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zoe again what to do?

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Jan 5, 2008
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mount barker south australia australia
okay as some of you know i took down the barrier seperating her and jessie girl. besides jessie bossing her around and not letting zoe eat much zoe has returned to squeaking for no reason as though she is in pain. and yet jessie is no where near her when she squeaks. but once she is back with the barrier up she doesn't squeak at all. can anyone tell me why she is doing this? she will let out one squeak and then nothing, she doesn't continually squeak. have tried her had barrier down for 2 days she squeaked, had it up for 2 days she was quiet, have it down again now and she is squeaking. should we be concerned or just keep an eye on her? thanking you in advance. sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: she has always been like this since we got her. :-* :-* :-* she is 3 months short of being 4 years old. O0
Sorry can't help you there - it's a puzzle to me :) If she was in pain though might she continually squeak or whimper? Hope you find the cause xx
Maybe she was bossed about by Jessie one time too many and is now a little scared of her :( One of my pigs is very scared of another, and when they're in the same run together squeals if the other just steps next to her....she's not even doing anything 98)
yes this what i thought, some sort of piggy panic attack. when i got her from the petshop (south oz have no rescues) she was alone. she use to squeak like this when choloe was alive too. yet when the barrier is up they both lie next too it trying to cuddle up to each other. wonder if there is a piggy shrink 98) 98) 98) have put the barrier back up, no more squeaking and they are laying on either side of it trying to cuddle up, it is just too weird for me. 98)
Oh dear, not sure what to suggest. Do they have separate sleeping areas/houses when they're in together? Mine are ok together but like to have their own little space.
there is two of everything including a bedroom at each end of the cage, 2 food bowls, 2 pellet bowls, 2 water bottles, 2 hay racks. think guinea pigs should come with a manual or translater. O0 can just picture zoe laying on a couch squeaking to a shrink ;D ;D ;D is their some piggy behaviourist in the UK or website? for now will leave them with barrier up. will try and work out what is the cause. thanks to all who replied. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
okay it has been 12 hours with the barrier up and no squeaking, and both are laying by the barrier trying to get as close to each other as possible. 98) have no idea what to do ? so am going to make cage bigger and try again if this doesn't work think i will get jessie a friend and just let zoe look at them through the barrier with lots of cuddles from OH and myself. unless anyone has any other suggestions? hugs to all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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