it is sunday morning, zoe is doing well(touching wood) the same can't be said for missy. here is a copy of the email i have sent our vet,
hello kirsten
missy had one and a half bowls of the AD and ZD mixed together and then for 21 hours ate nothing again. she hasn't even looked like she has wanted to eat.
have started to syrine feed her but feel it is stressing her out too much and she is shaking her head and most of the food is going everywhere.
you have told us missy is dying, we DON'T want missy's last memories of us to be us forcing her to eat.
so we have decided if missy won't eat then maybe it is better to let her go. it pains me to have to write that but we really DON'T want to force her to eat and upset her!
the tablets which she has had 5 now aren't seem to be helping, i know you said it could take 2 weeks for them to work.
it seems to be a pattern lately with missy, we buy or get a new food and she will eat it, give her more and she won't touch it! she did this with the coles brand cat food, woolies brand can food, chicken mince, chicken broth, raw chicken. will wait till we hear from you but we refuse to force feed her! :'( :'( :'(
we want missy to get better and to be with us for years to come but we just can't bear to force feed her and stress her out.
glad you got the photos of the cats, missy's ear is curly cause as a kitten she clawed it.
OH is trying to keep busy, as for me missy is all i can think about, thanking those of you that have been there for me.sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and girls send :-* :-* :-*