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zoe update

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Hi Mary. I'm so sorry to hear about Missy. I don't for one second believe you to be heartless and you are just thinking about all the options open to giving Missy the best. I agree with M - keep her warm and comfy with plenty of love and cuddles. I am crying whilst typing this message as I know how hard it can be to make the right decision. You know yourself what will be right for Missy and you can guarantee that whatever you decide to do, we'll all be here for you and Missy. Big :-* :-* :-* to you all.
we just got back from the vet, she agreed with us that surgery for a biopsy was not worth it and wouldn't be fair on Missy, she also agreed that chemo was out. too expensive and didn't give missy the quality of life.
so missy is on prednisolone tablets 5mg twice a day and all on a food trial where she is being fed ZD hills prescription diet.
f it is lymphomia then we may have missy for a week or six months or more, it depends on how missy goes on this tablets which she will be on for 3-4 months. if she starts to get worse or we feel she is suffering we will take her back to the vet and let her sleep forever.
these tablets are suppossed to increase appitite(sp) and drinking, and help the cat to feel 100% but it depends on how bad the disease is and as in people every cat is different. will keep you posted but it is 95% sure that missy won't be here with us for another christmas. take care and god bless you.
all we can do is pray and hope god lets missy live for a few more years yet. it is eating us up inside to even think of life without missy, it is so painful especailly so soon after losing gypsy. for now all we can do is pray. 0:) 0:) 0:)
it is sunday morning, zoe is doing well(touching wood) the same can't be said for missy. here is a copy of the email i have sent our vet,
hello kirsten
missy had one and a half bowls of the AD and ZD mixed together and then for 21 hours ate nothing again. she hasn't even looked like she has wanted to eat.
have started to syrine feed her but feel it is stressing her out too much and she is shaking her head and most of the food is going everywhere.
you have told us missy is dying, we DON'T want missy's last memories of us to be us forcing her to eat.
so we have decided if missy won't eat then maybe it is better to let her go. it pains me to have to write that but we really DON'T want to force her to eat and upset her!
the tablets which she has had 5 now aren't seem to be helping, i know you said it could take 2 weeks for them to work.
it seems to be a pattern lately with missy, we buy or get a new food and she will eat it, give her more and she won't touch it! she did this with the coles brand cat food, woolies brand can food, chicken mince, chicken broth, raw chicken. will wait till we hear from you but we refuse to force feed her! :'( :'( :'(

we want missy to get better and to be with us for years to come but we just can't bear to force feed her and stress her out.
glad you got the photos of the cats, missy's ear is curly cause as a kitten she clawed it.
OH is trying to keep busy, as for me missy is all i can think about, thanking those of you that have been there for me.sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and girls send :-* :-* :-*
i've just sat and read through this thread and one thing you are not is heartless. You seem to be putting the welfare of your cat before your human want for pets to last forever, we all want that and it's even harder when they have been a part of our lives for so long, but it sounds like you have her best interests at heart and if you, as the one seeing her not having the same quality of life anymore, have realised the hard truth that her time has come then you are acting out of great kindness to not allow her end to be prolonged. At least we can be this kind for our pets. She has a had a lovely long life with you and she will have a lovely stress free end to her time thaks to your kindness(when you decide the time is right) and will always be with you in spirit and in your memories and your heart. Bless her and you x :smitten: :smitten:
missy wouldn't eat, i sat with her and cried, ian kept himself away, he went out. after a while i tried missy again with food and she ate it, about 5 hours later tried her again and she ate that, gave her some more a few hours later and she ate half.
whether god took pity on me for my crying or whether missy did i will never know but i am just so glad she is eating. when ian got back he couldn't believe it and he cuddled missy and you could see the tears in his eyes too. we are just hoping she continues to improve for however long we have her for. thank you so much for being there and listen to me rave and rant.
you are an angel and i really appreciate it. mind you i don't blame missy not eating the vet has her on hills diet AD and ZD AD is recovery food and ZD is for food allergies. the ZD is like clay, it has no smell, it's hard to mix and frankly i don't blame missy for not eating it. i will keep you posted and while there is hope we're happy. bless you for being here for me. hugs to you to you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* and thank you tanith for your kind words. :smitten:
It's good that missy is eating and I don't blame you for not wanting to force feed her - I would feel exactly the same. Just take each day as it comes xx
Glad to hear that Missy has eaten something of her own accord...however heart-rending it is when they don't eat you are right not to want to force feed her. You're putting her welfare first as the compassionate owner you are. Just take it a step at a time.

Love to you all...people, pussycat and piggies :) :) :)
just sending love and thoughts to you, Missy and your family :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
zoe is still doing well (touching wood) missy is eating the hills AD can food about 3 quarters to 1 tin a day and she is eating the ZD dry food she gets 1 8th of a cup 4 times a day. weighed her yesterday and she was 4.2kgs and weighed her today and she was 3.8kgs. as friday is a public hoilday for anzac day it seems likely missy will be going to the vet tomorrow. will keep you posted. missy and the OH are getting on well, cuddling and what not. as a kitten i had to play the bad guy like leave the bunny alone, get of that tv, or leave the birds alone etc so now OH is the good guy and i'm the >:D go figure. thanks for everyones support, advice and well wishes, it means a lot and you are all wonderful people. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Good luck for the vets tomorrow with Missy. Glad to hear Zoe's still doing well xx
I'm glad you've had a good few days, good luck for the vets and still sending healing thoughts to you all :smitten: :)
here is a copy of the email i have just sent the vet-
dear kirsty,
we are really worried about missy now, in 2 days she has lost 1kg. on tuesday she was 4.2kgs, wednesday 3.8kgs and today 3.2kgs. by the time she sees you on saturday she will weigh less than gypsy who was 2.6kgs. and yet missy is eating the dry food and most of the can food, maybe to add to her woes she has a throid problem too? missy looks really thin and we don't know what to do to build her up. any suggestions would be appreciated. hoping there will be a missy to see you saturday with the way she is losing weight. enjoy anzac day. hope to hear from you before saturday.

so we are really hoping missy puts on weight soon. otherwise we are fighting a losing battle. will keep you posted. thanking you all for your replies. it means a lot that so many of you are wishing for missy's recovery and that you are here for us. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Mary sending healing vibes for Missy, don't have any advice to offer, just want you to know we are thinking of you. :smitten:
keeping you in our thoughts :smitten: :smitten:
Thinking of you and Missy :smitten:

So glad to hear Zoe's doing OK.

Happy Anzac day...what is Anzac Day? (Please excuse my ignorance!)
anzac day is where australians and new zealand people remember those who went to all wars. it stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers.
we have soldiers, nurses, doctors, redcross people from all wars marching, there is also a ceremony at Gallipoli where so many soldiers lost their lives.
after the march the diggers get drunk and talk about old times, friends who are no longer with us and how their lives are going now. they come from all over the world, we even have turks, greeks, germans etc marching. sadly we now have no one left from the first war.
will keep you posted on missy who goes to the vet tomorrow.
woooo hoooo, missy put on 0.2kg, not much but it is a start. she is not eating much of the hills AD can food but is still eating the ZD dry food(touching wood) her poops are now normal and not dry. have vets tomorrow, so will update then. thanks again to everyone for their prayers, thoughts and support. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
took missy and zoe to the vets this morning, zoe had put on weight she is now 9.2grams where as she was 9.1grams a month ago so any weight gain is a plus. :smitten:
will review this in 6-8 weeks and might look at slowly introducing some veggies as a treat, like one veg every 3-5 days and take it extra slow. :smitten:
for missy she has gone from 4kgs on the 18th april to 4.2kgs according to vets scales. learnt something today that we didn't know, in 2-4 weeks time the vet wants to do another ultra sound to see if the mass is the same, larger or smaller. so am now saving up for this extra expense, if mass is same or smaller she is leading towards a lympnomia (sp) so she now wants missy off the AD food and onto the ZD can food. if we want to give her treats it has to be something she has never had before. so will be looking into to this. does anyone know whether sardines are cooked? as raw fish missy is allergic too. thanks for all the replies, advice, and well wishes. they mean so much to us O0 we would like to say thank you to you all O0 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Sorry, not sure if sardines are raw or not. Good news that Missy has gained weight and Zoe is doing well :)
Hi Mary, glad to hear Zoe is OK and gaining weight!
I think tinned sardines are cooked, not raw.

I wish we had something like Anzac Day here. We have Rememberance Day on Nov 11th, but its a shame we don't do more to remember the brave people that have fought in the wars.
we have remberance day on nov 11th too but not a hoilday. zoe is still going well (touching wood) missy is eating the dry but not the can meat :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
:tickedoff: so went out yesterday and bought a $20.00 duck from woolies for her and she won't eat that either :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: and of course OH and i don't eat duck either. >:( >:( >:( but missy hasn't lost anymore weight and due to the dry food is drinking water. the vet is still happy with both of them. will keep you posted. and thanks to everyone. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
So glad to hear both Zoe and Missy are doing well Mary :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Missy stop being so fussy ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) know how you feel love, you'd do anything for those furbabies of your wont you :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Good to hear that Zoe is doing well and Missy is maintaining her weight, despite not fancying the duck! Frustrating, isn't it! I know how you feel...you try just about anything to get them eating.

Sending love from me, Daisy and Clover :smitten:
okay, zoe is still going well :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: missy is maintaining her weight, but refuses to eat the can meat :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: so OH is syringe feeding her the can food but she loves to eat the dry food. vet said she needs the can food for her kidneys. OH found a friend who eats duck so that has now gone, will just keep persisting with syringing the can meat and letting her eat the dry food. will keep you posted, also missy is being a grumble kitty and biting but vet said this is due to the medication. hugs and thanks to you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I'm glad Zoe is doing well and that you are managing to feed Missy. Keep up the good work :)
COME ON MISSY be a good putty tat and have that food :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
AWWWWWWWWWW ZOE well done little one :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
okay zoe is eating, drinking and clean bottom but she is still only on straw, hay, grass, parsley and vitamin C. missy is eating dry food, sometimes the can but usually OH syringe feeds her the can food. O0 and frankly i don't blame missy one bit, smells like cardboard and bet it tastes lile it too. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: going to take missy in next week just to weigh her. so will update then. thanks again to everyone. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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