
  1. Griselle

    Help! Guinea Pig Bloated?

    So, I have had Shadow for over a year. Oreo and Shadow have never had problems with lettuce nor tomatoes. Today as I was changing their cage, I noticed Shadow looked extremely bloated, but Oreo did not. I have always fed them timothy hay, but today I ran out, and had to wait for my fiance to...
  2. rustyp

    Acting Weird!

    So I’ve had my two pigs since Dec’ 2014, they will be turning 4 in April. I have noticed recently how one of my pigs has been acting different and seems to hide away. He is also doing weird movements and seems to be laying in an odd way (which he never does) He is eating and drinking normally...
  3. Little Pigs

    Guinea Pig Got The Sniffles?

    I noticed recently that my boar (Biscuit) has been a bit sniffly and sounds like he has a bit of a blocked nose. I then realised a few days later my other boar (Ollie) started sniffling as well. Biscuit has now become less interested in his nuggets but does still eat his veggies and hay. Ollie...
  4. Cherrychops100

    What Are These? Mites, Lice, Flees, Dandruff?!

    hi there, I have 8 female Guinea pigs (they live in 2 ground of 4) The big ginger and white American one is 10 months, the big blonde and white Abyssinian is 9 months. They both live with 3 other Guinea pigs who are all the same age, roughly 2.5 months, their bedding is simple newspaper, they...
  5. T

    X Ray Or Ultrasound Scan?

    My pig has chronic respiratory issues which one vet has said its due to a possible deformed lung that doesn't completely inflate. Her body goes completely limp and her heart rate slows down, eyes bulge, gasps for air etc. Then snaps out of it several times a day. Does she need an X-ray or...
  6. T

    Please Please I Need Help!:( Severe Piggie Breathing Problems!

    I am really at a loss of what to do anymore:( nobody seems to have a slight incline what could be wrong with my pig, even the vets. I've taken Willow to two vets- I rescued her from someone at college who could no longer care for her, I was told she had a sever respiratory infection while with...
  7. S

    Floppy/limp Guinea Pig?

    I have a 3yr/old boar that has been pretty healthy his whole life. Until recently, that is. He's been feeling kinda lifeless and floppy, not dead though. I look it up and it says something about having a stroke, and I know that they're subject to heat stroke and it's been REALLY hot in Oregon...
  8. Lolaandsandy

    Sore Eye, Tilting Head. Please Help Now!

    I took the cover off my piggy hutch this morning and found my 1 year old female guinea pig just sitting there not moving, we discovered that her eye wouldn't open and we are really worried. She is tilting her head to the side of the sore eye and we don't know what to do. We gave her her...
  9. F

    Unexplained Illness

    Can anyone help? Female pig age 3.5years. Has been loosing a little bit of weight, very gradually, over time. She is now underweight. 2/3 weeks ago, she got diarrhea, which she recovered from the next day. But I took her to the vet, who agreed she was underweight. He thought it was her teeth, as...
  10. BenjiAndButtons

    Continued Health Issues

    Hi Guys, I have two 2 year old boars. One of them has had a few issues lately. He was acting strange and had a slight interest in food but couldn't seem to eat, we thought it may be his teeth but after a trip to the vets, she decided he had a temp and possible tummy bug, he was given baytril...
  11. L

    Help! Lump On Guinea Pig :(

    Hi, I have noticed this rather large lump on my guinea pigs stomach. He also looks like his coat is greasy and full of white specs. Anyone have any ideas ? :( taking him to the vet tomorrow
  12. T

    Dental Guinea Pig- Post Dental Operation

    I have had my little Buzzbe since birth and he is the cuddliest cutest most adorable boy in the world. For the past 2 & 1/2 months I have been trying my best to nurse him back to health after I noticed he stopped eating and drinking overnight. I panicked and called the closest vet and they...
  13. AdamFrench

    Multiple Sow Issues

    We are having no luck at the moment. Tao was taken into the vets for a repeat white bum. She had 10 days on Baytril and the symptoms would not remain away. An x-ray showed she had a thickened uterus wall. So another 28 day course, double dose, was prescribed. She stopped eating so the...
  14. K

    Help Asap - Seizures

    I received two guinea pigs from my ex-boyfriends brother because they were neglected and they have been in a loving home since, but Charlie has been acting very strange and i'm extremely worried. I haven't been able to find anything online about it and I won't have money to take him to the vet...
  15. caseypig

    Guinea Pig Gas - Help Please

    Hello! I've been lurking on this forum for a while and would very much appreciate some advice. My 3yr old boar has been having teeth problems recently, but has been on the mend since seeing Simon the vet in Northampton. He's been on a strong antibiotic for a month, finished yesterday, plus .25...
  16. Lily and Coco

    Please Help My Guinea Is Sick!

    This is a pic of my piggie, I don't know what to do, PLEASE HELP! hat is going on PLEASE HELP ME! :help:
  17. Alexandra West

    Clicking Noise?

    Hello, I'm here again. Just today around 3:30 I took Finnian, my 6-8 week old piggie to the vet to get checked for a URI. He said Finnian was fine, and all was well. I cleaned his eye boogers off gently with a warm Q-tip, and he was fine. When I was cuddling him, I noticed a strange clicking...
  18. Alexandra West

    Baby Piggy With Uri?

    I just got a baby guinea pig today (he's about 6-8 weeks I think?) and he makes a weird noise before making a noise that sound like he's coughing or choking? His nose isn't runny but he keeps nearly closing one of his eyes. I can't find any thing on this and I'm scared? Please help? He also is...
  19. S

    Salty - Ill (help Would Be Great)

    My guinea pig, salty is currently ill, and we strongly believe it is associated with pooing as his ass is starting to be very brown (covered in poo) as we constantly clean it (once every two days) as he also squeaks whilst pooing (squeaks at least 5 times) and then lets out a strange squeak. I...
  20. PiggyRuss

    Coping With Piggy Loss

    Hi everyone, Hope you are all well. I have just signed up to this forum so I can speak with other piggy lovers and share experiences and get advice. My wife and I have kept two lovely Guinea Pigs, Cairo and Caesar, since we moved in together nearly 8 years ago. They have always lived in the...