
  1. Beans&Toast

    Can Bloat Medication Be Given Alongside A Diuretic?

    Toast is on 0.2mls of Frusemide (spelling?) twice daily for bladder issues, but I've just noticed she's feeling a bit bloaty. Is it safe to give Infacol and/or Emeprid along side the diuretic?
  2. Blobfish

    Veterinary Care - When Is Enough Enough?

    Hi everyone, I'm really hoping I can get some good advice from the guinea pig-owner community! I have two lovely boars (Blob and Bramble), both 3.5 year old brothers. Unfortunately for the last couple of years, they have not been always in the best of health. Both suffer from recurring bloat...
  3. lindsayl

    Emergency - Possible Bloat

    Hi, I have not posted for a really long while but I am having a bit of an emergency! I think my pig has bloat. On one side his stomach appears to be distended slightly and when I tap it sounds hollow. The other side however is fine. He's still eating, drinking and toileting like normal.He is...
  4. Beans&Toast

    Bloat Issues With Toast

    So on Friday I noticed that Toast was slightly bloated, her belly was a bit hard and she wasn't pooing very much. I phoned the vet so see if I should give her Emeprid (as I did last time she was bloated) but he said to give her Infacol instead for the first few days, then if it doesn't clear...
  5. Beans&Toast

    I Think Beans Has Bloat Now..

    I am having an absolute nightmare right now. All the issues I'm having with Toast with the dental problems and now bloat (for which I have Emeprid and infacol) it now seems that Beans has bloat also. She's not done any poos since early this morning. She's eating hay and drinking water and...
  6. Abby M.

    Gi Stasis/the "bloat"

    This is my first post here and I am writing because I just lost 2 Guinea pigs this weekend to GI Stasis. I have been trying to do my reading and trying to understand but maybe its the loss that's making it hard to grasp. I guess I am just wondering if anyone has had a guinea pig with this that...
  7. Blobfish

    Recurring Bloat - What Can I Do To Prevent?

    Hi everyone! I've been following the GP forum for some time, but this is my first post! I have two male piggies (brothers, 3 years old); both get recurring bloat. The past 18 months I have been back and forth to the vets every month or two with one or the other piggies, almost always because of...
  8. Piggiemum7

    Bloating :(

    Ben has been eating drinking fine and having normal bodily functions up until this morning. I counted 13 poos in his cage from last night and since then there's only been about 3! Took him to the vet who felt around and said he felt some sort of lump or blockage (I think it's a hardened poo, he...
  9. Bethika

    Completely Confused, Poorly Piggy?

    Hey all. So I posted about my little Daisy making wheezing noises a few weeks ago. It seems it was behavioural after all and she's stopped. She now seems to have lost weight, bony spine etc. We're weighing her. She's been pulling fur our a little from her tummy and I'm worried now she might...
  10. Mishka

    Bloat - Feeling Like My Furbabies Are Cursed...

    God... So after losing Mab only a couple of weeks ago, I now have another sick pig... Last night around 3am our Pompom was making odd little grunty noises while she was eating some hay that woke me up. The bf fished her out of her cage and her sides were SO distended, it was horrifying. I gave...
  11. N

    How To Tell If A Guinea Pig Has Bloat, And What To Do?

    Hi So I've rescued two piggies recently and one of them is a lot rounder than the other. We took her to the vets a couple of weeks ago because she seemed in pain and she was put on antibiotics because the vet suspected an infection which may have caused bloating ( I must admit the vet didn't...
  12. Eduardo

    Popcorn Died Today

    Very sad situation this evening at home, our guinea pig Popcorn died very suddenly. This morning he seemed to be ok, he was eating normally like every other day along with his adoptive brother Jimmy but in the afternoon things went wrong, he was making real short whimper sounds and was not...
  13. PiggyOinkOink

    Emergency Rebecca Might Have Bloat Or Water Retention?

    I was giving Rebecca a cut and blow dry earlier and I noticed that when I would hold her up in my palm (she is a runner!), I heard what sounded like water does when it's inside a bottle and rushing to one side and making a 'plop' sound. I thought it was her squeaking to not be held but I tilted...