
  1. LunaticPoodle

    Flash bloat scare- happy end :)

    Hi y'all, sorry to bomb you with questions lately, just wanted to check if anyone had a similar thing happen to a piggy. So, lately I've been out picking grass and foraging easy plants for the piggies (adjusting their diet after one developed a f*ckload of bladder stones) and they have loved...
  2. K

    Bloat and Dried Banana's

    Hi There. Over the weekend I was visiting my sister who's roommate has 2 guinea pigs. On Friday, they were weeking at me and I gave them each about 1/3 of a dried banana chip (they were the oxbow treat kinds). I just found out that today, one of the guinea pigs had severe bloat and had to be put...
  3. piggydobz

    Bloat - anymore we can do?

    Hey Our piggie is currently on antibiotics however today he’s started bloating up like crazy. He’s had a full dose of emperid plus metcam already. We took him to the vets at half 5pm and she listened and confirm his guts were still moving, albeit bit slower than a healthy pig. She said there...
  4. H

    Gastrointestinal hypomotility and stasis !?

    Hi, I have 2 guinea pigs, Lima and Leyla. Leyla is always healthy as a fiddle, she is a very crazy guinea pig, often she can't stand in one place for a minute. But Lima, she's such a snuggly, lazy, greedy guinea pig. That wouldn't be a problem, but she's always sick, she recently overcame a...
  5. J

    E cuniculi?

    My pigs have had problems with bloat on and off for over a year now. The vets were at a loss after doing many different tests. Someone who works with animals suggested it could be E cuniculi. They haven't had any neurological symptoms just the on and off bloat. Does EC cause bloating? Worried...
  6. S

    Bloat and “Bladder Sludge”?

    My little guy Georgie who is in between a year and a half and 2 years old is soooo not feeling well. I woke in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I always speak to him when I pass his cage and he speaks back. Every time. This time he didn’t and I noticed he didn’t seem to want to...
  7. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Bloat, out of my depth!

    Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been around much these days I hope everyone’s keeping well! So I’m really worried about my Bella, she’s 6 and a half and out of the blue has decided to get bloat. No idea why. The vets near me aren’t particularly experienced and I know how dangerous bloat is so I’m...
  8. Vilde

    Dried veg for guinea pigs?

    Hey guys! Long time since i’ve posted here haha Anyway, so my piggies have been having some digestive problems lately, and one of them (Kanel) had a very serious case of bloat and GI stasis about two weeks ago now. My vet recommended me to lay off on fruit and veg for a few weeks after, and as...
  9. D

    weak leg

    this is going to be lengthy so apologies in advance 😟 my guinea pig cinnamon (5 years and 9 months) is recovering from bloat. we took him to the vets and she managed to get his bowels cleared and moving again nearly 2 days ago and gave him painkillers and fluids. i’ve been giving him pellets...
  10. Lizzieejoyce


    Hi everyone! My 5 guinea pigs seem to be a bit bloated and pear-shaped and I don't know why. I stay clear of high calcium foods regularly because of strong white wee in the past when I first rescued them so I'm really confused what's going on. I've outlined my feeding schedule below, grateful...
  11. A

    Bloat for 7months

    Hello, My guinea pig had a bad ear infection and was given two lots of antibiotics (for a period of two months) last October 2020. He was taking alongside the antibiotics cisapride, emeprid and probiotics. The bloat became obvious in February 2021 and I have been giving 3 x daily tummy...
  12. Puddles1999

    Need to rant about medicine/vets

    So Penelope recently went and got her back molars filed. Everything’s been great but her pee has started smelling weird again. She had blood in her pee 6 months ago and antibiotics cured it up. However her pee has started smelling again, suspect a uti. The vet seems concerned that there may be a...
  13. E


    Hello, My Levon was prescribed Ciprofloxacin (eye drops) to treat his watery eyes. I recently stopped giving that med and Enrofloxacin, because I noticed that his poops started getting smaller and he looked in pain. I didn’t know I had to give him probiotics to help his stomach not become upset...
  14. H

    Diet after bloat

    Hallo, how long diet my piggy need after bloat (no antibiotics)? which first food i may start feed her ? and how much of this food?
  15. H

    back legs problem

    Hallo, i have 2,5 years old guinea pig. she is recovering from bloat. She was on the verge of death. Now she looks pretty normal because vet rescue her, but she cant fully use her back legs. in the past she cant stand on legs, or she was hopping, and she couldnt "walk" on whatever distance. Now...
  16. 0

    Ongoing small poop

    Hi there, My piggy had small poos and bloat before Christmas and was given emeprid, antibiotics and paracetamol. She gave the antibiotics to shift wheezing which has previously been diagnosed as allergies she said it could be but antibiotics would help anyway with the gut. The meds worked...
  17. Jesse's pigs

    Trying something new for Steve

    So I was scrolling through buying hay for the boys when I came across this (there are a few others as well- one that helps with bladder/kidney problems, general well-being and also dental pain). I’ve never heard of it before but at this stage willing to try anything for Steve’s reoccurring...
  18. 0

    Bloat started again

    My piggy went to the vets 2 weeks ago for bloat, not pooping and low appetite, the exotic vet was fab and prescribed antibiotics, meds to help with the gut and paracetamol. He was responding really well and his pooping and eating was back to normal over Christmas until a few days ago. He’s...
  19. Jesse's pigs

    Bad bloat episode again

    what can be the causes of bloat becuase Steve keeps getting episodes of it and I feel like a crappy pig mum right now. As you know today I bonded him with his new bro and he’s still moving around etc up there pooping (albeit smaller poos),but sounds like a water balloon when I pick him up again😢...
  20. Suki&Indie

    Extreme gas

    Hi all! I have a 5 year old piggy who I recently noticed had a bit of a bulge, of course brought her straight to the vet panicking it was a tumour and was told to see how her weight goes and call back. Her weight continued to drop (about 20g a week) so I went back. She’s currently in the vets...