
  1. S

    Salty - Ill (help Would Be Great)

    My guinea pig, salty is currently ill, and we strongly believe it is associated with pooing as his ass is starting to be very brown (covered in poo) as we constantly clean it (once every two days) as he also squeaks whilst pooing (squeaks at least 5 times) and then lets out a strange squeak. I...
  2. Megannah

    Crusty Fur Above Nose

    My piggie Marshall has got a bit of crusty fur above his nose and seems to be sneezing a lot, when I listen to his breathing he does seem a bit wheezy, should I be worried and take him to a vet ? Or is it fine ? I'm quite new to this as I've only had my two boys a year today and they have never...
  3. PiggyRuss

    Coping With Piggy Loss

    Hi everyone, Hope you are all well. I have just signed up to this forum so I can speak with other piggy lovers and share experiences and get advice. My wife and I have kept two lovely Guinea Pigs, Cairo and Caesar, since we moved in together nearly 8 years ago. They have always lived in the...
  4. sammie123546

    Please Help, I Don't Know What Is Wrong With My Piggie!

    Hi, My 10 week old guinea pig has a snotty nose amd she sneezes a lot. She also has yellow things around her eyes? Please can someone help me as i am not sure what is wrong with her and if a vet appointment is necessary. Thanks.
  5. Einahpets16

    Exercising Ball?

    Hi everyone. I'm pleased to say my babygirl is not a baby anymore because she's now 11 months old.:love: Woow time really passes by quick. Well leaving that aside the topic I would like to know of is about exercising balls. :help: You see I notice Agatha is now bigger than before and I would say...
  6. MalaneGuy

    Guinea Pig Eyes (seeking Advice)

    Hello My name is MaLane. I own a full grown male Guinea pig. (I'm not sure what kind of breed he is. His all white but half his face and one ear is black). I noticed something when I first got him, his one of his eyes is kind of odd. Honestly, the only way I can explain it is that it looks like...
  7. H

    Phin Is Not Doing Well

    Hi all, Our pig Phin in the last 2-3 weeks has been consistently losing weight, he is about a 16 months old and at his heaviest weighed about 975g (he's never been as heavy as our other 3). He was still eating fine but across the last couple of days he's barely eating anything. He will eat...
  8. G

    Baby Guinea Pig Spazzing Out?!

    alright so I have a male baby Guinea pig and last night when I picked him up and tried holding him he started to like freak out, he would kind of jump around but then he would lay on his side like rubbing his ear idk how to explain it. I do know what popcorning is and it define it'll didn't seem...
  9. M

    Please Help! My Guinea Pig Is Starving Himself To Death!

    About a week ago my male Guinea pig died and his bonded brother has been grieving ever since then. He has stayed inside his hut for the past week and hasn't come out even to get food or water. I'm afraid his time is coming to an end because he is practically starving himself to death. I would...
  10. D

    My New Guinea Pigs Eye Is So Red! Please Help!

    I just adopted a three year old female Guinea pig and her eye is all red, what do I do? Does anyone know what this is? Please help!
  11. Peanut&Butter

    Do I Need To Separate My Pigs?

    Apologies if this has already been answered, but I can't seemed to find a clear answer. I took my two pigs to the vets on Saturday as one of them seemed to have a URI. The vet agreed, and gave me antibiotics and food to syringe feed her as she stopped eating. She seems to be improving, as now...
  12. G

    A Lump On Her Side? - Please Help

    My guinea pig Sky, is around 4 years old. She has recently moved into a new cage that me and my dad made and has settled in fine. She eats her veggies and is, like always, very excited to have them. She doesn't eat a massive amount of pellets but does chew on them sometimes. She loves her hay...
  13. E

    Disinfecting After A Uri

    Hi, (Another question) I posted about my guinea pigs having a URI obviosuly this has been in their cage and outdoor hutch. As I've been told it's a bacterial what disinfected/anti bac is recommended? Thank you!
  14. E

    Post Ill Guinea Pig - Mild Uri And Neutering Plans

    Hi, I got 2 male guinea pigs about 6 months ago. Sadly it's been a rough jouney with them as 1 passed away last week with a URI that just took its toll on him even after 2 types of antibiotics were tried. The other male that has been left behind is very lonely, however he did have the same...
  15. lindsayl

    Lumps On Belly

    Hi All, A few weeks ago I noticed two wee lumps on my pigs belly. They didn't seem to be bothering him at all and I thought I would wait a little while to see if his behaviour changed or if they grew in size before making an appointment at the vets. However, after looking on here I have seen a...
  16. Baron&Cloud16

    Is This Ringworm Or A Blister Or Something Else?

    I just adopted my Guinea Pig, Cloud, last week from a pet store. The first day I noticed a scaly, dry spot behind her ear where no hair was growing. The spot is not in a circular shape, and has no particular shape. I have experienced ringworm before with my other piggy, and his spot was red...
  17. Molly Isabella

    Urgent: Advice On Sick Piggy With Bladder Sludge. (euthanasia?)

    (I'm from the United Kingdom) Hi guys. My piggie Oreo is just about 3 years of age. She's always had some health issues and has just been genuinely unlucky. A few months ago she had an operation for an abscess on the side of her stomach. That went successfully and she recovered. For the last...
  18. Keiko The Pig

    Sneezing Young Pig, Worried Owner

    This morning I awoke to hear my young Keiko sneeze a couple of times in a row:( Ive heard him sneeze the odd time here or there or make a sound while grooming that almost sounds like he's sneezing or spitting on himself, but I didn't see this time if he was cleaning or not. I of course went...
  19. WinnieandBear

    Fungal? Pus? Strange White Lumpy Matter? Please Help

    Hello again guys, I have discovered yet another problem with one of my girls this morning. Bear has a strange lumpy white/green matter above her nose which doesn't wipe off and I'm suspecting some sort of fungal infection? It's in a strip down her nose and looks like lots of tiny white eggs or...
  20. WinnieandBear

    Strange Lump On Neck

    I was grooming one of my piggies this evening and while me and my mum were giggling about florries very fluffy and somewhat saggy neck, I noticed a small pea sized lump could be felt within the fold of skin. It doesn't seem attached to anything except for loose skin and is under the skin and is...