zoe saga continues

which would be better for zoe

  • urine culture

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • more blood test

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look what i bought the girls cost me $50.00 and $69.95 for postage it is a bit less that 3 ft one side is wood the other wire so that works out good to joining them together. hoping they like it, will put jessie in the new one to stress zoe out less.
wish postage was damn cheaper :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
hoping the girls have fun it. hate buying items when the postage is dearer, it comes in kit form and you have to put it together, was it worth the money i paid or was i ripped off :o :o :o
choloe said:
okay been to the vet, for those interested wooooo hooooo zoe went from 865grams to 915grams ;D ;D ;D and missy who was on Z/D canned food the vet suggest A/D can food and she let OH syringe 5 syringes into her, so for now i am so happy i could fly to the moon O0 thank you for all who offered advice, and supported me, i know with missy it isn't over and maybe not with zoe either but for now i just want to celebrate this bit of good news :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I agree about sharing the good news, and I'm doing a "happy dance" for you.
zoe is the same, and even squeeking for food :o :o :omissy is not eating much at all around 10-20 biscuits a day, though she will alow the OH to syringe feed her around 4 times a day. she is walking around more but still wobbly in the hind legs. taking both to vet on monday to have them both weighed, so will post again then O0 :smitten:
Hi Mary! Just checking in. What a picture of Zoe! She is so adorable! Did you ever get her feet situation sorted out? Could just come from age. The vet told me to constantly clean out the cage because their feet can get irritated from urine. Ricky goes a lot, so I'm constantly cleaning out the soiled bedding. Did the vet look as Zoe's feet? Well, give Zoe and Missy big kisses from me and Ricky! We are always thinking of you all! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Hi Mary - just logging in to check up on all the poorly piggies. Zoe looks adorable in that photo! Good news that Zoe is getting better and that Zoe has gained weight. Good news as well that Missy is a bit more active and she is continuing to eat small amounts of food.
thank you for all your replies and support, it means so much to us. zoe is still eating and appears happy. O0 missy is wandering around more and allowing the OH to syringe feed her O0 still wobbly on the hind legs, losing muscle tone due to the steroids :'( :'( :'( both going to the vet tomorrow to be weighed. thanks again to everyone means so much :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
okay all, i know i said i was leaving, i just popped into to give you an update and play a few games. took both to vet, zoe went from 915grams to 945grams in a week. missy went from 4.77kgs to 4.7kgs in a week. which isn't bad considering missy's main food intake is syringe feeding. OH had to sleep in spare room last night as when he got home me and missy were asleep in bed and he couldn't get in. will keep you posyed and answer any messages i get. take care dear friends and thanks for all the support. it means so much to us all. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thats brilliant news, mary! :D :D
Hope they continue to put on weight. How old is Zoe? :)

no change to either zoe or missy, though missy is still spiteful like a tiger or lion. :o :o :o jessie's new cage came today so will put some linseed oil on the wood, let it dry and them put it together O0 hoping jessie likes it, the extra room should make her happy. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: she is on heat and is rattling and bum wobbling at zoe and zoe who is happy the barrier is up is just looking at her with a smug look on her face ;D ;D ;D will keep you posted. O0
awww Missy hope you're doing good girl :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
just asking why would you use the linseed oil love? i know what it's for as my Grandpa 0:) used it often...but for Zoe? i'm not sure..... can you check this out love please :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Let me know O0 O0 O0 O0 :smitten:
i use the linseed oil to protect the wood from widdle, have used it on all my hutches and i think the smell stops the girls from chewing the box O0 also i DID read it in a guinea pig book i bought in 1999 when we lost flash and lightning in the space of 2 days :'( :'( :'( 0:) 0:) 0:) if i look hard enough i could find that book again, but since 1999 think i have over 30 guinea pig books :o :o :o the book said linseed oil protect the wood from bacteria and thus protected the piggies from infection. petal and rosie had it and they lived to 5 years 3 months and 6 years and 21 days and thumper and bambi the bunnies had it soo and they lived for 7 years and 3 months and 5 years and 4 months. so i am guessing the linseed can't be harmful. please don't tell me the book was wrong :o :o :o many hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: get well soon duke O0
both zoe and missy are the same, missy is still wobbly on her hind legs but she is jumping around and climbing with them :o :o :o poor OH has been sleeping so much in the spare room as missy wants to sleep with me for some reason :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: missy is sitting in front of the heater at the moment and zoe is having a snooze.
will keep you posted. O0
both are still the same but now zoe is squeaking cause she is lonely in her big cage as jessie is in the new cage we got. ::) ::) ::) just can't win first when jessie is with zoe zoe has piggy panic attacks and now that jessie has her own cage (which 3ft is small) zoe is squeaking cause she is lonely, so sounds like zoe is like OH and loves things both ways ::) ::) ::) will get her a teddy tomorrow to cuddle up too tomorrow and see if that helps. O0 both are going to vets to be weighed monday so will keep you posted.
hugs to all concerned and the advice given :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
am keeping an eye on zoe as her right eye is mucky and she seems unusally quiet today, it has been very cold lately. have been bathing the eye with warm salty water. she is still eating and wastes are normal. as for missy she is like in her second kitty hood playing around, jumping, climbing, pouncing etc. taking both to the vet monday for weighing. kirsten the vet is on a weeks holiday so will if need be see someone else. will keep you posted. O0 could this be due to depression since jessie went in her new cage? please any suggestions appreciated. O0
zoe saga continues-vet visit

okay took missy the cat and zoe the piggy to the vets yesterday, zoe was 945grams and in 2 weeks she is now 972grams.
missy was 4.7kgs and in 2 weeks she is now 4.51kgs. which isn't bad considering missy is only eating 10-15 biscuits a day and is being syringe fed 4-6 times a day.
will keep you all posted on both of them. the medication is still making missy spiteful and her pupils are very big.
zoe is wheeking for food and being cheeky again. thanks for all your support.
Just catching up over the lasst few days and glad to see that Missy and Zoe are still doing well x
update on zoe and missy

as for zoe she has lost 50grams, she was 972grams and is now 925grams think it has to do with barrier down and jessie is in her own cage, so am thinking of buying a cupboard about 7-8ft long with 2 doors and turn it into a cage so the barrier is up again.
missy has put on 0.3grams she was 4.51kgs and is now 4.54kgs but then she didn't pee on the nurse this week. not bad as most of the food she gets is syringe fed.
do people think a 2 door cupboard with wire on front would work as a cage and would the barrier comming down have affected zoe's weight?
food hasn't changed except n0o swwetcorn as zoe decided she didn't want it anymore.
am open to suggestions here people. thanks in advance:rose:rose:rose
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