
  1. coco&chanel

    Courgette Plant Leaves Leafs ?!

    Hi, Have a wide variety of vegetables growing and wondering if guinea pigs can eat the courgette leaves? Is there any other plant leaves they can eat? Or any in particular to avoid? Thanks
  2. Guineapigfeet

    Begging For Tea

  3. E

    I'm Trying To Get My Guinea Pig To Eat After Surgery Plz Help

    Just over a week ago my guinea pig willow stopped eating. We took her too the vets and she went in for an op. Her back teeth were really sharp as she has a unusually curved jaw. Her back teeth were filed down and we were given some recovery mix to give her using a syringe. She didnt seem to want...
  4. Medina

    Veggie Troubles! Need Help To Replace Some Things...

    Hello! I'm still new here so please be patient and pardon any ignorance hahaha So I adopted this super cute piggie from a rough situation. His whole life, he's eaten only one handful of timothy hay and half a carrot daily - that's it! I'm not sure how old he is, so I don't know how long he's...
  5. G

    Can I Grow Grass?

    Is it possible to grow grass for piggies? What grass is best, and how? I think it would be a safer and a more reliable way than just picking it from outside. :D
  6. ToastandBeans

    Outside Time

    Beans decided that outside time is time for a stealth mission! The fluffy jumper is the best food you can find but it's impossible to chew! How about leggings? Nope. Let's try the jumper again... Toast just watching Beans's failing mission :luv: Beans and Toast cwtching up to me as I type :)
  7. ToastandBeans

    Beans And Toast Now Eating Out Of My Hand

    So it was feeding time (Could tell by wheeking) so I got them some apple. I put some slices through and they took it out of my hand like normal. One slice they both came up for it so I was expecting a tug of apple. But nope! I was holding it and they both started nibbling it together while it...
  8. GingerPiggie


    Hi! I was just wondering if my guinea pig can eat bamboo. I have recently acquired some shoots and I have no clue what to do with them! I know new shoots are toxic but what about older ones and how do I know how old a bamboo shoot is? Thanks in advance, Avery xx
  9. AdamFrench

    New Timothy Hay Suppliers?

    Hi, We have decided to fill the base of our large pen with hay and the Guineas seem to much more enjoy it. However we are currently buying Timothy hay with dandelion from P@H for £6.50 for 1kg. Obviously it's not as fresh as we'd like nor cost effective to be binning so much. Would anyone...
  10. R

    Could My Biggie Live On Grass/parsley/cilantro Instead Of Bedding?

    Has anyone housed their (indoor) piggies on live or growing bedding? My guy is in a 2x3 C&C cage. I've tried fleece flippers (made my own) and recycled paper bedding (like care fresh). I'm wondering it it would be possible to fill a coroplast tray with dirt and grow grass, cilantro, parsley...
  11. BethRose

    What's Good?

    I've read that a museli type food is bad for piggies and a nugget type food should be offered alongside hay and fresh veg. I used to use a museli type food a few years ago so I'm confused if I should feed a nugget type or a mix? Thank you
  12. Cherrychops100

    How Much Pellets?

    i have 3 sows 2 are 13 weeks, 1 is 8 weeks I currently feed them 1/8 cup per pig How much would you recommend to give them in grams or in cups? Am I feeding the right amount ? Thank you
  13. Cherrychops100

    How Much Veggies?

    I have 3 sows, 2 are about 13 weeks and the other one is about 8 weeks. How much veggies should I give per pig, per day (in grams or cups) If you could tell me what you would feed them and portion sizes everyday (For example how much of a cucumber?) Today I am giving them; 1/8 cup pellets x3...
  14. Cherrychops100

    Is My Guinea Pig Getting Enough Food?

    hi there, I have bonded a pair of sows with a single sow, everything seems to be going fine. Will the little one (single sow) be getting enough food? I'm worried as 1 is quite dominant and the single sow is quite relaxed? They're both around 8-10 weeks Thank you so much
  15. Alexandra West

    Ate Beading Cord?

    Earlier today while I was cleaning, Finnian, my piggie, got a hold of my stretch cord I use to make bracelets. I don't know how much he ate, but he ate it. I was watching him for poop, and he did. He's eating and drinking the same as always, and now, he's eaten it again. I was telling my mom...
  16. Mother Hubbard

    Burgess Cranberry & Gingseng

    So, now that my lot of become fussy bums, their a super a la carte menu on offer. So yesterday the Burgess Blackcurrant & oregano appeared to be getting eaten a lot, I went on the hunt for a new far come back empty handed. Anyway, I actually went into P@H only to find none...however...
  17. ChloeCee98

    Changed From Museli Over To Nuggets!

    :yahoo:I have seen such a change in my piggy Noodle over the last few days! I've been mixing her museli with nuggets (pets@home I know they're not the best) to try get her on the same as my other pig MoMo so when they go in the same cage there won't be any hassle! She's been so much better...
  18. ChloeCee98

    Just Got A New Guinea Pig Friend For My Baby Guinea Pig Which Food Is Best?

    I have just adopted a lovely pig called mo mo! She is on pets at home nuggets and my little noodle is on museli from the pet shop I got her from (alternating on two different flavours). Which is best for my piggys?! I'm going to be introducing them on Sunday and hopefully putting them into the...
  19. Guineapigfeet

    Extra Protein?

    Cut some pepper for the piggies this morning: Glad we bought new ones yesterday - the rest of this bag is going in the bin!
  20. Guineapigfeet

    Versele Laga Delivery

    Just taken delivery of my first bags of Versele Laga Cavia Complete for my 17 month old (ish) girls. I just bought a small bag as although they *loved* them when we had a little trial(thank you again SwissGreys), it would follow that they hate them as soon as I buy an 8kg bag! Out of curiosity...