
  1. Cherrychops100

    Which Nuggets?

    hi there, I'm getting 2 female Guinea pigs in March. I'm obviously researching a lot and that's why I came to this forum. Which nuggets should I feed them? I want to avoid muesli to prevent selective feeding and I know about avoiding alfalfa and calcium. (Except from when they're still growing...
  2. brambles2016

    My Piggy Nibbled My Shortbread Biscuit!

    Hello! I'm making this post out of concern of one of my piggies! I had my pigs out and were letting them eat some lettuce and have a quick run around my bed, however I didn't notice at the end of my bed on a table I had a shortbread biscuit and I moved my eyes away from pumpkin for 30 secs, look...
  3. PlausiblePiggie

    What Veggies Should I Ve Feeding?

    Hi, i am a new guinea pig owner and have had my 3 guinea pigs for about 2 weeks now (they are around 7 months old). Of course i have done lots of research beforehand about vegetables to give guinea pigs but i had not found how much and how often i should feed each type of veg and thought a...
  4. Alexandra West

    Pellets Only Or A Mixed Bag Of Food?

    Hello! My vet gave me a paper today telling me that bags of pellets with added seeds and such is actually bad for them because it makes them gain weight. I have a mixed bag, and he recommended I take the added stuff out of the food. What do you things think? do you feed your piggie(s) mixed bags...
  5. Magician

    Grass Questions

    When feeding pigs grass does it count as part of their daily hay portion or as part of their greens ration? Is grass that has frost on it, but is now completely defrosted, okay? Is grass from horses' fields okay? (We do regularly worm our horses, but dogs can get sick from eating horse poo...
  6. bumbling-bambi

    New Food Alert! - Piggies Not Sure?

    So I was out picking up some bits and bobs to tide us all over untill the new year and what should i find? A new food! I'm not sure if its new in general or just new to me but i thought id pick it up and try it out. So what is it i hear you ask? Well it's the Rosewood Naturals Meadow Menu...
  7. Poppy_and_Daisy

    Is Black Kale Okay For My Guinea Pigs

    Is black kale okay for guineapigs to eat? I know Curley kale is okay and but not sure on black kale. I've tried researching it and there is nothing on black kale! Don't want to give them something g that isn't safe for them to eat!
  8. Cookie&JayJay

    What Can I Feed My Guinea Pigs To Spice Up Their Boring Daily Food Routine?

    Hello, I am new to this forum, and don't quite know how it works, so sorry if I'm asking in the wrong place. I have two guinea pigs, Cookie and Jay Jay. They are both super fat and eat a lot, but everyday eat the same boring things, like cabbage, silver beet, red and yellow silver beet, stuff...
  9. VeRoBa_96

    Uri And Pneumonia Advice

    Hello everyone! I'm new to this so please excuse my ignorance. I adopted a guinea pig four months ago, he has been perfectly healthy. He got re-homed due to the fact he doesn't get on with others. I re-visited the centre to pick up some supplies and noticed a poor guinea pig who had been there...
  10. Elgifu321

    Heygates Rabbits Choice Pellets?

    Caspar (my baby teddy boar) and Ronan (my baby texel boar: tonights addition, a lone runt that nobody, including the breeder wanted so I couldn't help myself) were both fed heygates rabbits choice pellets as well as refugees (which I feed a bit of alongside Timothy hay) before I got them so I...
  11. RoyalDuke

    Blackberry Leaves

    Hi all! We have PLENTY of Blackberry bushes near our house, and I've been out and picked some leaves with the intention of drying them out and storing them for my boys. They really love the dried leaves that you can buy from pet stores, so I wanted to try and make my own. Some of the leaves have...
  12. Sach15

    Pellets For Babies

    what pellets are best for feeding babies? I currently have supreme science selective Guinea pig food which my adults eat but don't know what type of pellets my babies should be eating? They're a week old and don't know if they even eat pellets. Advice would be great! Thanks
  13. L


    ive been a piggie owner now for just over 2 years, but before I got my babies I did a lot of research on their diet, everywhere I looked told me I should not feed my piggies cabbage. today I went to pets at home to pick up some supplies, I seen that the piggies had cabbage in their cages, so I...
  14. M

    Please Help! My Guinea Pig Is Starving Himself To Death!

    About a week ago my male Guinea pig died and his bonded brother has been grieving ever since then. He has stayed inside his hut for the past week and hasn't come out even to get food or water. I'm afraid his time is coming to an end because he is practically starving himself to death. I would...
  15. Tiayra

    Hating Fruits And Veggies?

    So. My girls refuse to eat anything other than their hay and pellets, besides the occasional lettuce. I have tried so many different things, they respond to none of them. Berries, bananas, bell peppers, parsley, oranges, cucumbers, kiwis, celery, etc. Is there any advice, pointers, or recipes...
  16. shujuju

    Veggie And Food Questions

    I have looked at lists for edible and non edible foods from but there is a couple foods I'm worried about. Would it be ok to give them fruits like apples and tomatoes 3-4 times a week? (2 days of tomato, 2 days of apple) or is this too much? should I just do 1 day of tomato, 1 day...