appreciate some experienced advice. We have a male guinea pig called Bobby. He is 2. We noticed 2 weeks ago that he was lethargic and not eating much. We took him to the vet straight away (at this point he weighed 1.4 kg). We wanted to rule out gut issues and teeth issues so...
  16. Gemm24

    Dental Missing teeth and not eating!

    Hello A while ago my guinea pig Alvin lost his bottom incisors and over time his top ones grew so he had a dental. Since then he has been though the wars, he initially improved and then got worse and was loosing weight fast. I took him back to the vets who diagnosed an ulcer and he was given two...
  17. Clintwbaldwin

    Hello! New to this forum!

    Our beloved 5 year old sow, Silky, stopped eating yesterday. We’ve been hand watering her & feeding her critical care. Our vets are not open until Monday. A month ago we took her in after finding blood on the shavings, collected a urine sample, and had x rays taken. Vet found 1 possibly 2 small...
  18. H

    Should I be worried?

    Hi, I got a guinea pig about a week ago. He stopped eating 2 days ago and I had to start feeding him with syringe. He occasionally eats some hay but not much. I noticed he has a bald spot near his eyes. Should I be worried about this?
  19. H

    Guinea Pig Doesn't Want To Eat and is losing weight

    I got a guinea pig on 29th april. He didn't want to eat on first day, but he slowly started eating , i guess he was just stressed. He gained 10 grams in 3 days and everything was going relatively well until now. Last night I moved his cage to another room and he stopped eating. He still doesnt...
  20. L

    My new Guinea pig

    Hi, I just have a few questions regarding my New Guinea pig. My boyfriend has had guinea pigs in the past to help with his depression, however his parents have kept his previous two. So I surprised him with one a couple of days ago. We were going to get two but they only had males and they were...