
  1. Isabela

    Guinea Pigs Scratching And Biting Because Of Washing Powder?

    Hello. Is there any chance that my guinea pigs scratch and bite themselves because the washing powder that I use for their fleece blankets doesn't suit them? I've since changed it. I used a liquid powder Blink Color Waschmittel Ultra-Sensitiv and now I switched to the powder one. The one I...
  2. Isabela

    Scratching And Biting Because Of Hay Dust?

    Is it possible that my two guinea pigs are scratching and biting themselves because of the hay? The hay is fresh and it's always dusty. It's from home, not from a store. Since a lot of people have allergies and dry skin because of that, is it possible that they have it too? They've been to the...
  3. MollyB

    Mites Or Fungal Infection?

    Hi all! I've taken Teddy to the vets almost 2 weeks ago as he had fur loss, flaky skin, and was scratching a lot. The vet said it was mites and gave him Xeno 50-mini, which we need to us every 2 weeks 2 more times. However, I've been looking online as he's still been scratching, maybe a little...
  4. Cherrychops100

    What Are These? Mites, Lice, Flees, Dandruff?!

    hi there, I have 8 female Guinea pigs (they live in 2 ground of 4) The big ginger and white American one is 10 months, the big blonde and white Abyssinian is 9 months. They both live with 3 other Guinea pigs who are all the same age, roughly 2.5 months, their bedding is simple newspaper, they...
  5. Lexipiggie

    Mites, Now Need New Hiders, Advice?

    Hi everyone, A few days ago I noticed Coco scratching her back so I investigated and noticed a few small flakey patches under her fur. I took her to the vet and they confirmed she has mites. They said that mites can also burrow into wooden hides in the cage and that when we apply the medicine...
  6. BiggiesMom

    Red Bald Patch; Fungal Or From Stress?

    Hi! I've had my guinea pig Biggie for a month now. I was looking into adopting another guinea pig so he could have a friend when i noticed he has a patch of hair missing/thinning and the skin is red in some spots, white in others and bleeding from when i think he scratches at it. He also has a...
  7. W

    White Specks On Fur

    Both of my guinea pigs have very soft fur, it has been so for months. They have no bald spots but do scratch themselves some times. My vet told me that it is normal, especially in the summer. Today I was clipping their nails and noticed that Nymeria had white specks on her fur (shes mostly black...
  8. A

    Urgent - Please Help Bear

    My guinea pig's name is Bear, and he's maybe around 8 months to a year old. He's always been really happy and energetic but recently has been really itchy and lethargic. We took him the pet store and they said he said fruit and sugar allegies, but we'd never had issues with his food or what we...
  9. M

    I Think My Guinea Pig Has A Fungal Infection, Balding Scab On Head

    hello, I am new here. I have a long story about my new little guinea pig but I will try to keep it short, I apologize in advance lol. I got my guinea pig Leila from petco on july 3rd. (I know getting from petstores are bad, but I loved her and there are no guinea pigs anywhere near me available...
  10. C

    Sick Guinea Pig, Skinny And Chewing On Her Legs

    Hi I'm Chloe, I have a female who I think is between 3 and 4 years old. She has always been a smaller guinea pig, but recently she has been getting smaller and bonier, I am trying to not take her to the vet, because my parents are very against it, but if I really need to, I could convince them...
  11. L

    Poorly Piggy

    Hi, I have a young guinea pig that I foolishly got from a breeder (there's a story behind it but that's not why I'm here) I have another piggy so frosty the new new piggy has been in quarantine. He began to develop scabs and was diagnosed with mites. The vets gave him some drops last Friday and...
  12. pnwgranny

    Update On Molly, Maxie And Lily

    Maxie wants everyone to know he and the girls have finished their mite treatment and are all mite free. Maxie is also neutered now and is still in his own cage for another month to make sure he is healed and unable to create babies. My babies are growing and are the sweetest, most lovable...
  13. cinn&sugarmybbs

    How Often Should I Apply Revolution?

    I called my vet today and was able to purchase revolution. I already calculated the correct doses. I'm just wondering when I should repeat the revolution... all the vet told me is that she wants me to do 2 rounds of it..... is it a two week thing or a once a month thing? Thanks guys I don't want...
  14. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Hay Mites Or Mange Mites?

    hi, my older guinea pigs have been losing hair for a while (like shedding no bald spots) and are itchy occasionally. I have two New Guinea pigs and they started doing the same exact thing. They scratch the back and are losing hair now. I already did 2 spot on treatments (ivermectin). What should...
  15. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Guinea Pig Skin Conditions?

    Hi, I have two guniea pigs that are around 8 months old. Both of them have been itching occasionally so I had them checked for mites fleas and lice at the vets. They all came out negative. They had a uri when I took them (3 weeks ago) so the doctor prescribed baytril to kill that and she said...
  16. Mysticcat3

    Guinea May Have Mites But Hates Water! Help!

    My guinea pig Newton has been very itchy and has been losing his hair (it might be stress.) I looked it up and his symptoms matched with fleas and mites. I've also notice white flecks on his butt (it looks like scruff or bits of his bedding to me.) Just in case he has mites, I want to give him a...
  17. pnwgranny

    Max Has Crusty Ears

    Both ears are crusty on the outside and inside of the ear, but not down inside if that males sense. No vet available til Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Nearest exotic vet when our vet is not in, is 150 miles one way. None of the other vets in this town will treat a guinea pig. Ruth
  18. Danielle Smith

    Mites Vs. Fungal

    My rescue sow, Fudge, has been having some rather severe skin issues over the past month, since I got her. Things have gotten worse over time, but it's hard to quantify how much as her fur hides a lot of the issues unless you really have a good rummage (which she finds very painful and...
  19. Celine298

    Ivermectin - Topical Treatment

    Hey guys, I'm about to do a spot-on treatment on my piggies for mange mites/lice. I have the Ivermectin, I've got my dosages all sorted out and ready to go, my only question is placement. I've administered topical spot-on treatments to cats and dogs in the past, and it was always put on the...
  20. TheCavySlave

    Scratching Piggy?

    Hi, haven't posted for a while, so anyway. Duncan had a scratching session! Over a minute of scratching with his leg, his mouth, it was awful to watch. There are tiny white specks in his fur, is that related? I've asked mum to take them to the vet, aaaand... She says she doesn't want it to be a...