help and advice needed

  1. T

    My guinea pig died and now her sister is all alone, please help seeking advice

    I used to have 4 guinea pigs, over time they each passed away. When it came to only having 2 left, one of them had unfortunately a few days ago passed away, leaving only 1 behind. My guinea pig that is still alive was the last one I had ever gotten, so my 4th, she was a rescue and when I...
  2. A

    Help needed!

    I have a boy Guinea pig and for the past week I have noticed him constantly scratching himself causing hair loss and wounds, he has also began screeching when we scratches and has what I describe as a mini seizure when he scratches, I have washed him constantly, we have bought mite shampoo and...
  3. B

    Help With Timid Guinea and Eye Drops - (Vet Diagnostic of Conjunctivitis)

    Hi, Could anyone help me with my little boy Biscoffi, we recently got our two little boys Biscoffi and Toffee. But yesterday, when cleaning the cage and then feeding them some lettuce I noticed that Biscoffi had one of his eyes squinted so I got an appointment the same day at the vets. And...
  4. G

    Is this breathing normal or laboured?

    The rate was about 80-100 when I counted I'm not sure if this is normal. I only just noticed now while I was watching him. Is this normal or am I being paranoid?
  5. J

    My boar may have anger issues.

    Don't get me wrong on the title, there's times he's happy, showing love(rarely), wheeking loudly and being a good piggy. ever since he became an adult, (he's 2 years old now) he's just been mean, mean and mean. He gets irritated at the littlest things, a little pet on the head and he's about...
  6. S

    My last piggie

    Help me please! I had 3 Guinea pigs, now I am just down to 1 boar almost 6 years old now and don’t really have the money for a vet visit right now. I have noticed this week that his fur isn’t looking as healthy and when I picked him up, his belly was hard on both sides. He is still acting normal...
  7. J

    Bringing New Guinea pig into cage.

    Hi, I am a Guinea pig owner to a 10 month old abyssian Guinea pig we lost her older sister in December and have rescued a 8 month old Californian, I am just looking at some advice in how to bond them! Piggie the older Guinea pig is quite skittish and Bambi our rescue is calm but can be...
  8. bambiandzinnia

    Should I rehome my guinea pigs?

    I have two female guinea pigs both around 1 years old now, I've had them since they were 2 months, I'm starting to struggle with finance issues, and my mental health is beginning to cause some issues, cleaning the cage and interacting with them enough is becoming difficult, they are very timid...
  9. I

    Guinea Pig on desk?

    I’m a student with two guinea pigs, just wondering if it’s okay for me to take my guinea pigs out sometimes and keep them for a little while on my desk while I study?
  10. Oinkpiggies

    Baby piggy drinking water constantly

    Hi everyone my baby piggy (not sure exactly how old he is), is drinking a lot of water compared to my other pig. Pretty much everytime i come downstairs to see them he is drinking water. Is this maybe a sign of diabetes? I have a vet appointment on Monday but just wanted to hear any insight.
  11. rubberduckytoy

    Weird Thing on my Guinea Pig’s Eye!

    A couple days ago I noticed my baby Ramen’s eye was looking weird and I looked all over the internet to try and find out what’s wrong with her but never found anything. :td: Her behavior hasn’t changed much and she still takes care of herself like before, but she hates it when I try to touch...
  12. Cows_mad05

    Older boar with concerns

    I need help, I have had my boar for two years now, he’s three and recently there has been many health concerns with him. He is an abi tan male and last week he prolapsed(it was taken care of) and now he’s showing other concerning problems. I recently moved a few time within the past two months...
  13. Suki&Indie

    White discharge from one eye

    Noticed this morning my piggie has white discharge around her eye. Her nose and other eye are totally clear and her breathing is normal for her (she’s nearly 8 and has had some lung issues in the past that means her lungs aren’t 100% perfect) She’s eating/drinking/pooping completely normally but...
  14. glassdolleyes

    Having trouble with two female babies not getting along

    Both are 4 months (Leilei) and 3 nonths (Yuki). I brought them home three days ago. Yuki is very scared and won't even leave her bed usually. Today she came out a few times finally, ate, etc. But before Leilei would have to being her food, would cuddle with her, and try to encourage her to come...
  15. Cottondisaster

    Hey, I’m extremely worried about my son, and my mom is brushing it off.

    He’s been squeaking and arching his body for a little while now, maybe 8-9 days (a long time I know I feel terrible) yet every time I bring it up to my mother, she just brushes it off. It’s been making me extremely upset, just got done crying for maybe 15 minutes over it. Today was the first...
  16. Pohtaytur

    Guinea Pig smell?

    Hi, so I was petting my boar Harold, when I noticed a sort of musky smell? It's kind of a hard smell to describe. I don't think it was the smell of pee? It was a little sharp, but I could only really smell it if I was close to him, maybe a few inches away. I clean their poop daily and clean...
  17. hadleyspiggy

    7 year old girl with gas

    hello, i have a 7 year old guinea pig. for a few days now, she’s been having pain when pooping, but her poops look fine. her pee is good, but she does have sludge. i’ve eliminated all veg for a bit until it improves and she’s just having critical care and hay/pellets at the moment. her appetite...
  18. A

    Help please! Transporting a 6 year old pig by cargo

    Hi! My family moved recently and we're now bringing our 6 year old guinea pig over. The only option is for him to travel in the cargo hold (the flight is approximately 4 hours long), and I'm extremely worried given his old age and the fact that he will be travelling alone. As I'm aware that...
  19. M

    medical advice for 4 y/o male piggy

    Hi friends, I am a first time pig mom and have fell in love with my pigs in ways that I can’t describe. Recently, my first pig I adopted took a visit to the vet. Let me disclose that this was supposed to be a wellness check, I had heard sporadic sneezing but never consistent and I just wanted...
  20. W

    Some redness around the eye

    Hey everyone, my partner's guniea pig is getting some redness around the eye. We love this guniea pig to death but want to avoid the vet if possible due to money problems. She's still acting normal and eating but we're still concerned about her. Is this anything to be alarmed of?