
  1. R

    Help Please - Constantly Humping Boar, Blood Drawn

    Hello, I am new here. I have tried to find a post which answers my question but nothing is this specific. I have 2 boars who have lived happily together for 5 years. Peanut was always the alpha, very rarely humped Pudding but occasionally did. Peanut got very poorly a month ago due to a...
  2. Banbh

    Guinea Pig Suddenly Not Eating Much

    I've got four guinea pigs, two males & two females. It's one of the females I'm worried about. Pickle has been rather quiet today, as well as not eating very much. She's still pooing, and they don't look unusual. Booked a vet appointment for tomorrow, but is there anything I can do in the...
  3. Bunnyblasttt

    Wobbly/floppy Guinea Pigs -died-

    Sorry for a messy post I'm posting this from the mobile site. Basically I went out to feed my pigs yesterday evening and immediately saw that there was something seriously wrong with Joshie (Male,2 years old), wrong to the point of me automatically bursting into tears and saying he was dying. He...
  4. jpy3

    Sneezy, Snotty Guinea Pigs

    I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice?, my long haired piggie has been quite unwell for the past month or so, snotty nose, sneezing, runny eyes etc, the first round of antibiotics the vets gave him did nothing and now we're coming to the end of the second lot he still isn't much...
  5. TheCavyQueen

    Preventing Illnesses In Your Piggie

    Preventing illnesses isn't that hard to do. Some GP's are born with bad genetics so the owner most times can't prevent the illness but should go straight to a vet. 1: Keep your piggie's cage clean. Guinea pigs are low to their cage and breath in step in and eat in their potty. Spot clean 1-2...
  6. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Help With Ringworm!

    Hi guys, I'm new to the site and I have a question about my two Guinea pigs:)) I took them to the vet 2 days ago, I knew they have a URI so I was given baytril and probiotics to stop it. I noticed they have been scratching a lot. So I asked if it was mites or fleas. Both tests came back...
  7. ChloeCee98

    Full Of Cold And Got A Grumpy Pig!

    My guineapig Noodle is in such a bad mood with me I'm full of cold so literally just going in and sitting near them and talking to them. My partners helping by giving them their food and water but I don't want them to get upset and feel like I've abandoned them My voice has gone too so when I...
  8. blacklegkat

    My Piggy Is Making A Strange 'popping' Noise

    Hello! I am in quite a panic at the moment. My piggy Asterix has always had problems with his voice - he can squeak but for the most part he seems to grunt. Just now, I went to give him a cuddle when I heard a strange noise coming from him - sort of this low popping sound, almost like when you...
  9. K

    Need Help With Dominant Sow!

    I've recently had to seperate one of my pigs from the other two due to a uti which she is still on medication for but the bleeding has stopped. The vet recommended to continue the medication for the next few days to make sure it's definitely gone. The piggy seperated from my other two has...
  10. F

    Help Please!

    So about two months ago, someone gave me a guinea pig because he was being mistreated where he lived and after a few days of having him, I noticed his right eye was swollen and sunken so I took him to the vet and he gave me eye drops and told me to use them for a week but it never got better and...
  11. Liquoricefudge

    Lump/cut On Male Guineapig

    Hello everyone, We recently adopted two new boys and have noticed that one of them has developed a lump/cut on his testicles/anal sac area. Other than this we haven't noticed any other problems, as he is still eating, drinking, pooping and running around just fine. Is it normal for them to...
  12. Aelizl

    Bordetella Help?

    So, last time I posted about a christmas tree allergy in my piggy. I'm ashamed to say, he was either misdiagnosed or later developed bordetella from the discomfort. I had taken him to the vet Dec 1st for coughing, but he was deemed healthy. He displayed no symptoms of illness, aside from...
  13. Alexandra West

    Baby Piggy With Uri?

    I just got a baby guinea pig today (he's about 6-8 weeks I think?) and he makes a weird noise before making a noise that sound like he's coughing or choking? His nose isn't runny but he keeps nearly closing one of his eyes. I can't find any thing on this and I'm scared? Please help? He also is...
  14. Piggiekisses

    Odd Symptoms

    Hi, My skinny pig has developed these odd dark spots around his nose area. It seems there's less hair in some spots; it's very patchy and shorter than usual. I'll try and attach pics. Otherwise, he's eating , pooping, and acting good. Any idea what this is or what I should do? This is him...
  15. lindsayl

    Sos - Vet Is Stumped

    Hi all - My vet doesn't know what is wrong with my Guinea pig. He says he may have a touch of pneumonia and even possibly kidney failure or a respiratory problem. He has lost 200gs in weight. Please help me. I need advice on what to do. I need to do something. He has had antibiotic injection and...
  16. izzyyw

    Piggy Suddenly Passed Away

    I'm devastated over the loss of one of my piggies, I had three boys (Snoopy, Pippin and Fudge) who live indoors and this morning we found that Fudge had passed away. I've been away from home this weekend but when I spent time with them on Friday they were all fine and eating their daily...
  17. sophadopha97

    Guinea Not Eating Properly

    Hi, My 2/3 year old guinea Pablo has recently lost a lot of weight and grown rather skinny - from 1300g at his peak 2 months ago to 1000g last week. I took him to the vets for a regular check up as I'd noticed he'd lost weight but was still eating. The vet suggested it would probably be a...
  18. bumbling-bambi

    Is My Piggies Loosing His Voice?

    So I've noticed one of my boars (Womble) has a slightly raspy sounding wheek when he knows food could be about! He's a good healthy weight (I'm checking regularly as they grow anyway) is eating fine and seems totally normal but he just seems to loose his voice for a couple of wheeks and then...
  19. Livy

    Crusty Eyes

    Hi everyone, I am posting to see if anybody has had a similar situation or have any idea what this could be. My guinea Benny has been dealing with some crusty eye issues. We brought him to the vet a few weeks ago for it and after examination and a dye drop test he was diagnosed with...
  20. Katie Blakely

    Upper Resporiatory Infection

    My piggie has recently been diagnosed with Upper Resporiatory infection and I took him to the vets and was on medication for 1 week, he had a check back after 5 days and the vet said he was fine but just needed to eat watery vegetables as he stopped drinking water. Other than that he was fine...