
  1. B

    Blood in poop?

    Hi everyone, I have a 1 and a half year old guinea pig named Bubbles and this morning I noticed he had a small amount of what seemed to be blood in his poop? It was quite a big poop so it could of just be where he had strained and it was a small amount but should I be concerned? He has had no...
  2. Mystic_corgi

    Fresh Paint

    The wall that my guinea pigs and hamster are next to is getting painted and I wanted to know if the paint fumes would affect them or not? We would move them out paint the area, let it dry and move them back in. Would this be okay?
  3. vvipb

    Does my guinea pig have a heart condition?

    Hi, I’m new to forums and stuff so bear with me. So a couple hours ago, I woke up in the night and heard a weird short moaning sound that kept repeating coming from my guinea pig cage, I got my two guinea pigs out (both females) and realised one of them kept on making a hooting kind of sound...
  4. Hnrpiggies

    Think my piggy may be dying. How do I know?

    She’s booked in at the vets in themorning. I can’t get her there any earlier. she’s been consistently losing weight over the past year and has been to the vets who said she seemed healthy. She now weighs 716g. For a 3 year old pig. If it goes down another 50-60g she’ll have lost half her body...
  5. G

    Guinea Pig Neurological Issues?

    Hi! My 5 year old Guinea Pig has been to the vet twice lately due to weight loss, drooling, and lower energy levels. They couldn’t find a specific issue, but since the visits, he has been slowly recovering. However, recently, I’ve noticed that he seems to have trouble walking normally, has some...
  6. emily21

    Wood shaving alternatives

    Hi everyone. So I got my 3 piggies (all boys a year old) full time in October. They belonged to my ex who bought them in March 2020. He bought them from a well known UK pet shop and was instructed wood shavings was the best bedding for them so that was what we have been using. However, I...
  7. Laurenmay

    Where can I get the best F10 solutions?

    Hi everyone, my Vet has told me that my pig needs nebulizing with F10 ready-made antiseptic solution however I'm a bit of a lost cause on where to get the solution from. If anyone has any recommendations they would be very much appreciated. :D
  8. G

    Medical advice for eye injury.

    This pig was attacked by her sister and bit around her eye. Does anyone have any medical advice? Does it look serious enough to take her to the vet? Is there anything we could do to prevent an infection? Please help! (Note: the wound did seem to scab although she is itching at it and she does...
  9. Kirbs

    weight loss

    I recently weighed my guinea pig and his weight has dropped significantly from 1300g to 1150g over the past couple weeks. We moved them inside for the winter around October and he's been living alone ever since due to the fact that he doesn't get along with any of the other pigs. He is given...
  10. kamoe407

    Guinea Pig Not Eating/Drinking

    Hello, over the past 2 days, I realized that my piggy was not eating or drinking and becoming more isolated and reclusive. He did not eat much at all yesterday and my dad and I just gave him some veggies we pureed and mixed with water through a syringe that he took willingly tonight. We're...
  11. Jesse's pigs


    Now I’m always going on about observing piggies poos as these are often the best insight into their health- now Steve’s has me baffled. So two days ago, he had the beginnings of another minor bloat episode (belly sounds like water balloon basically and he starts to sit around) I gave him his...
  12. X

    Piggy stopped eating pellets

    Hi there. One of my boys (who loves pellets and always finishes his portion) suddenly stopped having interest in them, it’s been 2 days and he hasn’t touched a single one. I’ve also noticed a change in his behavior; he is in his hidey a lot more and is barely out like he used to be. He’s still...
  13. lucyr

    Guinea pig eye lump

    Hi, my 4 year old guinea pig Trixie has got a red lump on one eye? I just noticed it and it wasn’t there 3 days ago when I last checked her eyes. I have attached a picture. I think I need to contact the vet, I’m wondering if anyone has any idea what this is exactly. Should I attempt to clean it...
  14. AmandaPanda

    Please help, my guinea pig isn’t eating her hay!

    My 4 year old guinea pig is not eating her hay. I got afraid she wasn’t eating anything and then I gave her some grass as a test and she ate it. She is also still eating her veggies. So she is still eating, but I don’t want her to get used to grass or veggies since hay is better for them and...
  15. D

    Crusty red spot on belly

    Hi there, just went to hold my skinny pig Stella, and noticed this weird mark/rash on her belly. It's a reddish circle with dry skin on it. I'm new to this form and don't know how to upload pictures so if someone could let me know how to do that it would be much appreciated. I'm seriously...
  16. C.Courtney0310

    Guinea Pig Eating Baseboards

    Hi everyone I just caught my guinea pig eating the baseboards while having floor time. I haven't been able to get them a pen yet(hopefully next week) and usually just watch them in my room since its small. The house was just repainted and everything before I moved in(about 6 months ago) so I...
  17. Honey-Claw

    Please Help! Guinea pig starving

    I am the proud mama of seven piggies. We get our hay through and order the 50 lb box of oxbow hay. Last order was horrible, hay was dried out, very stiff and hard, had no scent and the pets didn’t seem to like it. I had nothing else I could give them at that time and I thought all of...
  18. Jasmined

    Does this look like a fungal infection?

    Hi! I’ve just spotted this on one of the guinea pigs. I’ve got a vet appointment booked for Monday, but just wondering if any one has any clue what it is. Is it a fungal infection? I can’t tell if it’s on the skin of the eyelid or just crustiness but the lid is also a little swollen. With the...
  19. zoe.sterns

    Help! Respiratory Issues

    One of my young silkie boars was sneezing a lot and wiping his nose so i took him to the vet and the diagnosed him with what i thought it was, a mild upper respiratory infection. so i had him and his two other cage mates all on antibiotics for two weeks and they finished the two weeks yesterday...
  20. kyra01


    My boyfriend and I got two New Guinea pigs from petsmart. Tupac we had for a couple weeks and didn’t notice any health changes until we got Biggie just a couple of days ago. My boyfriend is saying biggie has been sneezing a lot, and now I’m noticing that Tupac is sneezing here and there. Should...