
  1. Lou142

    Tooth Grinding/ Rumbling

    My Guinea pig, Flora has started making quite low pitched rumbling/grinding sounds. I'm not quite sure if she is grinding her teeth or if she is making this noise another way. It's quite a hard noise to describe but it kind of sounds like she's trying to make a rumbling sound but not very well...
  2. kerri Davidson

    Very Ill Guinea Piggy, Please Help

    Hi there, My 1 year old little guinea pighad became very ill suddenly. When i went down on Tuesday morning at 6:30 he was hiding in his house, which really isnt like him, but i fed and watered him as usual. Came home from work at 6:30pm, 12 hours later, and no nuggets, hay or water had been...
  3. Molly Isabella

    Guinea Pig Won't Eat Hard Foods?

    Hi everyone! Okay, so my piggie Kenco has not been right for a while. She seemed to be losing weight and not eating hard foods. By that I mean the foods like carrot, cucumber, pepper. Anything with a bite to it, really. She devours her greens, loves them. So, of course I took her to the exotic...
  4. PiggieNinja

    Please Help! Head Tilt!

    This morning i noticed that Willow my 1 year old guinea pig has got a head tilt. I assume it is an ear infection but it could be worse. Today being sunday it would cost me £150+ to go to the vets (which i am obviously reluctant to do) evidently I will take her to the vets tomorrow but I'm so...
  5. Molly Isabella

    Urgent: Advice On Sick Piggy With Bladder Sludge. (euthanasia?)

    (I'm from the United Kingdom) Hi guys. My piggie Oreo is just about 3 years of age. She's always had some health issues and has just been genuinely unlucky. A few months ago she had an operation for an abscess on the side of her stomach. That went successfully and she recovered. For the last...
  6. SazzaG96

    Running Mites

    I believe my boys has got mites as i can see bug crawling in their fur! I was wondering what has caused this, is it common and how do i treat? Can i buy something to fix it or should I go straight to vet?
  7. PiggieNinja

    Lonely Guinea Pig

    A recently discovered that one of oh rescue pigs is actually male . Consiquently we have had to seperate him from his two lady comanions to whom he has taken a liking. The cages are next to each other and he keeps trying to escape into theirs . He is really fidgity and is constantly looking...
  8. A


    Hello :)) Our family recently bought a new guinea pig for our girl as the male had died. We've had guinea pigs for years and know all about them. The guinea pig we recently bought is clearly unwell, she has goowy substance around her eyes and nose and can't breathe properly. Ive told my mum...
  9. Ljpeder10

    New And Scared

    Hi! So I'm new to owning a Guinea pig but it had all been going well. He was super happy, seemly health and very active. My life became very hectic and I stopped playing with him like I should. I fed and cleaned him for the past two weeks but rarely played. I came to him today to find him...