
  1. Xmolxlie

    Renal failure in guinea pigs

    Hi, My guinea pig Foxy is 4 1/2 years old, and in the last couple of days he’s seemed to lose interest in food and not be as bothered about even his favourite veggies, he’ll have a few small bites and give up. He’s also been more lethargic and sleeping in his safe space that he enjoys. I was...
  2. Jesse's pigs

    Anal sac

    Hi guys, It has been awhile since I last visited. In that time I’ve added to my piggy family by one and now have Steve (the legendary white crested boy who you all saw grow up), Bellamy (Lunkarya) and the newest addition Stitch. all doing okay, I feel I should add that they are not living as a...
  3. thepiggies

    Big guinea pig?

    I have a herd of 4 - one neutered boar and three sows. I recently noticed 1 year old, Athena, getting bigger. At first I was scared of pregnancy, but I’ve checked many times, and am positive everyone besides Bunny (the neutered boar) is female. My next thought was bloating, however when I felt...
  4. demudann

    Crusty, swollen labia on female guinea pig

    Hi, One of my female guinea pigs has just started showing a swollen labia with white-ish crusting around it. What are my options here as she's a year old and not had health problems before? Is this something to be worried about? She still seems her usual chirpy self and has been drinking and...
  5. bxth98

    Dental Post-op concerns

    One of our boys went in for surgery a couple days ago for a spur on his tooth and since he came home he doesn’t seem like himself. He’s had little appetite and has even been turning his nose up at his favourite treats, his eyes seem a bit crusty, he’s very lethargic and is sleeping a lot more...
  6. J

    Thirsty, hungry and losing weight - diabetic?

    Hi there! We have 3 boy piggies (Jam, Chutney and Cracker) and Cracker has always been the slimmest. However, over the past 9 months-year he has been steadily losing weight, despite eating plenty. He is drinking much more than normal, and has been treated for two UTIs (with two different...
  7. theparenttoaperuvianandtexel

    guinea pigs don’t eat when i’m gone

    I'm not completely sure where i should write this but hopefully this will work. my guinea pigs don’t eat very much when i’m not the one feeding them or when i’m not home. is that normal? and if not what can i do to prevent it? they’re both nine months old and i’ve had them since they were three...
  8. L

    My baby boar is sneezing a lot and has a light sound when he breathes...

    Hi! I just got a baby boar yesterday, and he is adapting well to his environment and he already likes his cage mate. I do have some concerns. There is a bit of light noise when he breathes. I’m not sure if it is from my other pig’s fur or if it is because of something else. Has anyone had this...
  9. L

    HELP! My guinea pig is losing weight, has scabbing? on his feet, and his skin looks kind of pale.

    His water has vitamin C in it, and he is drinking and eating regularly, but his poops are smaller than normal. If you have any ideas on what I should do, please let me know!
  10. Caramelchip18

    Guinea pig lost both teeth

    Please help! I’m a new owner, I’ve had my babies for 2 weeks and I came home from college to cuddle my piggies and discovered Caramel (3 months old) had lost his top tooth and the other was bent inwards and also falling out! I’ve never had this, I check them over and he does chew the bars of...
  11. Y

    Bulging bottom

    Hi, I recently got a new guinea pig: rocket. Compared to my other guinea pig pocket, it seems like rocket's genitals bulge out and are much more noticeable than pocket's. Rocket is acting normally and nothing else is wrong so I just want to know if this is something to worry about. I am...
  12. PipandOreo

    White spot on guinea pigs nose

    Hi, whilst holding Oreo today (about 20 mins ago!) I found a weird spot on her nose. Its white and feels solid, she doesn’t seem in pain when I touch it. I haven’t noticed it before and hold her everyday, so I think it’s appeared very recently. She’s otherwise her normal self, eating and...
  13. T

    Guinea Pig Scabs and sores

    We have three guinea pigs two males that were in the same cage together and one female in a cage by herself. We had attempted to have the female with another piggy in the cage with her, but that did not go well and it's the story for a different post. Up until a month ago, the two males were in...
  14. emily21

    Guinea pig weight

    Hi guys so I've seen most websites say a healthy weight for a male guinea pig is between 900 - 1200 g but my vet weighed my own boar and said he was healthy at 1350. When I asked he said anything up to about 1400 is healthy so has anybody else been told something similar to this?
  15. M

    Clumpy poops

    Hello all! I am new to owning guinea pigs, I have had my piggies for about 2 weeks now. Both piggies are males around 4 months in age, their names are Milo and Mason :) Unfortunately, when I adopted my piggies they had a URI that the current owner was not willing to treat. So, I took them to a...
  16. M

    Why did my guinea pig die?

    My guinea pig was young and active one day but the next day I saw her sitting in her cage not moving but heart beating heavily. She didn’t even move when I got the hay out which usually gets her excited to be fed.. We tried taking her to a vet but there was only one exotic pet vet close by and...
  17. B

    Blood in poop?

    Hi everyone, I have a 1 and a half year old guinea pig named Bubbles and this morning I noticed he had a small amount of what seemed to be blood in his poop? It was quite a big poop so it could of just be where he had strained and it was a small amount but should I be concerned? He has had no...
  18. Mystic_corgi

    Fresh Paint

    The wall that my guinea pigs and hamster are next to is getting painted and I wanted to know if the paint fumes would affect them or not? We would move them out paint the area, let it dry and move them back in. Would this be okay?
  19. vvipb

    Does my guinea pig have a heart condition?

    Hi, I’m new to forums and stuff so bear with me. So a couple hours ago, I woke up in the night and heard a weird short moaning sound that kept repeating coming from my guinea pig cage, I got my two guinea pigs out (both females) and realised one of them kept on making a hooting kind of sound...
  20. Hnrpiggies

    Think my piggy may be dying. How do I know?

    She’s booked in at the vets in themorning. I can’t get her there any earlier. she’s been consistently losing weight over the past year and has been to the vets who said she seemed healthy. She now weighs 716g. For a 3 year old pig. If it goes down another 50-60g she’ll have lost half her body...