
  1. Tinychels

    Hay in the eye and getting treated for it

    Hello! One of my piggies, Ruby, unfortunately got a tiny little piece of hay (or maybe it was hay dust) in her eye two days ago. I tried taking it off but I couldn't and it managed to get under her lower eyelid. So I was freaking out because I'm aware that this can lead to a major eye injury...
  2. eednasnaus

    Shelf life of hay

    Hi guys! I wanted to ask if how long is the shelf life of an Oxbow Timothy hay, hay blends or orchard hay or any hay in general. Since we have no fresh hay available here in the Philippines, I want to ask a relative to buy some for me from the US and have it shipped to me via sea cargo because...
  3. Tinychels

    Any recommendations for hay that contains less dust?

    Hello! I've been feeding my 3 girls Oxbow Timothy Hay for all their lives. They absolutely love it I've noticed that it does contain lots of dust, especially when I get towards the bottom, I never finish the bag because of it. They sneeze every now and then due to the hay dust, so I feel...
  4. ishimercado

    Stargrass Hay and Alfalfa Hay

    Hi, I've had my Guinea pig for almost a month now. She's a month and a couple of weeks old Sheltie/Silkie sow. Not sure why she's not too keen on eating hay. This is they hay I'm giving her. It's Stargrass Hay with Alfalfa Hay. But she doesn't seem to like it that much. I'm not even sure if...
  5. doodlecountry

    Third Cut Hay?

    I've fed my 3 guinea pigs a variety of hay, from different brands. We started with the Oxbow Blends of orchard and timothy hay. They picked out the timothy hay because they didn't enjoy it as much. Then, we fed them the Oxbow 9-lb orchard hay, but they still picked out some of the "stalkier"...
  6. ishimercado

    Stargrass Hay

    Hi, I'm a new caview daddy to a month old Silkie sow from the Philippines. I've had her for almost 2 weeks now. When I initially got her, I tried feeding her Meadow grass hay which she totally ignored, that's understandable as she didn't touch her veggies too. I assumed that she's still in the...
  7. Y

    Is Hay Rattle/Yellow Rattle poisonous to guinea pigs?

    Hi all, With it being winter, we're using a lot more hay than usual for our guinea pigs to use as bedding and also to eat as they quite enjoy it. The only problem is that the best hay we can find has tonnes of Hay Rattle/Yellow Rattle seeds in it (literally in every handful of hay) and we're...
  8. Kimicub

    Hay Help!

    Hiya all! I live in Southampton central and my piggies love Oxbow Timothy hay and meadow hay. These 1kg bags are quite pricey (£13 roughly on amazon). Just wanted to know if you guys had any ideas of good Hay for someone to get for fussy piggies with expensive taste lol
  9. dannif_piggies

    Those of you that have a hay box...

    Hey guys, those of you that have a dedicated hay box, rather than a hay rack or just using hay as bedding, what do you use below the hay? I would love to have a dedicated hay section/box for the piggies especially Willow as she is always jumping in the hay rack to run through it... I used to...
  10. Gemm24

    Cheaper hay?

    Hi everyone I have 4 guinea pigs and They have oxbow orchard timothy blend hay. They get through 5kg per month and it costs me £44. Do you know of any cheaper hey but is of equal or even better quality? I want to give my pigs the best but don’t want to break the bank. Thanks
  11. AlvieOB

    Fleece bedding - how much hay?

    Hi everyone, Currently, my two boys are in a C&C cage with Aubiose bedding (similar to wood shavings. We cover the whole floor with hay, so they never walk on bedding, they walk on hay. We are going to switch over to fleece bedding. Do we need to cover the floor with hay, or are they okay with a...
  12. oofitsnaomi

    Hay Feeder

    Hi:D I was just browsing around and I found a post of someone saying that their piggy died because it got caught in the hay rack? I just wanted to make sure mine was safe. It's this one All Living Things® Wooden Hay Feeder | small pet Feeders & Water Bottles | PetSmart Thanks!
  13. GeorgiaHarris

    What hay should I use?

    I want to bulk order some hay from Hay and Straw but I'm not sure which hay to get. They have 3 different types: Ings hay, Timothy and Rye hay and Meadow hay. Does anyone order from here and have any reviews/preferences?
  14. saba

    Hay Storage

    Looking to save some money in the long run and buy hay in bulk. Any suggestions on how to store it to retain the quality as long as possible? Thanks in advance.
  15. Rinn

    Best Hay Rack/ Hay Rack Suggestions.

    I was wondering which hay rack would be the safest? This thread can also be a suggestion for hay racks. I know that ball hay racks/wheel hay racks/the V shaped wire hay rack had caused more than a few accidents. Here is a hay rack I'm currently using for the pigs. They are from daiso, I cut a...
  16. S

    HAY HELP! Timothy or Alfalfa?

    Hi! I’m looking to get a couple of guinea pigs soon and have done a lot of reading! There’s so many different opinions on what the best type of hay is to give them. What do you guys do? I am moving soon and will have a small garden and no lawn so I’ve looked into getting grass trays and having...
  17. Konira

    Piggies Not Eating Hay!

    Hey, so i got 2 new guinea pigs a couple days ago (Both of them are about 3 and a half weeks old), I'm almost positive they are healthy, but neither of them are eating hay, they give small bites on the hay but never seem to actually eat big pieces... I wonder if this is related to them being so...
  18. C

    Are They Bored? + Shed And Hay Advice

    Hi everyone! Just wanted some advice/answers to a couple of questions. Firstly – hay. I give my two girlies loads of hay every day, in two different places, and also in a hay rack. I read that guinea pigs won’t eat hay that they’ve gone to the toilet in, but my girls seem to just go to the...
  19. J

    Poops Sticking To Fleece

    Hello, Ive owned 2 guinea pigs for about a year. I originally used fleece bedding but it was too difficult to clean the cage because the poop and hay kept sticking to the fleece.I had to switch over to paper bedding but now i want to give fleece another shot. I created a kitchen area so the hay...
  20. B

    B&m Bargains Timothy Hay: Dodgy Batch?

    I've had piggies for about a year and a half now and I've always used B&M Bargains Timothy Hay. The other day I bought 2 bags and it was completely different from normal. There are still green pieces but it's very dry (like straw), small, straight pieces- almost like the bits that you get at the...