
  1. Sshorty

    Bald Patches On Sows Belly.

    Hi, I was checking my piggy over this morning, and whilst she seems perfectly well in herself and hasn't lost weight and is still eating, I found she has bald patches on her belly and around her right hind leg. I haven't found any mites on her or her sister... can anybody tell me what this looks...
  2. kerri Davidson

    Mites Or Lice?!?

    Hi, I bought 2 beautiful little peruvian sisters just over 2 weeks ago so they must be about 8/9 weeks old now. Built a new cage for them to come home too out of wood which gave them plenty room to roam! They both seemed to settle in fine, still a bit nervous but we handle them plenty so...
  3. H

    How To Differentiate Mite Infection And Fungal Infection?

    Hi all, one of our Guinea pigs has a small lump and a small bald patch on her left ear. We also find a large bald red patch behind her left ear. Is this a sign of fungal or mite infection? Or is it something else?
  4. Natwee88

    Possible Fungal Or Mite Infection?

    I've had my two girls since mid-June from a very reputable rescue. From the first week I've had them I noticed that Flick (white & cream, long haired) was scratching herself quite a lot, was molting and had dandruff. Flick also squeals quite loudly when picked up and doesn't seem to like being...
  5. crnyng

    Skin Condition? Help.

    So I have had 2 year old female guinea pig for a few months and ever since I had her she has had dandruff. Exsessive amounts even. I have given her a bath for fungal, for lice, given her 3 doses on seperate occasions for mites of revolution and still time after time it comes back. The excessive...
  6. chloegabrielle_

    Hair Loss

    I have two piggys, one called mimbles and the other called pips- both girls. We rescued mimbles as she was let out and found by an old lady and when no one claimed her we kept her and bough pip to keep her company. She is a very nervous piggy despite being the dominant one of the two. They were...
  7. LaylaAndSaffy

    Elderly Pig With Hair Loss And Flaky Skin

    Hello all, Well my girl Saff is now 8 years 1 month (and 4 days... But who's counting?!). She is my world and I love her to bits. I've seen her age slowly over the years and can see the things she is now starting to struggle with (getting her legs moving after a nap, general grooming and still...
  8. LisaBelfast

    Mites In My House!?

    Recently I got a dog and with it being allot warmer flies have started to come into my house more. I didnt really think nothing of it untill i squished one and saw all these little orange things run of the back of it and they were hard to kill, I have found out that these are mites. I have 5...
  9. Callia

    Scab On The Back Of Guinea Pig

    Hello! Today I took out my guinea pig, Galibi, and as I petted her I noticed something rough in her hair. At first I thought something small was caught in it, but I decided to move back her hair and found that she instead had a scab. She does not share her cage with another pigs and when I...
  10. FayeM

    Loss Of Fur - Mites?

    Hi everyone It's been a while since I've been on here just looking for some advice if I may. One of my youngest piggies had an injury a few months back that the vet described as a sprained elbow. He was on painkillers for 5 days and recovered well. Now this evening we have noticed him limping...
  11. Baron&Cloud16

    Is This Ringworm Or A Blister Or Something Else?

    I just adopted my Guinea Pig, Cloud, last week from a pet store. The first day I noticed a scaly, dry spot behind her ear where no hair was growing. The spot is not in a circular shape, and has no particular shape. I have experienced ringworm before with my other piggy, and his spot was red...
  12. Toto18

    New Piggie- Mark On Her Back?

    Hi, On Sunday me and my boyfriend bought a pair of beautiful new guinea pig sows. We were told they were 8 weeks but I'm now starting to wonder if they really are, we weighed them for the first time today (until now we didn't want to disturb them too much) they weigh 271g and 236g. When checking...
  13. crnyng

    Rescue Pig Health Issues

    I posted before about rescueing/adopting a two year old female that had static lice/hay mites. I picked her up today and my god poor girl. Her water bottle had algae growing all over it, her food bowl had mold at the bottom in the crevasses, but my biggest concern is her skin! Her dander is SO...
  14. SazzaG96

    Running Mites

    I believe my boys has got mites as i can see bug crawling in their fur! I was wondering what has caused this, is it common and how do i treat? Can i buy something to fix it or should I go straight to vet?
  15. crnyng

    Recusing A Pig, Mites? Any Remedies?

    Someone is selling a pig, and it has much too small a cage, not properly taken care of and as I'm talking to them, they're telling me she has little black/brown speckles on her back end and doesn't come off even though they have washed her how many times. I was curious if there are any remedies...
  16. N

    Does My Piggy Have Mites?

    Hi there We have two indoor piggys, and one of them is all white. I've noticed on her a few times these little dark brown specks that look like dirt all stuck in her fur, mainly around her rear end. A few weeks ago I noticed she had very flaky skin around her rear end too. I sought advice from...
  17. Renee_kemp

    Tiny Dark Spots In Guinea Pig Fur?

    Hi everyone, I have two girls at nearly a year old now, and I've noticed some little blackish spots in their hair lately. I've used a couple different mite and mange treatments but doesn't seem to be making any difference. Could this be lice? or something else? If this is mites, could someone...
  18. KenspppPets

    Tiny Scabs

    I've had my 2 boars a few weeks now and just notices both of them appear to have a small scattering of tiny scabs under their fur. I researched the common complaints - mites and fungus - but none of the photos look similar to the scabs and neither are particularly itchy with no other symptoms...
  19. Amanda Ferrara

    New Guinea Pig- Sneezing And Shaking Head?

    Hi everyone. I'm new to this, but keep looking up guinea pig symptoms and they don't all match up with what my pig is experiencing. So, I got him about a two weeks ago from Petco, and he's two months old. He did great for the first week, but now he's acting kind of weird. I take him out for...
  20. FayeM

    Itching And Twitching

    Hi everyone I'm new to this site and a new guinea pig mummy so looking for some advice if anyone can help. I bought my 2 boars from a breeder 8 days ago and they were just 8 weeks when I collected them. One of them is very nervous and hasn't really gotten used to be handled as yet, but will...